

Nero Giovanni, a martial art fanatic dies a classic death by yours truly track Kun and is set to an otherworld first world hunters x hunter world .................................. So if you read any of my unfinished/poor works before you could tell English is not my first language no matter how much I edit these books I am sure some of you will find some miss-spelling and grammatical errors to that, I say sorry I am improving with every try so bere wit it for the time I only write for fun so update my not be consistent also sorry about this thank u in advances for any comment thank you for reding my work ---------------------------------- Dieing in a car accident Nero Giovanni wakes up in a strang room with someone claiming to be the soul administer Nero is then reincarnated in a new world with all his memory's wthe new abilities who will his new adventure go read and find out.

bilu619 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 37: York new city

It's been five months since Nero left Meteor city in shambles. He was on an unhabituated island near the gulf the Kakin kingdom doing what he loved doing best. Exploring new forests and training to prefect his NEN more.

He completely cut himself from the outside world for a while, he knew that the two left elders will probably be sending someone after him, but he was not sure if they had the balls to do so, or someone skilled or stupid enough to accept that job. Anyone who was there that day saw what he was capable of and more so than not what he turned into.

He wanted to take a break from society as a whole and clear his mind out of all the things that happened. Resisting his soul manual helped him in controlling his emotions. It took some time for him to regulate it back to normal

He was sitting on edge of a cliff facing the sunrise doing a series of meditative birthing, taking in deep breaths the puffed his chest up, and breathing it out like fumes out of a kettle. This proses continued until the sun was fully resin up in the sky bringing the forest to life. He opened his eyes and stood up stretching his limbs. Alfa then said to him

Alfa {sir, everything is normal now, if you wish you can even use the world gate}

Nero {there is no need for that now alfa I am Ok with staying in this world for a bit while longer, plus I still have some stuff I want to do in this world before we go to any other one}

Alfa {??? Like what sir?}

Nero {first of all I want to go to York new city to see if I can get one of the copies of the greed island game that will be up for auction there, or at least get a, and I know the right person for that}he said while smiling.

Alfa {do you need to get something from their sir}

Nero {not, in particular, you could say it is some sort of an experiment which you have the main role}

Alfa {I do sir? Can you elaborate?}

Nero {I also want you to copy the code frame of the game and see if we could recreate it on a smaller scale, as far as I know, if you can do that the only other thing is having enough aura reserve to actually make the game work, so do you think you are up for the job Alfa}

Alfa {affirmative sir}

Nero {ok then, we have our destination set, on to New York City}.

Alfa {you mean York New city sir}

Nero {…yah that one}

Alfa {sur thing sir}

One week later York new city.

Nero landed on the harbor of the York new city, as soon as he walked out off of the ship he saw a dazzling line of skyscrapers as far as the eyes could see. The city was indeed one of the biggest metropolises in this world. It is the biggest commercial and business center of the world. It is said the trillions of genis are circulated at least once every year here. This place is where both the world binges auction and underground auction are held at. At this time of the year the city was like a gold mine. It is where dreams come true, the city of York new.

Nero {first thing I need to do is to get a credit account and a credit card form a bunk}

Since Nero had an abundant amount of precious stones {gems, diamonds, and rubies} getting money wasn't a problem, and with the hunter licenses he would get a VIP service in any bank he goes to. It took him serval hours to finish up with the paperwork and when it was done Nero walked out of the bank platinum and gold plated credit card and after sell selling most of his stalk of precious stones except for few unique ones, he now had 25.6 billion, Genis, in his account.

[Author note: from rags to riches am I right or wrong}

Alfa {sir someone has been following you for the past 30min} said alfa.

It started when he walked out of the bank, there was a guy in black suet following him, there was nothing unique about him, but he was constantly texting his position to someone on the other line of his phone. Nero did not think any of it so he said to alfa.

Nero {yah I know, don't pay them attention, he poses no threat to us, probably an informant or something, don't forget the city is full of the mafia in this time of the year}

Alfa {though I don't like it, okay sir}

Nero {it is given alfa don't overthink it like this, it happens when someone sells that much amount precious anything actually, some people are going to roam around you like vultures who spotted dead cruces trying to get a piece of the meat. The only thing that is keeping them at bey is because they sow me flashing my hunter's licensee, no would attack a hunter that easily}

Alfa {so it dost bother you, sir?}

Nero {we have been staked by fare worst creatures alfa, they might as well be some stay cats in my eyes}

Alfa {then where to next sir?}

Nero {next it to a warm bath and a soft bed, and we will start at gathering Intel after that, all I want to do now is just get comfortable}

Location York new abandon district.

Deep within runs of one of the buildings, a band of misfits from Meteor city were gathering up there. They were none other than the "spiders". Currently, there were three of them in one of the abandoned buildings, Chrollo Lucifer, Phinsk, and Shalnark. They were waiting for the other members of the Throop to arrive. Suddenly a beeping came from Shalnark's phone echoing throughout the empty room. He pooled out his phone from his pocket to check what it was.

It was a message with a picture file attached to it, sent to him by one of his informants within the city. This was to alert him for any big fish that come into this city within the action weeks.

[Person of interest, occupation hunter, just soled an exorbitant amount of crystals and precious stones, currently, staying at XXXX five star hotel] And the picture of Nero walking out of a bank with it.

Shalnark "well this is unexpected?"

Phinsk "what is it?"

Shalnark "you wouldn't believe who one of my toys picked up just now"

Phinsk "who?"

Shalnark handed the phone to hem to see.

