
World war 4: Fighting to save the world

When a new war called the world war 4 emerges. different world powers gather together to form a team and defeat the enemies. The enemies are the Russian soldiers and Afghan terrorists as their plan is to destroy every super powerful country and enslave everybody from developing and under developed countries. Gunther, A German soldier and the protagonist of the story leaves his wife and daughter as he has no choice but has to go and fight. His dream is to exterminate every repulsive enemy and save the world from this disastrous war or should i say tragic war. Mr Kharkiv the commander of the Russian army and mr Abdul Hannan the commander of the Afghan terrorists want to rule the word. The question now is will Gunther be able to save the world, will he die or will his comrades and including the soldiers of the world powers be able to end the war? Please read the story and enjoy

Gamer_bikemall · War
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning of a new war

I woke up only to find myself in the middle of a war zone. A feeling of anxiety crept into my heart as I had no guns to fight with. My vision became blurry and this limited the sharpness of my sight. My tongue, dry and a feeling of dehydration, eating up my system.

Suddenly, I felt two hands, or more, hauling me towards an armored car. They belonged to my comrades.

"You were shot by a Russian soldier," one of them said.

"Is that the reason why I am seriously injured?" I asked with a confused stare.

"Yes Gunther, it is the reason why," he replied. He took his first aid kit and treated my wound.

"You really need to rest, don't you?" he asked.

"Yeah I need to" I replied.

"The other soldiers are still at the frontline, fighting the enemies but we cant let every soldier fight especially the ones who are seriously injured" He said

"Oh shit, i should have never fought if i knew the war was going to cost me this much pain" I said.

"Don't talk like a child, your wounds can still heal so why worry" he laughed and said.

"Yeah you are right," I replied.

"I am Glad you got my point," He said

The war zone to the military barrack was just a 50 mins drive. I would have died if I continued fighting but I am glad Joseph, my comrade saved me.

I rested for some minutes knowing that the drive was 50 mins.

I felt my comrade shaking me as I wondered who was shaking me. I was shocked to find myself completely blind after my comrade woke me up wondering why I couldn't see anything.

My hand felt a blindfold on my eyes as I touched my face.

"Why do I have a blindfold on my eyes?" I asked my comrade. I started panicking as my heart ached countless times.

"I and the other comrades have decided to show you a big surprise knowing how hardworking you have been in the German army".

"I can't wait to see the surprise bro" I replied.

A feeling of suspense rebelled in my heart as I wanted to see the surprise my comrades made for me.

I was told to sit down on a chair and wait for my comrade,

including the other one who drove to remove my blindfold.

Nothing went beyond my expectations as I found myself trapped in a room with 3 Gunmen and their commander.

My comrade who saved me from the war was there and my comrade who drove the bulletproof car was there.

Before I could say a word, one of the gunmen pointed his gun at my head. Now, my dream of saving my family, my country and the world has ended because of the treason my comrades committed.

"Hello, this is commander Abbas From Afghanistan and here are my buddies including the two comrades who betrayed you. I will be asking you a series of questions and if you lie or refuse to answer, then we will kill you and your family." He said.

"Yes sir" I replied while shivering a little bit. He looked at me and said "alright Baka" with a nasty face. "Our goal is to take down the most powerful nations and enslave the people from developing and underdeveloped nations.

"What is your aim for this war?" He asked.

I remained silent until he slapped me and pointed back his gun at my head.

"It is to save the world from this tragic war" i exclaimed

They all burst into laughter as soon i finished speaking

The only thing I see while looking at you is disappointment.

"How can a weak and injured soldier like you plan on saving the world?" He said.

"Please tell us where the golden gigantic diamonds are located," He said.

"What makes you think i know the location" I asked with a confused stare.

"Your comrade Joseph told us that only the top agents of the German armed forces get to know the location of those diamonds" He replied.

I took a deep breath before saying what I wanted to say.

"I cant because you guys won't end the war even if you do."

They started muttering among themselves and said they would hang me.

"Don't you guys feel the pain of the countless innocent children and mothers you guys have killed. And yet, all you guys seem to care so much about is wealth and power." I said

"Common, don't bore us with those stupid lessons. Tell us the location or we will shoot you to pieces. You don't have a choice." He said.

A part of my body told me to give him the location while some said no but do i really have a choice. I miss my wife and daughter so much that I feel like going back home someday. He continuously kept asking me for the location but I remained quiet all the while.

"You will be kept in this empty room for four days and after four days, we will kill you. Any last words from you will cause us to pull a trigger at you. His guards both tied my mouth and eyes.

The only thing that will save me is if any comrade comes to my rescue. I want everybody to know that I have not yet given up.

I heard the footsteps of somebody walking into the room on the third day.

I was terrified, thinking I would get shot but it was one of my comrades who came to my rescue. He removed the stuff that one of Abbas's guards had tied my mouth and eyes with.

I couldn't stop thanking Tobias for what he did.

Tobias immediately pointed his ak 47 as soon as he heard the footsteps of somebody coming into the room.

After noticing that it was one of Abbas's terrorists, he quickly pulled the trigger and collected every item the terrorist had with him.

