
Chapter 2 Born into Slavery

"AHHHHHH" a woman screamed in a bed of straw as she went through the pains of labor the pen that she was in was crowded with other pregnant people in the various stages of pregnancy.

"So it's your turn eh B55471 it's been about five months since you were placed in here figures the drugs to rush pregnancy are working well on you now." The woman looked down on the kitsune with undisguised disgust on her face as she placed a boot on the beast's lady part and stomped it a few times before yelling for a male slave specifically a mousekin to put her on a cart and take her to the delivery room where the child will be born and numbered.

The letters and numbers were the status and identification of the slaves in what station they are meant for since their capture or their birth.

The numbers are given in the first year of life for the slaves and are assigned their stations in life as well. The numbering system is identified by the majority of slave guilds on the continent, and an enchanted item which is continuously updated in each region is used to determine the slave. The slave will then be identified on the station and number they are assigned.

B is for the breeders, and so far for Saki, she was the fifty-five thousand four hundred and seventy-one breeders recruited into the slave pens. While the H is for the housekeepers of the facility, they were tasked with the care and helping of the slave masters and the slaves in whatever form is required. While the BS are battle slaves and are used for fodder or as bodyguards pending.

"Take her to delivery room 5 and let the healer know that she will have no less than four weeks of unassaulted sex before she is to be breed again and sent back to the pens and that is by my orders if there are any trouble send them my way do you understand me H052651." The mousekin acknowledged the orders of the breeding pins mistress with a submissive bow.

No slave less there were battle slaves, or pleasure slaves are allowed to wear clothes of any kind, and when winter comes, they were placed into warm environments but to the slaves staying in the cold was almost preferable because when they are inside it was so cramped that fatalities were quite high.

It should be mentioned that most of the males in the pins were castrated to avoid cross-breeding of prized stocks the only ones to breed with the breeders were battle slaves that are so drugged or beaten into submission or just mind controlled that escape or even freedom was an unknown concept to them.

Battle slaves were either female or male but if they come in female form their duties were twofold one was to please their male masters or female mistress's and thus were also trained in the arts of seduction. As well as fighting but to prevent unauthorized births, they were given a drug at an early age, the sterilizes them for life.

"Hang in their Saki you are almost there." This was Saki's tenth delivery she is considered one of the best breeding materials in the camp since she tends to give birth to twins or triplets, but the slave H052651 was known for his gentle nature to the expectant mothers as Tender.

"Thank... you Tender, but please just kill me. I can't take another birthing session and have my children taken from me. I don't think I can take another I rather be sterile after this then being treated like an animal." She wasn't joking none of the women from the pins were very few of them was new blood, and the more experienced women tried to encourage them to hang on doing the first few times.

They were in a human encampment that serviced and sold many of the beast races that was a couple of miles away from a large trading town of Whitmore.

"I am sorry Saki if I do that then I will be sent to the mines and I can't I just can't take a life it just isn't in me to do so. But we are here now." After crossing the numerous robed figures and several battle slaves that guard the delivery rooms and breeding pins were loud moans, and slapping sounds could be heard all this was being carefully watched and checked by the human overlords to ensure fertility and the protection of the beast women.

"What is it you want H052651." A human was standing in front of the delivery room totally ignoring the writhing woman on the gurney as she holds in the screams. For long years of experience, the quickest way to get punished was to yell even in pain the masters will tolerate a grunt or a whimper, but if you shout no matter what happened that caused you to disturb them severe punishments were given.

There were a few exceptions one being in combat the next being in labor like Saki was and the mousekin was nervous as he had orders to deliver her to the delivery room for her child.

"The breeding pens mistress has ordered me to deliver this kitsune slave to delivery room 5 for child birthing." He hated uttering those words they were so demeaning but if a slave was to name another slave whips were the least of their concerns. The humans try to degrade and beat down any rebellious attitudes they can while enhancing the cost of the slave as much as they can while keeping some intelligence in their servants and it's working.

For every generation the newborn slaves are treated to submissive training for their owners and its slowly eroding any free will they once had in them.

"Understood bring" at this he looked at her left arm to see the number located their all the while squeezing her right breast hard enough that a squirt of milk was launched from her nipple onto his arm. With an evil chuckle, he continued. "Bring slave B55471 to delivery room 5 it's down the hall seventh room to the right then find healer Thomas he should be in the experimentation room you should know where that is by now."