Phinsk "{whistle} well isn't this a treat, boss Nero is here"

Chrollo "oh, is that so"

Shalnark "what do you think boss should I pass the Intel along, the first elder did asked us to do plus he did promise us he will pay us for any information"

Chrollo "do what you want it, doesn't mater ether way"

Phinsk "why do even need to do that just f***km let him deal with his own mess"

Chrollo "----"

Shalnark "what I am more concerned about is Uvogin, when he finds out he is here he would go after him no matter what we say to stop him, he still did not get over the losses he suffered at his hand"

Phinsk "yah that big oomph would be happy to hear he is here"

"Ow, and who is here exactly" came a voice from the doorway

Phinsk and Shalnark looked to see a tall blond woman with a sexy finger, tall slender legs, and big {hadonkas}, showing more than optimal cleavage. She was none other than the Throop member Pakunoda. But she wasn't the only one of the Throop how arrived. She was fallowed by three others, a mummy-like guy with boxing gloves and shorts, a short midget person that looked like he came out of {the movie the ring}, and finally, the muscles brain wild man of the group himself Uvogin.

Uvogin "dam my ears were burning were you guys talking about me"

Pakunoda "they were saying someone is here and you would be happy to find out"

Shalnark and Phinsk "NO DON'T!!"

Pakunoda "??? Was that supposed to be a secret?"

Uvogin "who is here Shalnark tell me," he said looking at the blond kid.

Shalnark didn't know what to say so he looked at Chrollo for assistance.

Chrollo simply said while reading his book "he would have found out anyway so tell him, and Uvo you can only do what you want after the job is over"

Uvogin "I agree so tell me who is here??"

Shalnark "sigh, it is Nero he is here in York new,"

Pakunoda "OW!! … Sorry Shalnark" she said apologetically, only now did he understood the ramification of her actions.

Uvogin on the other hand was overcome by an incredible sense of excitement as, as his aura flared on its own, he had a crazy smile on his face.

Chrollo "calm your self UVO dint forget the job first"

Uvogin "sorry boss, it is just getting so euphoric at thought of finally bashing the smug face of that prick"

Phinsk "that prick is the same person you have never won agents not even once dumb ass"

Uvogin "I was young and brash bake then plus I am a million times stronger now!! HAHAHA!!!!"

Phinsk "I don't know if you are dumb or trying to be one if you got stronger he obviously also did"

Uvogin "that will make things even more exciting, that way we will see who got even stronger"

Another voice came and said "what are you guys talking about" it was a young lady with black hair and round glasses, and a big golden cross chin cross neckless. It was Shizuku.

Uvogin "hay if it isn't Shizuku, we were talking about some guy I was going to beat up real good"

Shizuku "who are you talking about,"

Pakunoda "he is talking about Nero, Shizuu, do you remember him he used to live in Enris monastery like you"

Shizuku "Hamm!? I don't remember him,"

Shalnark "I thought I told you what happened, how he blew up a deep hole in the city and killed eight eldest in the process"


Shalnark "that is why I say to you should get a phone UVO".

Uvogin was then filled on what had happened in the city five monte ago and the current state of thing in Meteor city. And the reward for his capture or any info on him.

Uvogin "I don't know what grudge he had against those fools and I don't care what happens to them, but the more excuses I have to fight him the better".

Uvogin looked at Chrollo and said "what is the job anyway boss"

Shalnark "we are still waiting for the others to come so be patient Uvogin"

Uvogin "but that is an inter half a day why do we have to wait that long"

As he was about to make a fuss again Chrollo interjected and said "just sit down and wait for Uvogin,"

Uvogin "sigh, yah okay boss," he said grumpy and sat down, but the smile never left his face.

Shalnark "well then I am going to pass on the information along then"

Location: five-star hotel

Nero was in his bath towel sitting on his bead with a brand new laptop in front of him on the bed, he was surfing the hunter website for information on the auction and any other items in there that may be to his liking. After a while he found something entrusting, a scroll written in divine scripture and two short blades with also divine scripture. The starting bid is 600 million.

Nero {alfa can you translate and recreate divine scripts like this}

Alfa {I would have to have a base database first, but yes I can sir}

Nero {good then we have something to buy after all}

Alfa {sur thing sir}

He put the laptop away and lay down on the bed, it has been such a long time since he got a relaxing warm bath and a soft bed to sleep on, so the warm feeling of the bed was heavenly for him to say the least.

Nero "god I missed the feeling of the soft sheets" {alfa can I stay like this forever please}

Alfa {I don't think that would be productive sir}

Nero {why!!! These soft sheets are like thousand feathers creasing my skin, man do reach people all ways sleep in this kind of beds.}

Alfa {I wouldn't know sir but I would presume yes}

Nero {yes they probably do}

Nero {I am sure the spiders are here and they will be targeting the underground auctions}

Alfa {wouldn,t that make them the enemies of all the underground syndicate sir, that I illogical in my opinion}

Nero {don;t underestimate them alfa, they may be limited in their power when compared to me but they are still the cream of the top in the standards of this world. And let's not forget with NEN involved the outcome is less predictable}

Alfa {I will sure to do so sir}.


Hi guys I am back. Life has been a bit hard this past month.

I am not one to pray about his personals life but shit ben like 2 out of a 100 to give it a scale emotionally and mentally.

But what can you do but move on with life,

Life does not give a shit about you so you just have to buckle your belt and never give up non matter what it throws at you no matter how crashing it is. And I tend to do just that

For anyone, he has been put off by y long brake

I am sorry,

For those who waited for me all along

Thank you, you are awesome