
Worlds Dungeon

[System Startup] [Rebooting] [3] [2] [1] [World Render Complete]

eli2746 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


"Reality is only a figment of one's perceived perspective"


The world as we knew it was about to change.

Our way of life as we had known it was about to be flipped upside down.

Terrors and Creatures of myth.

We weren't ready for what was to come.

If only I knew.

Maybe I wouldn't have become…


"SAM" a female voice shouts "Sam wait up" she pesters.

"Eehhh" he responds "It's so early for that" he continues in a slightly annoyed tone.

"You think it's cute," she says in a playful but seductive tone as her eyes light up.

She crosses her arms.

"Umm?" "Uhh!?" "That's not the point" Sam says as he blushes with a smile.

Katelyn smiles at him.

She starts running ahead as if she was playing a game or teasing at him. All the while constantly looking back as if she's waiting for Sam to chase her.

As she stays within close distance but just out of reach, a beam of light shines directly onto Sam.

A yellow glowing panel shows up right in front of him; it reads

[System Notification]

"You have been selected to participate in the tutorial dungeon"

"Teleporting to dungeon in three seconds"



Sam reaches out to Katelyn as both appear to be in shock.

They both squint at the glistening white light, "KATE!" Sam shouts.


As Katelyn yells out to Sam in an inaudible voice she starts to change direction; now running towards him.

Sam can only make out a dark figure in the light.

He reaches out as if grasping onto thin air.



"Teleporting To Tutorial"

In a split second everything is dark.

Despite his surroundings being pitch black, Sam looks down to notice that his hands, feet, and body are all clearly visible.

He wonders about the white light and the system that brought him here.

"I hope Kate is okay," he says quietly.


"Players chosen"

"Assigning leveling system"

A bright light shoots up into the air as it surrounds him.

"Leveling system granted"

Sam shouts "Hey where am I?!" in a curious tone"

"Now assigning class" the System continues.

"Healer class assigned"

A transparent yellow panel pops up in Sam's visual.

It clearly displays his status and attributes along with his class.

"Assigning weapon" the System confirms.

"Short sword assigned"

A yellow object forms in the palm of Sam's right hand.

Lit with a soft glow of a pale yellow the object slowly shapes into what appears to be a short sword.

Sam worries at the appearance of a weapon as he has never had to use such a tool in any regard.

"Randomizing skills" the System notifies.

"Skills chosen"

Sam sees that a separate column had just appeared showing three skills.

[Heal] Basic skill in which the user consumes mana in order to heal players.

[Wide Slash] Common Skill in which the user performs a horizontal slash damaging multiple enemies within range.

[Unknown] Unknown… Prerequisites Required …


"Error detected"


A white light suddenly shines upon Sam, the light appears to be scanning his figure from top to bottom.

"Error cannot be verified"


Sam wonders where he is and about the mysterious entity named the System.

He Sees the Unknown Skill and begins to contemplate why he received a skill he doesn't have the requirements for.

"In games aren't you supposed to start out with beginner abilities" He thinks to himself. "So why did I receive this" he continues.

Although being in a mysterious and possibly dangerous place Sam can't help but feel partially excited.

He grew up playing MMORPGS and reading Light novels based around Isekai and Fantasy.

What's not to be excited for, he wonders to himself.

He had been searching for adventure his entire life and maybe this was his chance for his life to finally mean something.

But these thoughts were only a figment of denial.

He thought about his home, his family, and he wondered if Katelyn was okay as she was near the burst of light.

"I might not have been the only one taken?" He wonders.


"Tutorial dungeon loading"

In only a seconds notice a white beam of light covers Sam.

"Teleporting to new area" the System notifies.

The white beam surrounds Sam as a ringing sound cuts through the air.

A continuous sound of ambient atmosphere plucks around him.

The sound continues to get louder and louder and then...


Complete silence.