

Nero Giovanni, a martial art fanatic dies a classic death by yours truly track Kun and is set to an otherworld first world hunters x hunter world .................................. So if you read any of my unfinished/poor works before you could tell English is not my first language no matter how much I edit these books I am sure some of you will find some miss-spelling and grammatical errors to that, I say sorry I am improving with every try so bere wit it for the time I only write for fun so update my not be consistent also sorry about this thank u in advances for any comment thank you for reding my work ---------------------------------- Dieing in a car accident Nero Giovanni wakes up in a strang room with someone claiming to be the soul administer Nero is then reincarnated in a new world with all his memory's wthe new abilities who will his new adventure go read and find out.

bilu619 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 31 final phase part 3

Chapter 31 final phase part 3

First battle: [Gon v Hanzo]

Nero POV

The first fight of the final phase was between Gon and Hanzo, and as I expected it would be, it was a one-sided beat down. To call this a fight would be giving Gon too much credit. Hanzo was kicking Gon around like a football. He wanted to brake Gon's spirit and make him admit defeat. But this was of course not going to happen knowing Gon's character. The boy was as stubborn as a mule. You could say many things about him, the fact that he is naive, irrational, and morally ambiguous, but the most outstanding point about him was that. Gone was the type of person who didn't care for his wellbeing as long as he achieves what he set out for. Faced with this Hanzo was getting irritated by the second. Hanzo's skill, experience, and his overall physical advantages dwarfed Gon by a long shot. The only thing Gon could do now was girth his teeth and endure the pine.

3 hours later

Gon was on the ground coughing in pain, his head was spinning, and he could barely muster the strength to stand back on his two feet. As much as I don't want to condone the abuse of children. I have to give credit to Hanzo, even though he wasn't light-handed in his strikes, he did avoid causing any serious Gon. Well, that was just from my perspective, other people like Leorio who was grinding his teeth together might have other opinions. I mean I could sort see where is coming from the ground near Gon was covered with vomit. This was the result of getting too many punches on the Gut, curtesy of the Hanzo. Who would feel good after seeing his friend in that stat? I can understand his anger.


Hanzo stood over Gon and said "if this much is bothering you this much then you better leave this will only get worse"

Leorio "WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!"

Gon "it is Ok Leorio, I am fine," he said struggling to get back up.

Looking at him Hanzo swept his leg from underneath him, he grabbed his arm putting it in an armlock, he arched his face down to gowns ear and said "playtime is over if you don't give up I will snap your arm"

Gon was shaken up but those words, and yet he still held his resolve and said "NEVER!!!"


The sound of Gon arm braking reverberated throughout the silent hall, he did it, he broke the boy's arm, I don't know why but at that moment part of me wanted to punch Hanzo so much for doing that. I had no emotional connection to anyone here. But this sight dug up some bad memories of my past life chilled hood. I knew most of what is happening here would have happened regardless, and I thought I didn't care, but it would seem part of me does. And that manifested as an intentional glare on my side, unbeknown to me this leaked some out some of my concourses HAKI.

Hanzo jumped off Gon like a frightened cat, he instantly pulled out two hidden blades from his beaded sleeves. His eyes were sharp and diluted, and face covered with sweet as he looked my way.

Alfa {sir, you should stop!!}

I only realized what I was doing when Alfa's voice rang in my head.

Nero {dam I should learn how to control my concourse better}

Bodor and Pokkel who were standing next to me were no were to be seen. They both instinctively jumped way the moment that they sensed they were in danger by standing next to me

I awkwardly scratched my head and said "sorry about that my emotions got the better of me for a moment It won't happen again so you may go at it as you like"

Netero "be mined fully to not do that again then, else you or Gon might get disqualified clear"

Nero "clear as rain" and I moved back and sat near the wall.

The fight had stopped momentarily, though the tension was defused, everyone was still looking at me.

The fight continued, with the reef saying commence,

Hisoka come over to me and side "riveting I did not know you were a soft heart like that" he said with a seductive smile

Nero "stop gloating, and don't talk to me in public, people may get the wrong idea and think we are friends"

Hisoka "OW!! You are barking my heart, to say that after our intense session"

Nero {Not this again}

Nero "sigh, stop it with the sexual innuendos, or I will consider nulling our deal"

Hisoka "you are no fun," his said with an exaggerated sad expiration,

Nero "being, fun is overrated, and I am in a bit of a bad mood now, and punching your face in sounds quite therapeutic right about now"

Hisoka "that sounds terrifying indeed," he said with a sarcastic smile.