Tobias had to sneak out of the building so he killed 5 terrorists without missing any shot.

On our way out, we met Abas, the wicked and greedy commander that wanted to kill my family. He wanted to challenge Tobias in fighting so Tobias dropped his gun.

The fight started with Tobias giving Abbas a hard punch on the face. I couldn't fight with them because I was injured.

Abbas dodged two of Tobias's punches and kicked his stomach. Tobias felt pain on his stomach but did not give up.

Abbas blocked Tobias's next punch by joining his hands like a shield. Abbas brought out a sharp needle from his pocket and tried to stab Tobias with it but thank God, Tobias dodged his needle attacks many times.

After dodging his attacks, Tobias slapped Abbas and punched his face three times.

The sharp needle that belonged to Abbas fell down on the floor and both of them hurried to get that needle, each competing against one another. Tobias kicked Abbas's face as Abbas almost wanted to get the needle back.

Tobias, who got the needle, injured Abbas's hands and fingers so hard that he cried.

"Hand me over the gun, Gunther" He said. I handed him over his gun and with it, he shot Abas three times.

The next day, I woke up in my room, noticing a video call from my wife. I was happy to see my wife looking so fresh as usual. We both smiled at each other knowing how much we miss each other.

"Hello sweetie, how are you doing? How is Hanna?" I asked

"We are all fine and Hanna is sleeping" She said

"How is work honey, hope everything is going fine" She said.

"Work is going well except that I have an injury on my knee so I don't know if I should keep fighting." I said with a sad face.

"Hey honey, don't say that. You should never give up because one day your dream shall come true. I know how painful and difficult it is to be a soldier but please honey, just try your very best." She said"

Thank you for that advice honey, I love you babe, Bye." I said

"I love you too honey, bye." She replied.

When waking up as usual, I first of all arrange my bed, change my clothes as I don't take baths in the morning but prefer to take baths in the evenings, then i go downstairs to prepare myself a bowl of cereal as my breakfast.

Today is Saturday ( A bright day of course) and normally most soldiers go for training exercises and workouts but I can't. After eating my cereal, I can decide to watch some YouTube videos on my MacBook pro.

"Good morning Gunther, how are you doing and how is your leg" Asked Mr Leon ( Our inspector general)

"Not so bad, I mean it doesn't affect me sir" I replied.

"Alright no problem, please don't forget to rest too" He said.

"Alright sir, i wont forget to" I replied.

After watching YouTube, I turned on the tv a little bit to check on the latest news. I was happy to hear that both soldiers from Uae and South Korea have bombed all the Russian Navy ships that tried to enter the coast of the Us.

After watching the latest news, I decided to go and rest for 45 minutes straight, setting my alarm at 45 minutes from the time right now. While sleeping, i had a dream where i was inside a military plane and the plane crashed so everybody in the plane fell down in the middle of the sea, dying whereby the plane exploded.

I thought it was real but thank God, it wasn't. As a strong soldier, I fear death. Different notifications popped up on my phone as my friends, relatives and family members sent me numerous messages.

I would rather check the remaining messages in the evening. Since I became bored after some time, I decided to play magic tiles on my phone and listen to some musics on Spotify. At 3pm, Every soldier came upstairs to eat lunch.

After the next 2 weeks, I got back to training. My injury had already healed so I could now fight. I did all kinds of military exercises like push ups ( For a maximum 60 seconds), pull ups ( For a maximum 60 seconds) and sit ups ( For a maximum 60 seconds).

Our current commander, Felix, made us swim 100 meters using any stroke and he also made everyone run 2 miles as fast as possible. After all these training sessions, we went to the gym. In the gym, each of us did a 3 rep max trap bar deadlift.

Some of us even hung our leg tucks for 2 minutes. Anybody who failed that exercise repeated until he or she got it. Mr Felix called all of us in his room for a meeting, informing us that apart from now on, we will only be eating healthy foods and no more junk foods.

Mr Felix said I would go to the war and fight the day after my first day of resumption. Some German soldiers were sent to France while some were send to the Uk because the Afghan terrorists and the Russian soldiers had already killed some people in one of the cities of those countries.

Meanwhile some soldiers were sent to go and fight the Russian soldiers in Bremen ( A German city that had already been invaded Russian soldiers). Thirty five residents of Bremen have been killed and five buildings have already been bombed.

At 6pm, Mr Leon called me and the remaining soldiers into his office to show us something. We all gathered into his office, sat down and listened to his message.

"I have gotten the location point of the Russian soldiers in Bremen and tomorrow we are to drop a bomb at their location point. It is our duty to send them bombs while the rest of you will go to Bremen with a plane. Numerous artilleries, rifles and rocket launchers will be kept in the planes while numerous helicopters will be sent to rescue the injured ones. Snacks, drinks, water and first aids kids will be given to everyone, Thank you" said Mr Leon

Everybody clapped his hands as soon as he finished his speech. Tomorrow will be a very big day for us as we will go and fight the Russian soldiers In Bremen. We must not let them completely destroy Bremen. I must at least kill 10 Russian soldiers in Bremen tomorrow.