The mousekin and the kitsune shuddered visibly shuddered upon hearing experimentation room. That room was considered do all you can to avoid no matter what the fact he had to enter it visibly filled him with dread.

With the direction done he delivered Saki to the room and once again apologized to the kitsune for any rough handling that was done.

Upon nearing the door, he took a quick look around upon confirming with his sight and smell that no one was around he cast a spell that fortified his mind from the sights and sounds he was about to hear. This was to save himself from the horror he was about to experience.

While healer Thomas can be a healer, he was also a cruel, sadistic bastard who enjoyed torturing his charges, so his title as healer was a misnomer to set the hearts of the new mothers at ease till they see him in the room that the veteran slaves call torture room.

Upon opening the door, the first thing that Tender saw was really nothing but what he smelled was far worse blood, bile, and shit permeated the room it was so thick that it was a visible wave in some areas of the room.

As he entered the room, a light turned on a new invention to the kingdom of Agra, that sensed movement and a core from a monster turned on to produce light upon detecting the action of anyone and thus installed by the slaves across the compound.

When he reached the rows of glass jars the shuddering, and revolting sights were made themselves apparent. Small objects in various sizes were in liquid-filled jars Tender knew well what they were he had a hand in putting some of the unfortunate creatures in them and it caused him to whimper in shame and hate at his masters. Children small unborn children that were experimented on to make more compliable slaves to better soldiers before their birth was placed in these jars some were freaks with small heads and large bodies others had misshapen hands and large grotesque arms. But it wasn't just bodies; there were organs and parts such as ears, eyes, tongues, and others were in each container; all of them were from the various beastkins.

A scream was heard deep in the chamber and Tender really really wanted to turn around and leave but if he failed to tell Thomas about a child was on the way he might be placed in one of the jars if he failed. He was so sick of feeling powerless and seeing his friends suffer he had to endure for sixty years now, and his father saw there once great kingdom fall to ruin.

When he was a babe, but his father was caught soon after and sent to be a miner while he was raised to help out in the breeding pens and experimented on from time to time along with the other newborns and pregnant women that was how the potion for accelerated pregnancy was created but at the cost of a few hundred beastkin.

A person turned around the corner but stopped as he noticed Tender in was in the same room. He was holding onto a leg, and the head of a catkin and his clothes are covered in his blood; this person was known as Healer Thomas better known as the 'vampire' to the humans was in a blood-drunk state as he smiled at the mousekin.

"Slave H052651 what brings you into my lab of healing." The mouse shuddered not in fear but in rage as the man threw the head of a friend he had known for forty years as if he didn't matter at all but decided to push down the feeling of anger before it showed itself.

"The mistress of the breeding pens has told me to let you know that slave B55471 is in labor and needs you to help in the delivery of the children that are expected to be born soon. She is currently in delivery room 5 master healer. The mistress also mentioned that slave B55471 is to have at least four weeks of unassaulted sexual attention doing those four weeks."

This was met with a broad smile and a joyous laugh from the human as he cackled about new test subjects being born. Shortly he was ready, and I lead him to Saki who was now howling in pain indicating the cubs were being birthed while I might not be able to save her.

I will do the best I can to spare the cubs this was my quest now, and soon a prompt indicated that this will be completed or I will die before they can be branded as slaves. With firm resolve, he opened the door to the screaming woman.

P.O.V Saki

The pain was my world now, and somehow it felt far worse than the past births that I have experienced my tails were matted with sweat my once blond fur were highlighted with grey in them.

I wasn't that old for my race I just got to be five hundred winters while my species pending on the number of tails we have can be anywhere from 10 to nine hundred years of age. I had five when the invasion of Tespein started I was a soldier in the army an officer, and now they had cut off four of my tails leaving me with the one I will never be able to regrow those tails again but since my race can have up to nine.

I knew I will be able to have a few more before they too will be removed and used for whatever sick need a human uses the tails for. The tails are essential for us to Kitsunes as the symbolize status in our society, and if we lose them all we are dead that is why I only had the one-two tails now, and even then it will soon be removed.

The pain was getting worse now the cubs, and I knew they were cubs were kicking with more fervor than before trying to get out, and the pain that their little paws were doing to me was horrible to endure.

