
Worlds Demonic Battlefront

Before, it was a peaceful earth. There were no powers. No one was special. There were no conflicts. Maybe besides a few wars here and there. Then it was opened. Demons came into our world. We fought back. We weren’t enough. Until the first person to awaken their manifest came forward. Its been over a hundred years since this war began. That is where we meet our main character, Konpeki Seiryu, who’s parents sacrificed themselves for him. With his “unknown” manifest, will he be able to drive the demons back? Or will inner conflict disrupt his journey?

Saul_Omen · Action
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Volume 1, Chapter 2 - "Friendly Altercation"

That death stare the male student was giving me gave me a chill in the back.

I'm not sure why but I usually don't get it.

"Ya know, sticking your hand in a woman's private area without their consent is breaking courtesy rules."

"Mind your own business if you don't wanna end in the hospital."

"I'm sure we could talk it off like the civilized people we are right?"

"What are you talking about?"

That guy jerked his arm away from my grip pretty easily.

I should be careful of who I interact with at the Academy.

There could be some problematic situations.

He took a good look at me and probably decided that it'd be a waste of time dealing with someone like me.

"Whatever, don't show your face around me."

He turned and left.

And there we go.

We settled things just like—

And I dodged him swinging his arm at my head.

Like anything could get any worse, the girl was in the middle of all of this and he initiated a fight.


I didn't want anything like this happening but I've got to play along.


Salamanders, fiery lizards that engulf everything in flames.

Manifesters that manifested the Salamander's power are usually considered one of the most powerful manifesters.

They usually aren't affected by physical attacks.

Any physical thing will pass right through them.

In other words.

He became one with the flame.

All I could see were flames emanating from his entire body.

And things were getting pretty heated up fast.

"Hey man I don't wanna fight you!"

"Shut your mouth."

He threw a punch and his right fist was already at the front of my face.

I managed to narrowly dodge the attack by sidestepping.


Manifesting this ability, I was able to dodge his attacks in case you didn't know.

It granted me the ability to see 5 seconds into the future.

To be honest, I don't know the full extent of this ability.

I countered by grabbing his arm but failed.

To be honest, I'm not sure why I even attempted to in the first place.

Trying to grab him was a mistake since he burned my hand a bit.

It'll heal in no time.

But it looks like I made him frustrated.

"Huh. How did you dodge those attacks? No one like you could dodge them."

"By looking at you."

"Don't fuck with me. I know you did something!"


Me and the student were stunned by a sudden flash of lightning.

My eyes were temporarily blinded by the flash of lightning.

By the time I recovered my eyesight, there was a woman standing at the entrance of the space.

"What are you boys doing fighting on orientation day?"

I don't think that either of us can answer that question so we just stayed quiet surprisingly enough.

The student retracted his manifest and returned to normal.

The woman had white hair and was wearing a sort of witch inspired outfit, with the color pallete being purple and gray.

If you were also here, you would see her as a beauty.

"Hmm? Fujiwara Suisei? What are you doing here with these boys?

"Ah I got caught in their little skirmish"

Wow, she made up an excuse pretty fast.

Fujiwara Suisei had dark blue hair with some purple streaks and was wearing the academy uniform.

She had a childish looking face, but I could tell that she was mature on the inside.

"Oh well, I'll disregard the fact that any of this happened since its Orientation day. Speaking of orientation, it will start pretty soon so I recommend you all go to the main building. Especially you Suisei."

We all nodded and left for orientation.

The male student who I was in a skirmish with was, Ryudou Shinji.

He had black hair and was just a little taller than me.

His face, which was the most distinguishable feature about him, was sly looking.

Yeah, he does look like a Shinji to me.

He split off from us which was probably for the best since I have no intention of fighting him again.

I turned to Suisei who was quietly walking beside me.

I have to say, she certainly is beautiful.

"Thank you for helping me, I appreciate it. I'm sorry for the trouble I got you in."

She was apologizing?

If anyone should be apologizing it should be Shinji but i think it would make her feel better if I accepted it.

"Don't worry about it. Any good natured person would have done the same thing I did."

We arrived at the main building where tons of students and familiars were gathered.

Familiars were beasts who were summoned by the power of the manifest.

We would all eventually discover what familiar we would summon.

With orientation starting, Suisei had to separate.

I eventually met up with Dai and told him what happened while we were waiting for the headmaster to walk onstage.

"Seriously? Dude I wish I was there too. I coulda helped ya."

"I think the outcome would have been the same regardless. Also where did you head off to?"

"Oh. Yea. I went to get our division roster. It would have information of which division we would be a part of and that would be our class for the next 5 years."

"I see. So which division are we in?"

"Well, luckily we were put in the same division that being called the Scorndragon Division."

"Scorndragon? I thought it'd be something called the Swordsman Division."

"No, that's not the case. They named it after a noble family. I don't know the details."

It was then our conversation was interrupted by the lights dimming.

The headmaster was finally here.

And i could not believe who was actually the headmaster.


That witch woman who stopped the fight between me and Shinji.

Who would have thought that the headmaster was the one who stopped us.


