

Fifty thousand years in the past the magical beasts and few other races started a war with humanity. After this war has ended the humanity lost and they were cursed all cursed. Humans now had weak souls and every living being could enslave them if they had the human's name and the human was younger than fifteen.

Fifty thousand years after the war in the home of the Li family a little baby boy was born. A woman looked at her child that came out of her a few moments ago. She kept smiling at this little boy. "Dear, what do you want to call our son?" Husband asked of his wife. She smiled and replied softly, "Let's call him Rin" The man smiled, "Then from this day on, our child's name is Li Rin." The parents looked at the little boy lovingly.

For the next four years, the boy lived with his parents and each day was very fulfilling for the small child. One day after four years a childish voice called out, "Mother," A little boy of four years old shouted out looking at his mother from a distance. He quickly ran to his mother and jumped into her embrace as he started giggling. The woman held the boy in her arms with a smile, "Don't run around Rin'er" The boy giggled more.

She smiled, "Let's go back." The boy nodded his head happily as he stared at his mother with a smile.

The two returned back to their house and a little boy sat at the table. "Mother I am hungry" Boy called out. She with a smile brought the food to the table, "Eat slowly, it's hot." She said with care in her voice. The boy nodded his head and started eating the meal before him.

Before he could take a single bite door was knocked opened and the middle-aged man ran in. He looked at the woman and the child, "We are leaving now!"

The woman looked at the man and frowned, "What are you talking about? Why is your breathing so ragged?" The man roared, "We are leaving now!"

A boy covered his ears as he looked at his father. The woman looked at their son, "You are scaring Rin'er" The man continued roaring, "Stop talking and come with me now!"

Before the woman could speak another word a voice came before the man, "There is a child here!" With the words, three people walked inside the room. There were three men that walked inside the house. The woman frowned "Who are you?" She asked with a frown. One of the men moved and with a clasped with impaled the woman. The other men moved towards the man and killed him. The boy stared with opened eyes as his parents dropped dead. He called out, "Mother? Father?"

The man that didn't move spoke, "Grab the boy." The two nodded and they strode towards the child. The boy ran to his mother and he started shaking her body as he called out to her, "Mother, mother." At this time two men approached him and grabbed the boy.

The boy was pulled away from his mother and he shouted, "Mother! Mother!" The men pulled out the boy as he screamed for his mother. The man that commanded they boy taken away frowned, "He is too loud knock him out." One of the men nodded and hit the child on his neck and the child blacked out and silence ensued in the house.

The men that ordered the others walked out of the house and looked around as his men killed the adults. The man looked and asked in a loud voice, "Any children?" The men all shook their heads. He glanced at the boy in one of his men's arms and he thought, "So this brat is the only one? Well, no matter."

When the boy opened his eyes memories flashed back in his mind. He called out softly, "Mother, father."

"You are wake up." A voice came from the distance. The boy raised his eyes and met with the eyes of a strange looking man. The man had a tail and he spoke, "Follow me, brat." The boy looked at this man not moving. The man roared, "I said follow me you brat"

The man's voice made the boy shake and he quickly stood up and walked up to the man. The boy followed the man as he was led to a new room.

"You are here?" A voice sounded. The boy looked at the source of the voice. He recognised this man as one of the people that were in his house. The man looking at the boy asked with a smile, "Your name, boy."Boy's eyes flashed and he didn't say anything. He recalled that his mother once said that he shouldn't speak his name to anyone. The boy shook his head.

The man stood up from his seat and walked up to the boy and with his foot kicked his stomach. The boy was sent flying through the air. The boy coughed out blood and fell to the ground and the man repeated, "What is your name." The boy shook his head as he coughed out blood.

The man coldly looked at the boy and with his foot kicked his stomach and kept kicking and kicking. After three hits boy spoke, "My name is Li Rin." The man smiled, "You are mine."

"Stand" Man commanded as he looked at the boy. The boy stood up robotically. The man grinned, "Very good Li Rin. How old are you?" The boy replied robotically, "I am four." The man nodded his head, "I see, in the next three years you will be trained and after that, I will send you to do some work" The man laughed with meaning.

The boy looked at this man not understanding what he meant but he didn't care. The only thought on his mind now was revenge. He by now realised that his parents were killed and the one responsible was the man standing before him. Li Rin wanted nothing but kill the man standing before him and two men that were directly responsible. The child glared at the man that attacked him and the one that ordered men to kill his parents. He memorised the man's facial structure his features. The man that Li RIn looked at had a long tail, teeth sticking out of his mouth, a scar across his cheek, black hair, black beard and a body of a human.

The man said,"What's that look for, kneel on the ground," The boy kneeled down not having any other choice. The man looked at the other men in the room, "Teach him how to cultivate when he reaches the first realm of cultivation bring him before me." Men looked at his men and bellowed, "What are you waiting for, do it now!"

One of the men rushed at the boy and spoke, "Come with me," Li Rin glared at this man and he didn't budge. The man repeated, "Come with me now." The boy glared and didn't move. He looked at the man and recalling one time when his father was angry at a person from the village repeated the words, "Screw you!"

The leader of the men roared into laughter, "It seems the brat has a backbone. He will make a good underling." He glanced at the boy and commanded, "Listen to the orders of my men, Li Rin."

The man bowed his head and spoke, "Follow me Li Rin." The boy frowned and he sensed his body moving on its own. The boy against his wishes followed after the man.