
Worldly Overlord

There are three worlds in the universe, The mortal world, the Underground world, and the Demon world. Devon, born and raised in the mortal world. In a world where power determined the world's dynamics, Devon who was born from a top-class family failed to live up to the expectations of his family and this brought about his exile from the family. Shortly after he was banished from the family, Devon was contracted by the most deadliest race in the world, The Devil race. And so, Devon's journey began...... Join Devon as he uncovers the secret of the worlds, the truth about his mother's death, and how he becomes the omniarch of the world with his harem of beauties. ---------- So this is an original book, and I'm giving it my all and I hope you give it a chance. The first twenty chapters (more or less) were not quite good tbh it might seem boring and confusing, but that is only because they were the first I ever wrote Try reading 40 chapters before deciding to drop it or not. You'll understand how much potential the book has. It really gets better eventually Thanks....... Our journey to creating one of the most overpowered character begins. PS:- I don't own the image on my cover. If the original owner sees this message, you can contact me.

Bhar_Yo · Fantasy
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396 Chs

How can one defeat the Undefeatable

Devon's sister Elyse walked in.

"Dad don't waste your precious time on him, he doesn't deserve it!" Elyse sneered, seeing the attention which was been given to her brother.

Elyse Reid, the one Clifford refers to as the blessed child. Unlike her mother Elyse's hair was white the same as Clifford's hair, Elyse's eyes were like two beryl-green jewels meted onto the snow, her pencil-thin eyebrows eased down gently to her black, beetle's-leg eyelashes. A sculptor could not have fashioned her seraph's ears and pixie's nose any better.

Elyse was the perfect example of the saying 'not all that glitters is gold' Beneath that beauty she was a devil in disguise. She killed her first human at the age of three, Elyse never knew who her mother was until she was twelve, so she always blamed her mother for leaving her right after giving birth to her, rumor had it that it was all Clifford doing.

"Elyse so you know about this, how dare you? Mom was always nice to you, even when dad punished you. She supported you, no matter what you did." Devon said, glaring at his sister.

Devon clenched his hand into a fist, "Is this how you repay her, Elyse." 

"Shut the fuck up, Devon, mom cared about you and only you. I was gone for twelve good years, she never asked about me or bothered to search for me. So, why should I care about her." Elyse's frown got deeper as she talked about her mother.

Luna and Elyse had a rough relationship as Elyse believed that her mother was a cruel and heartless woman, so even when she found out that her mother was dead, she didn't feel anything.

Clifford watched his two children arguing with each other, and a smile appeared at the corner of his lips. He was someone who enjoyed causing chaos among people, even his family was not spared.

While the two siblings were yelling at each other, Clifford's laughter rang out, "Hahahahahaha!"

Clifford folded his hand across his chest, "Devon, I killed your mother!" A bone-chilling smile appeared on Clifford's face afterward. Telling Devon about his mother died, and crushing his spirit somehow made Clifford feel more happier.

Devon looked at his father and a smirk appeared on the corner of his lips. He stepped back, balancing his weight in his left foot, he moved as fast as the speed of sound and threw a fist out in a curved punch at Clifford temple. Not waiting for even a minute, he launched a kick right at Clifford.


In less than a minute, Devon was on the ground, unconscious."Hahahahaha Delusional Child. How can one defeat the undefeatable? What a joke. You can't withstand a punch from your sister, not to mention me." Clifford said

He turned towards as soon as Devon was dealt with, "Elyse you know what to do right?"

"Yes, Dad" Elyse replied to her father's question immediately.

A few hours later.....

The news spread in no time, the whole city knew about it. Clifford's beloved wife Luna Reid was dead according to a report, she died from food poisoning. Many hearts were crushed and tears were shed. To the outside world, Clifford and Luna were a perfect couple, a match made in heaven. Clifford was very rich and powerful, Luna was very beautiful, and they were even blessed with two children.

Not everyone was dumb enough to believe that she died from food poisoning, they knew that was just a bluff to keep the media mouth shut.


"Hello Sir"

"Find out the truth about what happened to Luna Reid right now" The cold voice of the person from the rang out, sending chills down the other party's body.

....."Yes sir!"

That day, families and organizations were trying to find out what happened to Luna if she died? or is Clifford up to something else.

The world bureau of Investigation, if the world government organization is the number one organization in the mortal world, then the WBI was its right-hand man. The WBI is the domestic intelligence and security service of the world government. It serves as the law enforcement organization, maintaining above 1500 offices in major cities throughout the world, and more than 80000 agent resident agencies in smaller cities and areas across the world.

"Hello Mr president, our men are working on it, we will get it done very soon sir."

At the main headquarters of the World Bureau of Investigation, the director who holds the highest-ranking position in the organization received a call directly from the president also relating to what happened at the Reid House. It was not peaceful there at all. The WBI had only received calls directly from the President once, and this was the second time. They knew it was always a very serious matter, no one was willing to get on the bad side of that person.

Back at the Reid Mansion.

"Dad, so what is next?" Elyse inquired and after a short while Clifford answered her, "I'm going to send him to that place and see what he is capable of doing." The grin on Clifford's face widened as he talked about that place.

While Clifford smiled, Elyse frowned as she thought about that world,"That place, if people find out who he is, he won't live to the next day, dad." She said.

Though the relationship between both siblings wasn't good in the slightest, Elyse still felt her brother didn't deserve to be sent to that hell-like place.

However, her words were of no use to Clifford as he shook his head, "I have made my decision and that is final." Elyse immediately kept shut, once Clifford made his decision, even the gods are not able to change his mind.

A few hours later...

Clifford was standing on top of a mountain, beside him was Elyse who was holding the unconscious Devon.

Elyse shooked her head as she stared at her brother in her hand, "I can't believe he is weak to this extent, still unconscious after receiving just a flash."

"He is yet to....." Before Clifford could finish his sentence, a portal appeared. The portal seemed like a gateway leading to somewhere else.

"Throw him Inside," Clifford said, moving some distance away from the portal that had just appeared.

It was said the portal had a life of its own because as soon as it felt someone had entered it closed then disappeared immediately, it was like it was never here.

"Elyse, we have to prepare, we don't have much time left" Clifford's face somehow turned serious as soon as Devon was placed indie the portal.


A place very far away, It was like a banished area, excluded from the whole world. It was so dark and quiet that even ghosts will be terrified. There was a Cave in that area, surprisingly as the whole area was dark the cave wasn't it was as bright as the sky. They were two men standing at the entrance of the Cave, it seemed like they were having a deep conversation with each other.

"It is getting weaker, we can't hold that person down here anymore, it is going to wake up very soon." One of the men standing outside spoke in a hurried tone

It wasn't up to a minute and the other answered him, "I can feel it also, we have to inform the elders immediately." The two men were beings that were capable of ruling the world, but they mentioned the person who was inside the cave, both men couldn't hide how frightened they were.

Inside the cave, a baby was chained to the ground, all part of is body was chained. The baby's eyes were closed, seven different orbs were surrounding the baby. If someone takes a good look at the orb, you could see a crack on each of the orb.