Her gaze met mine as she said that.

I think she sees potential in me or something.

I shouldn't dwell too much on that for too long.



She was the student council president?

I was choking on some water I was drinking when she said that.

Dai had to pat my back so I could regain composure.

To think Suisei was the student council president.

Suddenly a blue haired girl came up the stage and introduced herself and started her speech.

A lot of voices could be heard in response to her name being called out.

"Man she really is as beautiful as they say!" or "OMG! I can't believe that girl is getting all the attention."

I probably over exaggerated the second one though.

It was pretty funny.

The speech was basically like any other generic speech for newcomers.

One thing about the speech caught my attention and it was the drafting of the 1st years.

The 1st years were only to be drafted if defenses were breached.

That hardly was the case for the past 100 years I've read, but there was one 7 years ago.

That, I will not talk about.

Suisei talked about some other minor topics but the speech was actually not too long.

It was over as soon as it started, but everyone in the room heard everything.

And with that, orientation was over.

(4 hours later)

I was exhausted.

I wanted to jump in my bed the second I got home and sleep.

But that was a delusion that clouded my mind as I was snapped back to reality by the sudden smack on the head by Dai.

"Dude, you okay man?"

"Yea i'm good. It's just that I'm just drained of my energy. It was probably from that fight I told you about."

"I thought your eyes didn't consume your energy?"

"That was what I had in mind as well."

A car passed by us but stopped a little ways from us.

The person who came out of the car was none other than Fujiwara Suisei.

Why would she want to stop here?


"Hello Seiryu. How's your evening?"

"Oh Fujiwara, hello. Didn't know you also lived in this direction."

"How's your hand? It was burned during your fight with Shinji."

"My hand is alright. It'll heal with time.

"Well then let me do the honor then."

She held out her hand for mines and took a hold of it.

[Cosmic Healing]

She used her manifest to heal the burn on my hand.

Her manifest is interesting.

I wonder which manifest she awakened.

When the healing was done, the burns were gone.

To be honest it felt good with the burning sensation dissipating.

"Thank you for helping me. When our car passed you and your friend, I noticed that your hand was not looking good so I stopped to heal it."

"Thank you, you didn't have to."

"Oh no, it was the least I could do."

While all this was happening, Dai was just watching all of this unfold and gave me some suspicious looks.

Fujiwara's driver signaled her it was getting late.

"Oh well, I'm afraid I have to leave, but we'll see eachother at the academy."

And with that, she was gone.


Didn't expect these events to happen in one day.

"Dude, you should totally ask her out."

"What are you talking about, I don't know her like that, plus I just met her today."

Dai split his way as he lived in another direction.

When I got home, I made a beeline for my bed, ignoring Sagiri welcoming me home.

I'm sorry, Sagiri, but I'm pretty tired.

I promise I'll make it up to you by making your favorite dish.

(Konpeki Seiryu's dream)

It was dark.

I couldn't see.

I kept walking forward hoping to encounter something.

Then, I saw a bright light.

I went towards it.

I shouldn't have.

An all too familiar memory this dream was.

7 years ago, there was a battle.

Some demons manage to sneak past all of the troops.

The defenses were breached and the city was attacked.

Many innocent lives were lost that day.

Two of them being my parents.

A demon broke into the house and attacked me and a friend who was over to play.

My parents were at their posts so they didn't know a demon broke into their home.

Luckily Sagiri was out with a family friend shopping.

She was three years old at the time.

I was nine.

I should have been with them but I told the family friend that me and my friend were going to stay in the house.

Me and my friend hid in my bedroom closet.

It was a bit before the demon decided to turn and leave.

My bedroom closet hadn't been cleaned in a while causing me to sneeze and grab the attention of the demon.

When the demon opened the closet, we bolted out there as fast as we could.

Unfortunately, the demon caught up to me in an instant and grabbed me by the throat.

It spoke in an unfamiliar language.

My friend quickly smacked the back of the demon's head in time, losing its grip on me before it could impale me with its claw.

I made a run for it but it was going to attack my friend.

Like the good nature kid I was, I quickly pushed her away and took the full force of the attack by the demon leaving 3 claw marks on the front of my body.

I thought that I was going to die at that moment until my parents arrived at the scene.

My mother was a healer who could heal any wound while my father was a master swordsman who could cut steel.

They were the ultimate duo on the battlefield.

My mother quickly healed my wounds and took me and my friend away from the demon while my father fought it off.

After my mom found where Sagiri was, she put me in the care of the family friend who was with Sagiri.

It was later that I found out that both my parents had died.

I was in disbelief when I heard the news and cried my eyes out.

Then I was told that it was the very same demon who gave me my scar that killed my parents.

It was one of the 72 Demon Kings but they didn't tell me which one of them it was.

I vowed to get revenge for my parents.


If i hadn't sneezed, then maybe things would have been different.

My parents would have probably been alive.

(Real World)



An all too familiar sound to wake up to.

I woke up in a sweat.

I should probably take a shower.

I don't want other students at the academy to think I don't have proper hygiene