

In the not-so-distant future, humanity teeters on the brink of the Third World War. The world's most powerful nations stand on the precipice of economic and social collapse. Tensions between superpowers have escalated to a point of no return. In this chaos, a group of elite spies and military personnel band together to avert global catastrophe.

Pechy47892830 · War
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15 Chs

Profile: Maria "THORN" Sandoval

Full Name: Maria " THORN" Sandoval

Age: 24 years old

Nationality: Colombian-American

Specialization: Guerrilla tactics, explosives, camouflage, and technological traps

Appearance: Maria is a striking figure with a lean, athletic build, honed from years of rigorous training. She has dark hair and sharp, expressive eyes that reveal her keen intellect and unwavering focus. Her attire is practical and tactical, designed for efficiency and mobility in combat situations.

Skills and Equipment:

Guerrilla Tactics: Maria excels in unconventional warfare, using her deep knowledge of guerrilla tactics to outmaneuver and outthink her enemies. Her experience in asymmetric warfare makes her a master of hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, and survival in hostile environments.

Explosives Expert: Maria is highly skilled in the use of explosives. From planting improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to handling complex demolition tasks, she can create and deploy explosive solutions for a variety of strategic purposes.

Camouflage: Trained in the art of stealth, Maria can blend seamlessly into her surroundings. Whether in urban environments or dense jungles, she uses her expertise in camouflage to evade detection and strike from the shadows.

Technological Traps: Maria is adept at setting up sophisticated traps using a combination of low-tech and high-tech devices. Her traps are designed to confuse, disable, or eliminate her targets with precision.

Background: Maria Sandoval grew up in a small town in Colombia, where she witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of conflict. Determined to make a difference, she moved to the United States and joined the military, where she quickly rose through the ranks due to her exceptional skills and leadership qualities. Her dual heritage gives her a unique perspective and the ability to navigate diverse environments with ease.

Personality: Maria is fiercely independent and driven by a strong sense of justice. She is resourceful and quick-thinking, able to adapt to rapidly changing situations on the battlefield. Despite the hardships she has faced, Maria maintains a compassionate side, often putting herself at risk to protect the innocent. Her loyalty to her comrades is unwavering, and she is known for her ability to inspire those around her.

Motivations: Maria's primary motivation is to protect the vulnerable and fight against oppression. She is driven by the memory of her childhood in Colombia and the desire to prevent others from experiencing the same suffering. Her commitment to justice and her determination to make a positive impact in the world guide her actions and decisions.

In the face of global chaos and impending war, Maria Sandoval stands as a beacon of resilience and ingenuity. Her expertise and dedication make her an invaluable asset in the fight to prevent global catastrophe.