
CHAPTER 1.3 : An Ordinary student

I saw them trying to light up their cigarettes. i am pretty sure that they use my money to buy those.I decided to go and face them before they do, as i am walking to these bastards, Peter told me to keep my defense up, i didn't understand what he meant but i felt it was just a hype for getting stronger.

"H-Hey R-red h-hair!!!!"

it's not the appropriate time to stutter, but i can't do anything about it.

"OHHH guys, look who is here, it's the lagging computer, speak of the devil, go buy us some cans again."

i was more angry than nervous, i even manage to bite my lips so hard that they start bleeding. I recall all the things that happened to me. The suffer, the despair, the pain and the most cruel thing, i can sense the disappointment of my parents even though they are dead. for the first time i said with all my ire, my confidence, my strength.

" The only thing i will buy is your ticket to after life, you dumbass!!!"

all his friends are shocked, i can sense the hot atmosphere. he dropped a sigh and said:

" ohh boy, i really can't get a day without fighting."

after he said that, he punch me in the stomach with his full strength, with that hit, i am perceptive that i can't win, but even with that, i throw a punch on him, yet he dodges it easily, i am trying to tackle him but all that in vain. He just does roundhouse to my stomach. i can feel the pain even with Adrenaline. i randomly throw punches in the jaw, good thing that i punched his jaw, he lost his balance, it's my chance to tackle him. With my full strength and speed. i grab his body and push as hard as i can. And he dropped. for the first time, i feel like a badass. He got up angry and take a knife in his hand, i was so nervous, even my legs couldn't lift me up.

"OY, Red hair, after all, you are not a man."

It was Peter, he said it with a cold voice and no expression. His hands were in his pocket, and slowly approaching to us. i can see that red idiot was shaking in fear.

"sorry, i didn't mean to do that, he is the one who..."

before the red hair completes his phrase, peter kick his head without even saying anything, in fact, he doesn't even cared, just a normal kick in the head. Huh, why that red bastard doesn't wake up, he collapses in front of my eyes, his friends ran away and don't even turn back.

"Wh-Wh-who are y-y-you??" i said it with stress and fear

peter smiled and said:

"Me?, i am just An Ordinary Student."