
Chapter 1 Battle of Santa Cruz

In 1942 The Americans are gonna fight The Imperial Japanese Navy In Santa Cruz, USN is containing Carrier Enterprise And Hornet, Escorts Portland And Ellet.

While...the IJN is containing Carriers Shokaku, Zuikaku,And Zuiho.The Three carriers are containing 400 Aircrafts each.While the Amerians are only containing 32 aircrafts for Enterprice and 50 aircrafts for Hornet.....

So the battle began, USS Enterprise And Hornet are running out of aircraft. It's only matter of time before they run out of Aircrafts.The only way is to destroy the carriers of IJN.

The captain of USS Enterprise is Captain Duke Howard. He is the one thought how to end the battle.The Captain of USS Hornet is Richard Philips They sent 4 Avenger each to Attack Zuiho and Zuikaku. Escorts of 2 Corsairs each how ever.....they were not alone IJN requested reinforcements of 2 Aircraft carriers Kaga and Akagi.....What will hapen Next.

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