

Nero Giovanni, a martial art fanatic dies a classic death by yours truly track Kun and is set to an otherworld first world hunters x hunter world .................................. So if you read any of my unfinished/poor works before you could tell English is not my first language no matter how much I edit these books I am sure some of you will find some miss-spelling and grammatical errors to that, I say sorry I am improving with every try so bere wit it for the time I only write for fun so update my not be consistent also sorry about this thank u in advances for any comment thank you for reding my work ---------------------------------- Dieing in a car accident Nero Giovanni wakes up in a strang room with someone claiming to be the soul administer Nero is then reincarnated in a new world with all his memory's wthe new abilities who will his new adventure go read and find out.

bilu619 · Anime & Comics
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Phase three trick tower (part 1)

Nero's POV

The air ship of mister Netero dropped us on the roof of a very tall tower. The third phase of the hunter exam will be taking place here. Mister bens explained to us to pass the next phase we must reach the base of the tower within 72 horus, to pass this phase.

frome my I knew there were so secret door ways leading down. So i looked around for one of the secret doors in the stone slabs. After some time looking around I finally found one on the far right cornerof the rooftop. I jumped on top of it triggering the mechanism of the secret door. after falling down it i landen in a small room with a monitor screen on one of the walls.

"Congratulation applicant 24 for finding the secret door number 15, you have peaked the soul challenge way" a voice came out of the monitor.

Nero "and who are you?"

"Oh, how very uncultured of me, i am calls Lippo and I am the prison warden here I am the examiner for the third phase, that will be all. Good luck out there"

Nero {ow yah, this place was a prison, I totally forgot about that}

Alfa {sir, my I ask you something?}

Nero {yeah sure}

Alfa {why did you chose to go this way sir, from my estimate this structure is 1 kilometer in height. With your technique with only eight steps you could have reached the base of the tower, yet you picked this wrought I don't understand sir}.

Nero {I know but waiting for the other applicants for three days, would be really boring, so it is better to take my time going down at my leisure}.

Alfa {I rather you do it efficiently than leisurely sir}

Nero {ok alfa we will do it your way next time let me have fun this time"

Alfa {yes sir}

When fhe guy in the monitor finished talking the door in the wall next to me opened leading to a passageway. I was walking on the passage way for a while until I noticed something bothersome. The passageway had a lot of turns and crossways. By now I had passed through six of them. and it was starting to get irritatingly obvious why this was happening.

Alfa {sir have you notice}

Nero {yes we passed this spot once already}

Alfa {it seems that we are in some sort labyrinth}

Nero {alfa I will start to run, you will map the whole thing}

Alfa {affirmative sir}

And with a fast firs step started to run using my flash step to the maximum. After five mints I noticed another thing, the walls were changing positions.

Alfa {the maze is shifting in accordance to our progress sir at this rat it would take us at the minimum five hours to get out of it}

Nero {I have a better idea, can you pint me to our initial point of start}

Alfa {yah sure, why is that?}

Nero {what is the shortest way between any two pints?}

Alfa {oh!! I understand sir}

With alfas guidance I got back to the point I started from. using armament HAKI on both of my arms I charged straightforward at the wall in front of me, and alike they were made of cardboards the walls crumbled as I broke through them. One aft her the other they fail down in my wake.

Monitoring room

Lippo "well that is new, it looks like we have a strong one in our hands here" he said looking at Nero on the screen.

"Dam!!, man he is going through the walls as if the nothing… what a monster!!" said man standing next to Lippo.

Lippo "I have seen stronger monsters, this is nothing in comparison. Any brute with strong muscles can do that, don t forget we have one ourselves in the direction he is heading" he said

{I know that sir but not even him could take down those walls with a single hit every single time} the man standing next to Lippo though.

Back to Nero.

Nero "finally don with that" he said as he brushed the dust of himself

Behind me was a consecutive holes, starting from the starting point to this point. I was standing in front of another door, there was small lever on its side saying [pull me to get to the next stage] on top of It.

Nero {what do you think alfa should I pull the lever?}

Alfa {well it looks like a trap, I suggest you use act two to cheek ahead first}

Nero {okay then, The Punk act two you are up}

The Punk {ohe master lss goooo!!!!!}

Normal except for act one the rest of the punk acts are covered with IN when they are summoned, so you would need to use GYO or some other form of spiritual sense to see them. But when act two uses his ability [Illumination room] he becomes coms visibly to any one in his sub space. He emits his aura in the form of small cubes, once these cubes tach a solid surface the rooms formation starting from that places the center of expansion. Every ting with in this sub space becomes visible to the punk to its minute details in the process.

The punk {illumination room!!}

(Author note: if you have not seen bango stray dogs, just think of laws "ope ope no mi" room, though he can't separate body parts like him, use plasma knife or counter shock, but everything else is the same,. Ps watch bango no stray dogs it is good)

The room expanded, and the punk cheeked for any traps and found one of them. There was a mechanism rigged to realis a steel hammer from the top of the door when the lever is pulled. It was designed to brake the door and any one standing in front of it open.

The punk {all done master}

Nero {god job you can come back now}. With that said the punk turned in to light particle and merged back to Nero's right arm.

I poled the liver and stepped aside to avoid the hammer. The door was smashed open by it opening up a path for me. Walking inside I looked around the room. Unlike the one from before this one was big with' and was lite with torches. It looked more like death game arena than anything.

"Oh finally it looks like my gest has arrived" came a voice from the front me.

There I sow a very large man muscular, almost three feet taller than me walking my way.


Hi guy I know it has been log sorry about that, I could not help it

I felled down the stairs in my hose and fractured my forearm bone in my right arm, and for the beter of doing nothing els ben posting the chapters i had for my onepice fanfiction so cheek it out and tell me what you think of it

Aging sorry for the wait

Thank you for reading my work

Thank you for waiting

All the best to you guys and your loved ones, stay safe and healthy

[Ramadan Karim]

cheek ot my other fanfiction

the adventure hunter in on epice

bilu619creators' thoughts