

Nero Giovanni, a martial art fanatic dies a classic death by yours truly track Kun and is set to an otherworld first world hunters x hunter world .................................. So if you read any of my unfinished/poor works before you could tell English is not my first language no matter how much I edit these books I am sure some of you will find some miss-spelling and grammatical errors to that, I say sorry I am improving with every try so bere wit it for the time I only write for fun so update my not be consistent also sorry about this thank u in advances for any comment thank you for reding my work ---------------------------------- Dieing in a car accident Nero Giovanni wakes up in a strang room with someone claiming to be the soul administer Nero is then reincarnated in a new world with all his memory's wthe new abilities who will his new adventure go read and find out.

bilu619 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

The pre preexams

Nero was walking on the road leading to the sider tree. After some time he reached what looked like an abandoned town. But even then he could feel that there were a lot of people here. He could sense the peering eyes watching him from the windows of the buildings. He could not remember if this was also part of the exam. But he did not let it bother him.

As he was walking, suddenly some wired guys wearing white sheets covers and huge tribal masks walked in front of him blocking his way. They were holding musical instruments. And as if they were on cue some other guys wearing the same white sheets dragging in a small stage on to the rod way.

There was an old granny sitting in the middle of the stage and a band of bed shit wearing weirdos behind her.

[Nero] {Was this in the canon Alfa? If it was it is just wired.}

[Alfa] {I can't say sir. My memory bank can't salvage anything from your past life that you yourself can't remember}

[Granny] "Exciting.... Exciting.... Exciting...…."

[Granny] "It time…."

[Nero] "Time for what??"

[Granny] "It time for the most exciting multiple choose quiz!!!!" and the band behind here started paling their instruments (insert sound effects here)

[Nero] {(-_-)}

Granny "let me guess you are heeding for the sider tree up the hill right"

[Nero] {(-_-)}

[Granny] "To get there you must first pass a quiz, answer wrong and you are disqualified from taking the hunter exam"

[Nero] {(-_-)}

[Granny] "You have to answer by saying number one or number two any answer other than that is consider wrong"

[Nero] {(-_-)}

Nero was so weirded out by this unexpected display that his face got stack making the same expression. The sudden bantering of the old lady caught him of guard so much He did not know how to respond. So just kept on staring at them with a blank face.

When he was about to turn around look for another route for the tree. The old lady said something that stopped Nero on his trucks.

Granny "if you leave now your chance to take the exam is forfeit. So what will it be young man? Will you take my quiz or for forfeit this year application" she said with a smirk

When she said that Nero stopped in his Trak and turned around to look at the old lady and said.

[Nero] "Sigh okay then granny you win!! Fire away, what is the question?"

[Granny] "Ok you have five seconds to answer. You mother and father were kidnaped by bad people and you can only save one of them pick one for mother and two for father which one will you choose"

[Nero] {(-_-)}

[Granny] "5….4…..3….2…1…..0...beep your time is up"

[Nero] {(-_-)}

[Granny] "Why did you not answer??"

[Nero] "Are you for real granny? What kind of quiz is that? There is simply no definite answer to that question. Every person will give you a deferent answer nonmatter what"

[Nero] "You can't possibly expect me to pike one from the other when the loss is the same ether case I would be losing a loved one"

[Granny] "So that is why you did not answer. In that case, you passed the quiz"

[Nero] "I did??"

[Granny] "Yes young man you did" she said and pointed to her side

There was a door hidden in the wall near where the stage was. She told one of her followers opened the door for Nero and told him to go through this path. If he continues through here within two hours or so he will reach the sider tree on the hill. There he will find a small cabin where a couple of navigators live. If he meets there fence they will guide him to the sight of the hunter exam.

[Nero] "Thank you granny"

[Granny] "Thank me by becoming a very good hunter"

[Nero] "Sure thing granny"

[Granny] {shi-shi-shi what an amusing boy}

After biding his farewell to the old lady Nero continued on his way to the sider tree.