Soon the door opened, and the man that she fears walked in with a huge smile plastered on his face and following him was the mousekin who was carrying the needed materials to help the birth process speed up.

"Hello, I see we meet again it's been what eight months since the last time I am ecstatic that the potion worked so well the company will need to start selling it soon to the other breeding pens." Healer Thomas chuckled.

"Well, let us begin shall we slave H052651 help me in propping her up with a few pillows. I should not mention that you don't need to worry about her legs seeing she has no legs as a breeder doesn't need to move anywhere after all." He took a dark delight in chopping off the legs of the breeding slaves, and every one of them is legless upon being a breeder.

When they aren't needed to breed anymore well even he shudders of what happens to them they become feed for their fellow slaves was a bit too much even for him. In the form of gruel mashed up, meat very few knew about this since if the slaves found out regardless of punishment they will revolt and he would hardly blame them while he takes his sadistic tendency as a hobby he drawls the line with cannibalism.

Saki was trying to endure the rising panic she was feeling while also dealing with the pain as the cubs were turning madly."Well let's get started drink this now breeder this is a with a plant that kills pain you do not want to be screaming at what I am about to do." With this, he forced a potion into my mouth and forced me to drink it was disgustingly mint flavored.

"Get me my knives slave we need to get the newborn slaves and future test subjects out of her." I was in a daze now and comfortably numbed to the pain while Tender was holding a blanket the person was moving his knives over where my womb is located at.

Pov Change unborn child

Dark so very dark and cramped as well why is it so narrow here I vaguely remember open skies and a bright star and a kitsune with ten tails. Huh, wonder what happened to that goddess but it quickly left my mind for more important concerns. Who am I, why do I have these memories of a soldier what exactly are they, I remember so little now just a great discomfort in the form of memories as if they aren't that relevant to me anymore but still a part of me in either case.

Wait I felt movement on my right side maybe if I move more to the left does that mean I get more space to myself. Alright, let's try it. Move to the right only to be met with another thing then I went down just to met with another and the same with the top. What is going on, so I forced myself to go down which disturbed the others in this confined place it didn't take long for a ray of what I assume to be light to be opened from the surface and a loud screaming voice that it made me whimper.

A giant thing came down upon one of the occupants releasing some of the pressure, but this only made me whimper loudly and dug deeper into the recesses of the darkness where it was comfortable, and I wasn't the only one either the other two were doing the same as well. But it didn't matter the giant monster was descending to grab another this one didn't leave without struggling a little and then it seemed like a voice of God fell upon us all which caused me to look into the light which was a big, big mistake.

It didn't take long for it to be my turn, but I turned around and showed my pitiful canine teeth which gave amusement to the being as it toyed with me a bit before just grabbing me and lifting me up only to place me in the arms of another. Which was fiercely bit by my missing teeth which amused the person as he gently wrapped me up.

POV Tender

"HAHAHA this one is fierce it's looking at me and bearing its teeth this will make a great soldier get me a tag slave we need to mark this little one before the fools in station do something to change this one's fate." For the next few minutes heedless of the amount of blood being lost on my friend Saki he just toyed with the young kitsune who was buried deep in the womb before he remembered he had to stitch her up and cast a tier four spell for blood regeneration which would rapidly increase blood creation to replace the missing amount.

"Oh well he takes this one and it to the mother I need to stitch this bitch up before she dies to blood loss. Also, mark down she should be good to breed again in three weeks; this should make the mistress of the pens happy." I stared at the man who handed me the last pup who was fiercely trying to bite me as if I had offended it somehow it just brought a smile to me when I checked its sex and nodded as it was a female.

I leaned down to the mother who was starting to have glassy eyes and whispered her name and say she had a daughter this barely got a response from her as if she is protecting her mind from the fact that soon her children will be taken from her once more. She wasn't wrong either this slaveholding area is mostly for the breeding of children and a small part is the selling of slaves.

The raising and training of slaves are done somewhere else that no one knew in the pens, but the humans in charge like Thomas would know of its location.

When he placed the young cubs in the cradle, they were so innocent and adorable like the hundreds of others that he has held before, but these were special he could feel it in his bones like a voice was speaking to him that they can change their fates.

He never knew freedom and quite honestly from what he was about to do scared him to death he never experienced such a thing, and he had every intention to bring the children along.