

Nero Giovanni, a martial art fanatic dies a classic death by yours truly track Kun and is set to an otherworld first world hunters x hunter world .................................. So if you read any of my unfinished/poor works before you could tell English is not my first language no matter how much I edit these books I am sure some of you will find some miss-spelling and grammatical errors to that, I say sorry I am improving with every try so bere wit it for the time I only write for fun so update my not be consistent also sorry about this thank u in advances for any comment thank you for reding my work ---------------------------------- Dieing in a car accident Nero Giovanni wakes up in a strang room with someone claiming to be the soul administer Nero is then reincarnated in a new world with all his memory's wthe new abilities who will his new adventure go read and find out.

bilu619 · Anime & Comics
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New life part 1 edited(to the best of my ability)

My name is Nero Giovanni, age twenty-three, born in Italy, Florence and curtly living in Tokyo Japan. You may not know of me or mater fact even care who I am, but if it is not too much of a bother let me indulge myself and speak to whoever is listing. Call it the wishes of a dying man if you may.

I was known as "the young prodigy of martial art", the youngest person to achieve forth Dan in three deferent stiles, the unbeatable champion of martial art, the young dragon, and so forth. I won every tournament I was in since the age of 13. It did not matter what challenges stood my way. I always overcame them through grit and vigor.

My love for martial arts started right around when I was ten years old. This deep rotten love for craft stemmed from watching anime and Wu Shu shows that used to be broadcasted on our TV. Back then to my embarrassment I did believe with enough training I could fire a ki blast, walk on the air and whatnot. It was simpler times. From that day on I have been an avid admirer of the art. From its fictional depictions to its realistic depiction. [Though I liked the fictional one a tiny beat more]. It was this drive that got me in to even more amines and wuxia novels until it became my favorite "pass time" thing to do.

My love for this craft drove me into a single-minded quest to master every form of martial art or at the list as much as possible in my lifetime{a foolish thing to dream of I know and yet I still did dream it}. Within thirteen years I managed to achieve forth don level mastery in three forms [Jujutsu, karate, and chains Kenpo]. These three martial art styles were the ones I exiled at the most. To the point of binge called the young prodigy of martial art.

Picture me an orphan child who was living in a small struggling orphanage ended up becoming one of the world's most famous martial artists. To tell you the truth looking back at it now myself I wouldn't have dreamed of reaching this highest. But I guess life has its ways to remedy things in its unique ways. I guess you could also dock what is happening to me now up to fate as well.

Most of the money I earned from wining all the tournaments I participated in ended up helping the orphanage greatly. At that time the orphanage I was in was facing hard times. It was on the verge of being shut down for lack of funding. If not for the money and the publicity I broth to them things might have ended badly for everyone there. The orphanage was run by a couple in their late forty's. Their names were [Maria and Charli]. They were really good people who would all ways go above and beyond to make the life of the children easier. So you could say my talent was some sort of lucky blessing for them or karma or call it whatever you want. From my perspective I was doing what I loved and it ended up helping my folks and friends. So you could say I was lucky.

But what a dam shame that everything has to end to so abruptly like this

If you haven't caught on by now and you are asking "why I am listing to the yappings of this man?", "why is he telling me about his life story?". Well, the answer is a very simple one.

I am about to bite the dust.

Yah I know why you should care, everybody dies at some point or another, why is yours different from any other one. But like I said before let me indulge in my last moment of life. Just listen to me and think of it like a dying man's last request. After all, I am just a simple man dying in a pull of his blood.

If your next question was how the hell that did happen to you? Thank you for asking but the answer may or may not surprise you. It depends on you it depends on how much experience you have for these things. I am sure most of you won't even be surprised to know that I was mole down by a car. And No, not any just a normal car. I was run down by a Trak that suddenly came out of nowhere while I was crossing the road.

You would assume with my reflexes as an esteemed martial artist, that at the very list it would have been possible to avoid it with minimal damage to my body. You are not the only one who thought that. even I thought that but unexpected things tend to happen always at the wrong time.

I was never the heroic type, throughout my life not once have I endangered myself for the sake of another person. As far as I know, any good deed I did in my life was either driven by my selfish interest or just an unexpected coincidence. I am not saying I was a bad persona, no far from it. I had never wished bad on to someone nor have I gone out of my way to make others feel bad. I even helped lots of people before. But it only came on the prerequisite two things [will this benefit me or will this cause me problems]. But at that moment I do not know what came over my body.