Nero POV

I walked on the rode the old granny told me to for a while and ended up in a small forest. There were a lots of sings posted on the rode warning of magical beast. When I read those sings I felt a bit of irony. Since in this world I would also be classified as a magical beast.

Not long after me entering the forest I started to feel someone or something following me from the tree lines. Whatever or whoever it was they were careful. They kept me within their eyes sight but never got close. I decided to ignore it for the time binge since it did not bother me much. I have gotten used to this feeling by now. Living in forests and being stoked by bests of all kinds and all.

A while later I reached a small cabinet at the base of the sider tree. I knew this was the same one Gon and his friends went to. The cabin was dark and silent I leaned over to look if there was someone inside and I sow some shadows moving around. I activated my observation haki to cheek inside.

Note: (Author her, I just want to clarify something Nero [O.H] works just like Fujitora's it lets him see since he spent almost two years effectively blinded. Including the precognition to ill intent and attacks that come with it naturally he can also see people/animals/plants/almost all living creature souls)

When did that I found three life signatures inside? And from what it looked they were closely similar. But none of them felt like a human. When I walked in I saw the magical beast kiriko trying to attack a couple in the corner. The couple was huddled together in the corner scared.

Without waiting to say anything I used my flash step to immediately get between the couple and the kiriko. I spun around and gave the kiriko a spinning back kick in the stomach sending him flying out of the house. On his way out he slammed hard on the wall and making a big exit hole in it.

[Nero] "Dam maybe that was a bit too much force!!" I said

The couple in the corner of the room were looking at me with wide eyes. They were so shocked by my speed and how fast I got between them and the kiriko. For them, it seemed like I suddenly teleported, from the door and appeared in front of them.

I looked at them and asked

[Nero] "Are you guys ok?"

[The man] "Yes we are fine. Thank you for saving us mister we are very great full"

[Nero] "Don't menschen it, well if you guys are ok I will have to go and have a little talk with that kiriko for a bite"

[The man] "Be care full there sir the kiriko is a very shroud magical beast"

[Nero] "Yah I know I have dealt with them before, in fact, one of them was my friend for a while"

Back then when I was still living in the forest I made friends with one. He was a cool guy though he loved making pranks on me. He was a breath of fresh air for my lonely life. Sad thing is he was killed by [Hunter Hornet nest] one day when he intruded on their territory. It has ben five years now since that day.

I looked at the couple for a while and side to them

[Nero] "That is why I also know that both of you are kiriko as well"

When I said this the shock in their eyes were extremely visible. They couldn't tell how the hell I figured them out. What they wouldn't know is that thanks to my [Observation Haki] I could see their aura/life force, and their aura was quite similar to that of a Kiriko's.

[Nero] "So is this some turf war or something,"

They both looked at me and started laughing out loud

[Nero] {Did I say something funny or what??}

[Alfa] {You are not that funny sir}

[Nero] {I never asked you alfa}

[The man] "You are quite the strange man mister, but yes you are right we are both kiriko"

[Nero] "No need for that flattery it won't get you anywhere with me" I said with a grin

[The woman] then aside "actually we are brother and sister"

[Nero] "So you guys must be the navigator the old granny told me about"

[Nero] "But she said you guys were a couple not brother and sister"

[Nero] {Wait… don't tell me this some sort of incestuous relationship}

[Alfa] {Get your mind out of the gutter sir}

[The man] "Yes we are navigators, but the couple she was taking about is our parents and about the kiriko you just kicked that was my father" he said

[Nero] {(-_-)}

The man and the woman {(-_-)} {(-_-)}

[Nero] "Sorry about that… but in my defense, he looked like he was going to attack you guys"

The man "yah actually about that….."

here is an other one for you guys i hope you like it.

tell me your opinions on my plotline so far

my mine focus for the story is the adventure aspects not the fighting aspect

so far i think i am doing well but tell me what you guys think.

as all ways

thankyou for reding

thanks for commenting

sty safe

always all the best for you and your family and friends

bilu619creators' thoughts