

Nero Giovanni, a martial art fanatic dies a classic death by yours truly track Kun and is set to an otherworld first world hunters x hunter world .................................. So if you read any of my unfinished/poor works before you could tell English is not my first language no matter how much I edit these books I am sure some of you will find some miss-spelling and grammatical errors to that, I say sorry I am improving with every try so bere wit it for the time I only write for fun so update my not be consistent also sorry about this thank u in advances for any comment thank you for reding my work ---------------------------------- Dieing in a car accident Nero Giovanni wakes up in a strang room with someone claiming to be the soul administer Nero is then reincarnated in a new world with all his memory's wthe new abilities who will his new adventure go read and find out.

bilu619 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Leaving for a new start

[Nero] "A promise that we both must up holed"

She looked at me and nodded.

[Genkai] "Okay what is the promise?"

[Nero] "I want to go and travel for a while to see the world and improve my skills. So give me eight years and if you still want to be my disciple. Let us meat here back here in meteor city again"

[Nero] "Today was the 31 of January, so our appointment will be on the first of February eight years from now in meteor city. I am sure by that time you would have mastered the whole volume."

After hearing that the vigor returned to her face and her eyes regained her trademark determination. I stretched my pinky to here and said.

[Nero] "Pinky promise"

Genkai grabbed on to my pinky with here's and said "pinky promises"

[Nero] "But don't just be happy, after we meet I am going to quiz your progress. If your progress and mastery is not up to my satisfaction you will be punished harshly"

And like that hear smile went away and she said

Genkai "Meany!!" and she punched me in the gut and run away.

It was quite refreshing to see that part of her. It was those stale moments that she acted like a chilled befitting of her age that I liked about her.

[Nero] {But I don't know if she will stay like this for long though}

[Nero] "You can come out now mam she is gone" I sighed and said

Behind me, the head nun came out the corner like a ghost and placed her hand on my shoulder and said

[Nun] "So u will be living us then young Nero?"

[Nero] "Sneaking on people is not nice mam," I said looking up at her

[Nun] "Just don't forget meteor city is all ways going to be your home, Nero"

[Nero] "Sure thing mam I will be going now" Saying that I left for my dorm room.

(Cine ends her)

Time fly's by when you are having fun, at the list that is how it felt to me that last month. The month leading to my tenth birthday went fast. But at list it was productive. In the time I had, I mastered the three Basic forms of NEN. Being TEN, REN, and ZETSU. And when the time came to leave the city the most hardest thing for me to do was saying goodbye to Genkai. I just hope she does not lose herself in her pursuit for strength, but I believe in her she has a strong will and heart.

When I was on the outskirts of the city I found someone there reading a book.

(Cine of meting Chrollo Lucifer)

{Thy soul shall find it's alone

Mid dark thoughts in the gray tombstone

Not one of all the crowd that pry

In to thine hour of secrecy

Be silent in there solitude

Which is not loneliness for then

The Spirits of the dead who stood before me are again}

[Nero] "Nice pome, did you write that yourself"

[Chrollo] "No it is one of the early works of a famous poet."

[Chrollo] "I think it my favorite of his early works"

He closed the book and looked at Nero. The man looked to be in his late teens probably 17 or 18. He was wearing a whit long sleeve shirt and black pants. He had black hair and eyes.

[Chrollo] "You are that kid that Uvogin chases all the time"

[Nero] "Hahaha, yah that I am are you his friend or something?" he said same what awkwardly.

[Chrollo] "You could say that in a way, though they call me boss rather than my name"

When the young man said that Nero immediately figured out who he was talking to

[Nero] {So this is what his younger self looks like, the bustard is really handsome}

[Nero] "And what is your name?" he asked

[Chrollo] "My name is Chrollo Lucifer"

[Nero] "Lucifer as in the devil?"

[Chrollo] "Ha, I have ben compered to many things but sure you could say that" he said somewhat amused.

[Nero] "My name is Nero Giovani, well it was nice meeting you Mr. Lucifer say by to the big oaf for me" he said

[Chrollo] "Are you leaving?" he asked

[Nero] "Yah"

[Chrollo] "Uvogin won't be happy about this, he still has a grudge to settle with you he even started training in NEN because of you"

[Nero] "Well if that is the case I better run before he caches me" he said somewhat jokingly

[Chrollo] "You don't struck me as the coward type"

[Nero] "You don't say" he said and walked away.

Chrollo looked at Nero for a while he then he opened his book back up and said to him

[Chrollo] "It was fun talking to you. Good luck on your endeavors"

[Nero] "You two I guess" he said waving his hand.

Nero never thought that he would meet someone like him just as he was leaving the city. Out of all the people he met here. The man he just met here was undeniably the most formidable. His aura was smooth and strong, just from a glace Nero could tell that he already mastered his NEN.

[Nero] {Dam what a guy}

[Author: the pome one of the early works of the famous writer of "the raven" Edgar Allen Poe I felt it represented Chrollo's personality well so I used it as a form of introduction]

(Cine end)

After my small chat with the leader of the notaries group of thief I left the city. When I was in that city there were many things I could not do or try for fear of implicating Genkai or being found out by the eldest. So I couldn't see the full capabilities of my improve powers. Except for that one time I tried to see how may transformation worked when I was two years old I did not transform again. When I got far enough from the city I wanted to try what my full body transformation was capable of at least once.

The Fanlis original form looks like a mix between a feline and an eastern dragon and they can alternate from walking on two legs or all fours. One thing I did not account for was my increase in size. When I transformed my height increased from 1.55m to at list 2.75m. I couldn't control the expansion of my size so I had to say RIP to the cloth I was wearing.

[Author {look for magi chapter 211 and 308, page 10 and 11} plus just read magi if you don't know it is really good]

Getting down on all of my limbs I started to sprint with every bit of energy I have in my body. The feeling of the wind rushing against my face was exhilarating. In both of my life's, I have never felt this much excitement and rush. Mountains, cliffs, canyons, forest, laces, I did not care whatever obstacle that came in front of me. At the t moment in time, both my mind and heart were screaming just one word "FORWARD!!!!!! KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!! "

It felt like I was shackled for a very long time and I was just sent free for the first time to see a big world in front of me. I no longer needed to worry about hiding my skills. I no longer needed to worry about unforeseen out comes. For once in my life her I did not car for anything and just lived in the moment.

[Nero] {I want to go everywhere, see everything that there is to see, all those fantastic worlds of fictional that I fell in love with when I was reading or watching them, I want to see them with my one eyes, experience their wanders, and interact with them.}

I did not know how long I was running for but I only stopped when I run out of land to run on. When I looked around myself I found out I was standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean. I was panting hard it felt like my lungs would burst wide open, all of my limbs were shaking and my vision was blurry that I thought I was going to pass out. I could barely stand up straight but for all it's worth it was the most fun I ever had in years.


I am sorry for the short chapter but I thought for my sake and to make a better coherent and more readable chapter. I will try to stick to shorter chapters. In exchange I will try to increase my consistency for the release of chapters.

Thank you for all of you who read this despite my short comings

You guys are awesome all the best to you and your family's and friends in this though times

Tack care, stay safe and all the best