
World War: Apocalypse

kyro454 · War
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1 Chs

Ellie Williams

A fifteen year old girl sat on a wood slated bench in the playground of the school she attended. Tall brick walls and a roughly tiled roof enclosed many classrooms, offices and Ellie's favourite, the Physical Education Hall. Ellie was always athletic, always been fit. It's been a dream of hers to be as strong as her father, a brave man who died fighting for his country.

Ellie had only one close friend, a tall, curly haired boy with the dryers humour that never failed to make Ellie laugh. His name was Dan. Dan also wanted to be in the Army, he was brave like Ellie. They had no friends other than themselves but that was all Ellie and Dan needed.

Ellie stood up, She was having a rather bad day before she bumped into Dan in the school playground.

"Oh hey, didn't think i'd see you here. how are ya?" Dan happily began a conversation

Ellie couldn't help but smirk, "i'm good, was just heading to training actually"

"As usual then?" Dan added "Count me in, meet you there in 5!" Dan hopped away as Ellie chuckled at his childish personality.

Ellie Walked through the school corridors, photos of previous students, some current students, even some of the senior teachers decorated the otherwise plain walls. Ellie made her way into the Gym for training to see Dan wasn't there. He usually gets there early. She didn't think much of it and got ready to start training. She walked into the changing rooms, the smell of sweat filled her nostrils. She changed into her usual shorts and cropped vest. Ellie starts training with stretches, Her legs felt like rubber bands ready to snap, she hadn't trained in days. After getting her muscles ready to train she began her workout.

Dripping with sweat she finishes her sets of sit ups, push ups, deadlifts and curls. Then she trains MMA and to finish the workout off she went on a short 5km run. She gets back to the changing rooms practically swimming in her own blood and sweat. She got in a cold shower to cool down and clean the dirtiness she felt clinging onto her.

She stepped out of the shower and quickly dried herself. She got dressed, ready to go home when she thought she might see what Dan is up to. Ring Ring. No answer. Ring Ring. no answer. another 6 calls and no answer. Ellie was mad, not only did he not turn up to training, but he also ignored her calls. She tried to forget about it and go home but she couldn't go home without checking Dans house first.

She arrived at Dans house, something wasn't right. knock knock. "Dan!" Ellie shouted "Are you home?" Ellie was now scared. Nobody answered which is unusual considering his parents should be home. Ellie checked the back door to find it's wide open and the inside of the house is a mess. Ellie carefully made her way inside, "Dan" she called out, no reply. She walked up the stairs slowly, in her best attempt to make no noise she checks the rooms. Bathroom, clear. Parents room, clear. Until she approached Dans room.

"Dan!" she shouted. Dans unconscious body was spread across the carpet. Breathing heavily and panicking intensely, Ellie dove on top of Dan, checking for a pulse, he's alive, it's a relief. Ellie tried to wake Dan when she was grabbed from behind. A hand completely covered her mouth, a man's arm around her neck closing her airways. As Ellie felt she was going to fall unconscious, CRACK! she swung her elbow back into the man's knee cap forcing him to drop into a kneeling position and loosening his grip enough to escape. Ellie turned and jumped on the man, pinning him down, she punched his face multiple times, but Ellie's small, light body was not heavy enough. The man threw Ellie off him and threw his fist at Ellie, hitting her square in the nose. Ellie's eyes were barely open when she saw a blurry man be choked unconscious.

"Ellie?" Dans voice shook, but when he saw Ellie was okay he loosened up, "Tired are ya?"

"Shut up, Dan." Ellie was not amused by Dans lack of seriousness.

A few hours pass and Ellie's eyes and nose are throbbing, her face feels like every time her heart beats, so dose her head. The police had arrived with an ambulance, Ellie was sat down on a small wall that didn't even reach her knees, she was given an ice pack to lessen the swelling on her face, Dan was being examined to make sure he wasn't suffering any injuries. Once Dan was done being examined, he approached Ellie.

"God i am lucky you turned up or id be dead." Dan said, looking straight forward

"Who were they" Ellie asked "and i don't want to here your bullshit, i want the truth" Ellie demanded.

"Ellie. I have no clue, i swear." Dan assured her.

"So why didn't you come to training?" Ellie questioned "what made you tell me you'd meet me in 5 minutes, and then disappear?"

"I was chased back to my house Ellie. I wouldn't lie to you" Dan sounded sincere

"Okay. I believe you" Ellie was still suspicious that dan was hiding something.

But this was just the beginning.