
Chapter PoV Listric

Vailein recently gave a short surprise visit to us. With him he brought a Humvee that he can't get running. Inside the Humvee are all kind of items that cannot be shown to just anyone. With the help of the Pokemon now on our grounds I manage to build a solid metallic basement below both our houses. The metal I used was the weird mixture that Vailein pointed out blocks energy scans so it is a safe place. There I slowly unpack everything.

Since I was an electrical engineer before I lost my arm it is a piece of cake to recognize a super large generator. I assemble the darn generator but it takes me well over a month to do so. The generator seems to use electric attacks of Pokemon to charge itself, ingenious! Though this size generator seems to need 80-100 electrical Pokemon of advanced stage to give full power. I should be able to buy those Pokemon if I need them. Let's first see the other bags.

First few seem to be clothes and clothes and clothes. Then comes a lot of raw materials and finally I find another few of interest, data servers. The servers seem to be labeled so they can be easily put together again, which I happily do. When I connect them to the power sources we have spread over our grounds we notice that they are rapidly draining. With no other options I have to shut down the servers again till I gain more power.

I get the idea that selling the generator might be a good idea but since it is not mine I cannot. So all I can do is to slowly increase the amount of solar generators we have. Over the following 6 months we finally have sufficient power to boot the servers completely. Once they are on, all kinds of holographic screens show up to display data. The largest screen present lets me search for data I want to read. I do look up the design of the Humvee and find out that all it needs to start is an electrical attack, or just charge it by plugging it in, just like a phone. I'm someone who enjoys building all kinds of devices, now with the help of these servers I can create vehicles that none thought possible.

I use my tablet to find out how motorbikes are made in our day and age. They are basically the same as 100 years ago. Well I guess I am going to change that. With the help of Vaileins old smithy molding metal is easy. So I build a frame, then I redesign the entire engine with in my opinion the best of both worlds. Our world's bikes are more durable but the other world's bikes are more flexible and adaptable. So I take the metal mixture of our world and the basic frame. Then I built the engine and wheels in accordance with the Pokemon home world. The wheels are only needed to gain speed up to 20km/h. Finally I apply the battery idea that is also present in the Humvee. Coating the battery in a solar panel is ingenious if I do say so myself. A Pokemon electric attack will give the battery charge an extra boost still, but standing still and waiting will slowly recharge it now as well. Best part about this bike is, it can be capsuled in a thumb size container, if you take the battery out.

I created a frame but now I need the software to actually make it happen. I call up the guy that helps us with the software around the playground but he is too busy. In the end I go to our flat and ask if they know anyone there knows someone that can code on computers. They point us to a pretty rundown apartment. Once I knock, the door is opened quickly. Inside the rundown apartment are 20 kids that look horrible, the place also smells horrible. Each of the kids are skinny and have a computer in front of them rapidly tapping away on the keyboards in front of them. After a bit of negotiating I hire them for a month for 1000 Poké a person. They come to the playground and my wife takes away their laptops and forces them to take a bath. She washes their clothes and now they look like proper kids of 12 years old. It is a surprise though that 7 out of the 10 are girls. The leading girl is 14 years old and introduces herself as Sarah. Now that there is no one in their apartment a few 100 kids that live in our flats enter the place and start cleaning it, without their or our knowledge. The kids are way better with computers than I expected. Within a week they built software to make my bike work.

After thinking about it I can see this bike used in the cities or out of them maybe I should make different types? With the help of those 10 kids we create 4 bikes. The first bike has 3 modes: cruise mode, runaway mode and short travel mode. In cruise mode the bike goes up to 150km/h and one battery will last for 10 weeks if continuous use. In runaway mode it can go up to 1500km/h but only lasts 1 hour. In short travel mode it can go up to 500km/h for 1 week continuous driving. The remaining bikes just have a single mode of the aforementioned ones. I suggest that the kids fix up their apartment and make it a small company for software problems. I even want to help them for a 10% stock in the company. To which they accept. My wife and I pull in, Hans and Dora, Mavs parents to get the management going. They never have been introduced yet? Oh that's weird, don't forget to find their descriptions in the auxiliary chapters!

having some issues with what I should write and I have a vacation comming up soon, so I might release slower then before

vaileincreators' thoughts
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