
World Traveler with Omni-Multiplier

Chosen by a bored Eldritch God to relieve his boredom, Rudra travels to Multiple Worlds armed with a World Traveler System and a Unique Ability: Omni-Multiplier.

Krishna_Is_Here · Fantasy
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CH 04 Spending Money and Learning Skills

[First Class Acquired: Adventurer LV0. Random Skill points being assigned as a reward for picking First Class. 1 Skill point acquired.]

[Omni-Multiplier is triggered. The reward is multiplied. You have acquired 10 Skill points.]

Rudra felt happy on seeing this notification. Originally he would have had to pick some low-class skill such as concealment. While it was definitely very useful when used correctly, he could now go for stronger skills, especially ones that could be used for attacking directly.

"Luna. Can an adventurer post their own quests here?" Rudra asked.

"Of course. However, you will have to submit the reward for the quest's completion to us beforehand, along with a small transaction fee we charge for being the guarantor. In return, we will take care of any problems that crop up between the quest giver and the quest taker." Luna explained.

"Okay. I would like to post two quests." Rudra said after thinking for a while.

"First is a quest for people of different types of Class to demonstrate their skills for me to learn. They can report the skills they can teach me to you and I will make the final decision whether I want to learn that particular skill. The reward is negotiable."

"Second is a quest for a party with an Arch-Priest to accompany me for the quests I pick. I don't have any requirement for the number of people in the party, their strength, or the amount of experience they have as an adventurer, as long as the Arch-Priest is good at healing all kinds of injuries and curses."

"They will also have the right to refuse any of the quests I pick if they feel it is too out of their ability to accomplish. The reward will be 100,000 eris per quest for which they accompany me." Rudra concluded his requirements.

"Hmm, these are some very large quests you are posting. The cost of the First quests is variable since you have not posted a limitation for the type of Class or the rank of Class. If High-Rank class owners come then they might ask for a very large amount to even teach you one of their skills."

"As for the second quest, you have given the rate of 100,000 eris per quest you and the party with the Arch-Priest do. If you do even three quests, you will have to pay 300,000."

"Keeping all this in mind, if you post these two quests with us, then we will need a deposit of 500,000 eris. If the payout of the quests exceeds the deposit then you will have to pay the excess amount after your posted quest is completed."

"Of course, there are also the transaction fees for these two quests. Based on the risk estimate of these quests, the transaction fees will be charged as 50,000 eris. So in total, you need to pay 550,000 eris right now if you want to post these quests. Is that acceptable to you?" Luna asked.

Rudra took out a Mithril Coin, which was worth 1,000,000 eris, and gave it to Luna, "I will put this as the deposit. Please use it to pay for my quests and the transaction charges, while keeping the rest for any extra cost needed during the First Quest I posted."

Luna was stunned when she saw a Mithril Coin. 'No wonder he had said that he doesn't lack money', Luna thought, 'I wonder where this rich scion came from. Also, why is he wearing the cotton clothes of a commoner if he has so much money? He should at least be wearing leather equipment if he wants to become an adventurer.'

Luna composed herself and finished the registration and posting of the quests as soon as possible. Once she was done, Rudra asked her for the location of a magic shop that can sell magic potions and magic equipment.

"Hmm, Around here that would be the shop of the Arch-Wizard Wiz. She doesn't usually visit us, but she has a good reputation. Here, I will write the direction for her shop in this slip of paper. You can ask around the market using the directions written in it. Should be easy enough to find the shop owned by Wiz using this." Luna said as she gave him a slip of paper.

"Thanks, Luna, you were a really big help. I will treat you to a meal later." Rudra said as he turned to leave.

"My pleasure," Luna replied.


Rudra followed the directions given in the slip and asked the nearby people whenever he felt lost. Soon he arrived in a secluded area of Axel Town to the front of a cozy little shop with a house attached behind it. Rudra presumed that Wiz probably lived there too after closing her shop each day.

As Rudra entered the shop, he saw a lovely and well-endowed woman at the counter. She barely looked twenty years old, with fair skin and had a curvaceous figure.

She had brown eyes and straight brown hair partly reaching down to the front of her shoulders, the rest falling further behind her back and slightly curling at the tips. A fringe of her hair covered her right eye in an attractive way. She also possessed a single ahoge that arced off the top of her head.

She wore a light purple long dress under a dark purple hooded gambeson robe with golden props and dark-purple boots. Over her robe, she wore a golden cross brooch with bat wings.

"Welcome!!" the brunette beauty greeted him with a shy smile, "What can I help you with today?"

"May I inquire if you are Wiz, the Arch-Mage?" Rudra asked.

The brunette beauty tilted her head slightly to the left cutely as she confusedly looked at Rudra with her right index finger gently pressing on her lower lip.

"Do I know you?" She asked.

"No. I am Rudra. I joined the Adventurer Guild today and was recommended by Luna to come here in case I want to buy magic potions or magic equipment."

"Ah, Luna!!" Wiz said as she clapped her hands once, "She is a good girl who always helps me out. I do have many potions and magical items in stock. What do you need?"

"Do you have any temporary status amplifying potions? Such as those that can temporarily increase speed or strength? Also, I need some Health and Mana replenishing potions. I am also looking for some long-range attack-type magic equipment." Rudra listed his requirements.

"Hmm, that is a lot. You have brought a lot of business to me today, young Rudra. Are you sure you can pay for all this?"

Rudra took out another of his few remaining Mythril Coins. He was sure he could make more money in the future. Right now the important thing was to turn his wealth into items he could use to kill a lot of monsters and swiftly level up.

"Hmm, it seems you are not here to fool around. Let me see what I can find for you." Wiz said as she started browsing through her stock of items.

A few minutes later, Wiz displayed a bunch of items in front of her. She had displayed for Rudra ten bottles each of Health and Mana Replenishing Potions, and a few dozen Enchanted Scrolls that could be used to release spells such as Big Fireball, Ice Javelin, Lightning Bolt, and Stone Barrett.

There was also a small box that contained three bottles of Physical Amplification Potion, that could temporarily amplify all physical stats by a factor of 3. But the limitation was that the physical stats should not exceed 20 each, else the amplification effects would decrease.

Rudra also bought a Spatial Pouch from Wiz to keep all these items in. This would serve a two-fold benefit. Firstly it would act as a camouflage for his inventory. Secondly, he could use the Spatial Pouch to store non-essential items of his so that he can use the Inventory to store items he could use in battle.

After all, he could summon items from his inventory with just a thought which was extremely useful in midst of a battle. A well-timed potion or scroll could help him turn the face of the battle effortlessly.

"Wiz, one last thing. Can you teach me some skills?" Rudra asked.

"Sure. You spent a lot in my shop. I can provide this much service for free in return." Wiz smiled, "What kind of skills are you looking for?"

"I want to at least acquire one each of Attack, Support, and Production type skills," Rudra replied.

"Ah, so lucky for you. I have just what you need. I can teach you Freeze Spell for Attack, Enemy Search and Trap Search for Support, and finally Alchemy for Production. What do you think? Good enough for you?" Wiz asked.

"No. The skills you mentioned are perfect for me." Rudra replied.

"Alright then. If you have something to finish before the day ends then you should do so, because while Freeze, Enemy Search, and Trap Search are easy enough to teach, for Alchemy it will take at least half a day to properly demonstrate various sub-skills." Wiz told Rudra.

"It is fine. I have nowhere to go and nothing else to do. Let's begin." Rudra replied.

"Very well then." Wiz said with a smile and changed the sign on her store's door to 'Closed'.