
Despair leads to Change

"Come on, kid. This way. Take a seat in my office," spoke the young adult in red out loud to the young child walking behind him, his face soaked in tears. A number of men were surrounding the child to keep him safe; subordinates to the man directing the young boy. All the kid could see was a series of fairly settled lights on the ceiling throughout the grey corridor they were walking through. For a couple of moments they were passing down until they reached the last door in the hallway. The older man in red opened the door with a set pair of keys. "This way. In here, little kid. You'll be safe with me and these men protecting you."

The little boy, dressed in a nice formal suit and tie just coming from church stepped inside slowly. His head hung low made all the man ache and feel sorrow. The men in red looking at his fellow agents. "Safeguard this door. Contact the director. We have another one on our hands." Those were the last words spoken before stepping inside the room in front of him and locking the door internally.

The boy had to be nowhere past 8 years old, giving his short stature and innocence. However who was to say that innocence remained even now? After the passing of such an incident that no person should ever have to witness, it would not be surprising if he lost himself into despair. At least that is what the gentleman thought. To begin the conversation (or at least break the ice), he spoke directly first. "Well, young boy," he stated as he opened the folder in front of him. Reading the details at the top, he caught a glimpse of his name, age, date of birth and place of origin. For that, he took an even approach. "Actually, I'm sorry. Blake Mortiman is your name, yes?"

Sniffles were heard from the child. His head looked up in the direction to the door, his eyes full of shock, sadness and loss. The innocent color and cheerfulness a child should have is practically gone from this child, possibly for life. It honestly hurt the red dressed adult to see him like this. However what hurt him was what he could hear from outside the door. What his men were discussing thoroughly disgusted him.

"Hey, will that kid be fine?" One of the guards dressed in black with suave brown hair. He along with most of the security felt this being a tragedy. That did not flow from the opinion of a man across from him, African American and bald with an eyepatch. "He'll be just fine. A kid like that with all that saved up money? He'll be just fine. More than likely sent to a shitty orphanage or even shittier relatives."

The guards didn't hear the door open. The next thing they all witnessed however was a searing wave of heat. A fireball was aimed for the disgruntled black gentleman; below the waist to be exact. The man in red has a face of fury, his left hand on fire from his own doing. "Quiet, NOW! He is barely even ten and all alone! Money fixes nothing for a goddamn soul."

The door slammed shut at the red man's might. All the guards had looks of disgust at the black man, he himself realizing he screwed up big time. Back in the small room, the older man sat across from the young boy. Laying the folder on the desk, he read on other information. His age, blood type, family history, relatives. "I apologize for that. Some people are just...really ungrateful with life. Can I get you anything, kiddo? You okay?" he pleaded with Blake, hoping to get him to speak. Blake locked eye visuals with him but he didn't feel like speaking. His head leaned back down south, staring at the cold steel table and the grey tiled floor he was on.

The man frowned as he realized that this could be a bit difficult to get the poor lad to even speak. He reached for Blake's hand, gripping it firmly to give off reassurance. Blake's brown eyes looked into the eyes of the brown curly haired blue eyed adolescent trying to comfort him. "I understand why you do not want to speak, kiddo," He swallowed his spit, pacing himself to choose his words with care. "However...I need you to talk to me. It's the only way to find out who did this."

All he heard next was a sniffle. Looking back up at the man, he gave a weak response. Although the response was crushing, it gave that adult a greater drive to protect this boy. "Why did she do it, mister? Why did she kill my family?" Blake's voice cracked and broke in between his words. Pursing his lips for a moment, the man gave an honest answer. "I don't know. It's the set of humanity. Something is wrong with it...but hey," he waited for Blake to speak to him before he finished his sentence. "Call me Hammond. Hammond Johnson." The little boy wiped his tears and nodded, feeling safe by Hammond for comforting him.

He proceeded to explain what happened a couple of hours earlier. Blake's mother and father were having a family gathering in their home, in celebration of his soon to be baby sister (or brother). In the midst of the joy, a family member had started screaming. A family member he did not recognize began killing everybody in the compound. Men, women and children alike. The local law enforcement was called and she was killed amidst the conflict. While Blake was originally in local law custody, he was transferred into the custody of this man. Agent Hammond Johnson of the organization Lumen Umbras; a peacekeeping global service dedicated to the security and advancement of humanity.

Once the interview with Blake was over, the child would not leave Hammond's side. An empty bedroom was prepared for the child. Hammond and Blake traveled there alone, keeping each other company for the night. When they entered the room, the young boy was frightened about being left alone. Who would blame him after such a tragedy? "M-Mister Hammond," Blake would ask nervously which prompted Hammond to respond. "Yes, Blake? What would you like?"