Hisoka "do think he will win"

Nero "the answer is quite obvious"

3rd POV

After the small scare with Nero, the fight between gone and Hanzo continued, and for most of it, it played out just as Nero thought it would go, after confronting the irrational mind, the pure naiveté, and unyielding stubbornness of Gon, even threatening to cut off his limbs did not work. Hanzo could only yield his defeat in the face of this irrational boy.

Hanzo "sigh, fine you win I give up ok, since I am not allowed to kill you and I am unable to make you surrender, so I will take my chance in the next round."

Gon "I won't accept that"

Hanzo "sigh!! Why am I not surprised, you are completely Irrational"

Turning around he started screaming in the face of Gon

Hanzo "you just said you wouldn't give up no matter what, so the hell Is the point of that, you idiot."

Gon "NO!! We must find a better way than this to settle our much"

Hanzo" so let me get this, you want to win in a way that makes you feel good about, right"

Gon "YES!!"

Hanzo clocked Gon with an uppercut that sent him flying while screaming "MORAN!!"

He looked over to the ref and said "I lose so move on to the next match,"

Ref "understood sir"

Ref [second Match, applicant 24, Nero V applicant 44 Hisoka]

Ref "please step forward so that we can begin"

But just before Nero was about to stand up Hisoka said something

Hisoka "there is no need, you can proceed to the next match, I admit define on this match"

Everyone was surprised, and some even suspected foul play and thought that Hisoka and Nero had a deal in advance. But none of them would dare to point that out. For some, they even sighed in relief knowing that they won't have to face Nero, the little stunt he pooled scared most of them stiff.

He looked at Nero and said "Call it a thank you for saving my life back then"

Nero "suit yourself" and he sat back down.

Hisoka "you heard him so you may continue

with the second match"

The Ref looked at Netero for conformation, which he simply nodded at him.

The read "so be it then the next patch applicant may come out now"

[Pokkel v Hanzo] victor {Hanzo}, PokKel admitted defeat after being put in the same arm lock as Gon.

Next match

[Hisoka v kurapica] victor Kurapica after, Hisoka admitted defeat after whispering something into Kurapicas ear

Next match

[Pokkel vs Killua] victor Pokkel, after Killua decided to give up on the match on account of fighting Pokkel would be no fun.

The next match

[Hisoka v Bodoro], victor Hisoka, after a complete one-sided beatdown of the old man.

The next match

[Killua vs Illumi] victor Illumi, unbeknown to Killua that the man he will be facing will be his brother, he was confidant and ready for battle. but in an instant, his confidence and readiness for battle were shattered by the simple words of Illumi. He was left frozen in fear, unable to advance nor retreat, until he admitted defeat

Bing threatened, with killing Gone and being told that he was nothing more than "a tool for killing people", and "killers don't need friends", left Killua in a very bad and demoralized place. His sank as if the light was pooled out of them, he had a look of a dead man as he walked back to the line where the other applicants were standing.

The and next match

[Bodoro v Leorio], victor Leorio, on account of rules broken, this match ended the final Phase with Killua killing Bodoro, disqualifying him and passing Leorio {RIP old man}

And with that, the exam was over with the passing of these eight applicants.

1st Gon (#405)

2nd Nero (#24)

3rd Hanzo (#294)

4th Kurapica (#404)

5th Pokkel (#53)

6th Hisoka (#44)

7th Illumi (#301)

8th Leorio. (#403)

This people where the ones to pass the applicant to pass the 287th hunter exam. And become new Hunters.


Hi, guys, it is me again sorry for the large delay on this chapter I have been dealing with some personal problems so I could not focus at writhing at all, and you may spot this in the pacing of this chapter while reading it

All in all, thank you for the wait

Thank you for the patients

Thank you for reading.

And I want to say spatially thank you for the people that give my fanfic votes.

And to the three people and the guy that comment using French love you dud and merci for reading my book.

Thank you all, I hope for you, your families, and friends, health, wellbeing, and happiness.