I was escorting two children from the orphanage I used to live in back to the hotel y were staying at. the came to see me and cheer me on a tournament I was participating in. it was also the birthday of one of the children, he was a big fan of mine. so to calibrate his birthday I invited them and Mrs. Maria to see me win. after the tournament was over Mrs. Maria asked me to accompany them and give them around the city of Tokyo and to keep them safe.

But like I said unexpected things tend to happen at the wrong time. Logic would dictate that I preserve my life first and think of other things later. But at that moment in time, I completely lost control over how I wanted my body act. The only thing that ringing in my head was the three words of Mrs. Maria "keep them safe". And instead of avoiding the dam track, I flung the kids out of the way losing any chance I had to get out of there. And after that, everything froze.


The force from the impact sent me flying through the street a hundred meters away from the crosswalks. [Yah know, not one of my most pleasant moments in life]. You would think I would be in excruciating pain from all the broken bones in my body, but luckily or not I was not in any pain. I couldn't feel anything at all.

I don't know why was this, my best guess would be that the shook from the crash severed my spinal cord sending my nervous system into disarray. The only thing I was feeling was an unbearable stiffens throughout my whole body. It felt like I was clade under a thick layer of cement. But this feeling didn't last long. My vision was fading fast. Everything was becoming blurry and hazy. I could feel myself slipping into the abyss of darkness. And in my last moment all I could say as my last word was

[Nero] = "what a dame shame, am I going to die such a cliché death"

And like that everything went dark.

3rd POV

To Nero's surprise, the darkness he was in didn't last long. There was a small light that suddenly appeared in his abbess off darkness and started to flicker. Little by little, it grew bigger and brighter. Eventually the light consumed all the darkness and he was jolted out of whatever place I was in. When he opened up his eyes it felt to him like he was waking up from a long nightmare. His ears were ringing, he was gasping, and his whole body was cover in cooled sweat. He looked around himself to get a sense of where he is.

He was sitting on a chair in a place that looked like a small archive office. there were lots of shelves as far as the eyes could see filled with {Book-files} around him. In front of him across the table was a man with a bowl cut hair and round glass. He was reading a file with Nero's name on it. He did not say anything to him and just kept on flipping through the pages of the file. After he finished reading the file he put it down and looked at Nero with a bit of enthusiasm in his eyes and he said.

[The man] "It would seem that we have a problem here Mr. Nero you were not on the death list"

[Nero] "Ok… who the hell are you and wherein the hell am I??"

[The man] "Oh sorry about that, you died" he replied

[Nero] "I know I am dead am asking you who are you, and why am I here" he demanded

[The man] "It is complicated to explained so which one do you want to hear the long one or the short one"

[Nero] "Whichever faster please?"

[The man] "you see here the problem is that you died and, we have a problem with that, you were not supposed to die cause you were not on the death list but some stupid intern mistook you for someone else and wrote you in. this situation compromises a lot of things and I am stack with you here" he said scratching his head.

[Nero] "so let me get this, you are saying that I died and it was your fault," he said.

[The man] "actually it is not my fault it is the intern's fault I just wanted to make that clear" he said trying to avoid eye contact with Nero.

[Nero] ''who dose the intern work for??" he asked.

[The man] "ah, for me. why do you ask?" he said confused.

[Nero] "THEN IT IS F***N FAULT!!!!!!!" he yelled

[The man] "!!!!" the man was startled back by the sudden yelling.

[Tman] "there is no need to be intense like that Mr. Nero we can work this problem of ours without the need for aggression, "

[Nero] "That seems more like your problem than our problem friend," he said glaring at the man

The man could not do anything but awkwardly laughed off Nero's response. He was assigned to this station not long ago and this was his first misplacement case. Cases like this often happen once or twice every year and it was his job as an administrator to attend to those cases. The initial shock from finding out that you died can be a bit intense so he needed to give Nero some time to adjust. The man he stayed silent and waited for Nero to talk again.

[Nero] " sigh!!! so what will happen to me now"

[The man] "it is simple actually after conducting some tests you will be reassigned to a new world"

[So it's one of those, I have read to many novels to know where this is going] thought Nero

The man pulled another file from his desk, this one was different it was black. The file name was written on the back.

[Rule of engagement for unfortunate souls].


I hope I got all the misspellings and the grammar right this time around