"May you please stay with me...until I fall asleep?" The eyes of fear settled into the eyes of a child was beyond creepy and disturbing. Anything to make sure this kid could rest easy. "Sure, Blake. I can stay until you fall asleep. I will be back to get you tomorrow as well," he finished off before smiling and sitting down on a chair and opening the folder to analyze further while Blake closed his eyes, the emotional waves overwhelming his body a while back. What kept him awake was the shock. Hammon continued to scan the family papers, learning a bunch about the child. A history of telekinetic practitioners over past generations. It also seemed that he exhibited the ability to possess this. Reading deeper into the report, it stated that the child destroyed the house and murdered the homicide target within a simple cry of anger. Maybe the child forgot? That could be a thing. Before he realized it, time had flown past a solid ninety minutes and Blake was out cold. In that case, it was time to file his report to the Director personally. Hammond stepped out of the room quietly, giving a soft and hurt look at the helpless boy sleeping so carelessly.

He enjoyed protecting others. While he wanted to make sure this boy can begin the journey to a great life as soon as possible, the case had to be filed in order for him to have a chance at doing that with Blake. With burning determination in his heart, the light switch to flipped and Hammond closed the door gently before heading to his destination with a set goal in mind.


In the office of the director, a curved desk, a series of black leather sofas and a wall sized flat screen television were seen in the room. Hammond stepped inside after several moments of travel and being granted clearance. "Why hello," spoke the person sitting in the chair behind the large desk. A black woman in her early fifties and looked more or less distinguished. Black wavy short hair was all that be seen aside her face which sported half brim glasses. "Hammond. How is the child? Also, what are the rules of wearing casual wear in my office without my say so?"

Hammond himself looked down at his outfit. His red and white cap covered his combed down shoulder length hair, touching his red jacket. The only other things he wore was a black strapped tee, blue cut jeans and red sneakers. He gave a sheepish smile and laughed nervously, taking off his cap out of respect and scratching his head. "Sorry about that, Director Glover," he responded before placing his hat down on the table. "To answer about the boy, he seems to have no relatives. They were all killed. A family bloodline suicide, in a sense. However, he shows to have promise."

Glover's ears perked up a bit at his words. "Promise? How could a small boy who has no family left by of any use?" A question that echoed in both of their minds. The young man opened the folder and stepped to the desk slowly, gently placing the folder onto the desk. "This is how I see it. Read what the fellas down at R&D discovered about his family."

Her eyes would skim the information. What was location was his facial identity, expressing a lost child with onyx shade bowl cut hairstyle with brown eyes lacking spirit. The face hurt even the stone cold Glover, one of the coldest people in all of Lumen Umbras. Although what caught her eye is what Hammond was talking about. "A Telly talker? Wait...are you telling me-?" As she asked the question, her subordinate nodded mid way through her sentence.

With that, Glover stayed quiet for a moment. After the room fell silent for a few minutes time, Hammond was ordered to leave the office but to leave the document. As he was told, he exited the office and decided to head back to Blake's personal bunker room. Glover looked at her own computer screen and with a sense of direction, journeyed her way to the deep files of Lumen Umbras to retrieve a file known as 'Ace Splinter'. The file opened up as she read through its contents with her brain thoughts racing to a decision. "It has been over thirty years since this project was first conceptualized. I guess it is time to try it now…" her voice trailed off as she began to start her work. Writing emails, making orders and arranging upcoming meetings. This could be a way to make the world a better place.

Hammond was his way back to Blake's personal room. His mind raced with not only the events of the child but his own issues. He wanted to take care of Blake personally but he couldn't. He was about to be a father in his own right and could barely afford the housing he had since he was a recent agent at Lumen Umbras. Furthermore, his brother wouldn't help with any expenses since he was in the same predicament. Life was screwing up his whole blood. Although despite all that, Hammond felt a glimmer of hope perk into him due to Blake's heartbreaking incident. As if a slap at how cruel humanity is, it reminded him of how human society truly is; a cutthroat, survival of the fittest mentality.

As he arrived to the door, he gently opened and closed it shut, stepping in without much noise. He would text his partner, alerting her that he could not make it back due to work and that he loved her. Not caring if she sent a response back of not, Hammond would take his place on the floor and rest by the bed. He made a promise to Mortiman that he would be there when he woke up and he was going to keep it.

As the sunlight peeked into the room after that night, the warmth began to beam and warm up Blake's small body. Mumbling softly, he nuzzled his pillow before opening his eyes. His cinnamon eyes gazed at what would be in front of him; a sleeping Hammond. He felt happy and safe for this stranger kept his word at keeping him safe. "Mister Hammond!" Blake cried out before jumping out of bed after throwing the covers to the left side of him. Dazed, a sleepy fire trickster opened his weary eyes to see what was happening. That was when he felt a takedown from a child. Blake held onto Hammond tightly, sobbing gently and not letting go as his grip was locked around his neck like a metal bind.

Seeing how happy and overflowing of emotion the boy was, Hammond held onto him and kept him in his arms until Blake felt like letting go. With that, Blake asked his first question, "Where am I now? I don't have a place to go back to." Hammond forgot about that in his sleep. In the moment of that rememberance, an idea clicked in his head. "This place will be your home. Welcome to Lumen Umbras. Let me show you around."

Blake was given a piggyback ride as Hammond personally escorted around the facility. He felt that this child could live a life here and help people in need. With the right guidance, that is. Which he only trusted one person to do so for this poor boy: himself.

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