
world peace as a demon lord

this probably my first time I'm writing something and posting it in the internet so please give feedback about my writing so I improve further on. and also please forgive if there's any grammar error because English is not my first language. the synopsis: the Dio Valo has a unfortunate life. he was abandon by his father and her mother died soon after he was born. getting involved with crime. a local gang noticed his exploit and wanted to invite him to their family. he accepted it and soon after gotten a reputation around the under belly of society. being quiet feared in the world for being ruthless and bloodthirsty. he was eventually got ambush and lured to a trap. wounded and scared, he took of to the night and never seen again. couple of years later, he lived a quiet life, the world and underworld has already forgotten about him. so he lived his life to the fullest and gotten married with his childhood best friend. but tragedy struck again. fire consumed his house with his pregnant wife, being consumed with grief and sadness. he took of running toward the inferno. being Isekai to another world where numerous other races roam the earth other than humans. a great war involving two faction, the human and the devil. in a long feud that left both side questioning why they were fighting each other in the first place. each faction has equal power with heroes and demon lord a like, a error in the system. the next candidate to be a demon lord is delay. so the human had fighting chance against the devil, but with the help of heroes they completely eradicate the devil's. couple of hundreds of thousands of year later. the system finally found the candidate of becoming a demon lord, but because how long it was. the demon lord and the rain of tyranny that they given to the world, is only been told in myth. the humanity has advance and change. the only thing that threatens human is other nation and monster. so they were under prepared for dealing against a devil. in his second life, would tragedy follow him, or will he finally realize his own dreams? two wills being clashed against each other, would he change the world for the better or completely ruin it like last time.

the_perverted_kid · Fantasy
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7 Chs

a girl called ros marry

the winter season looms in the distance as white stripes of paper fall down. the trees were naked to their branches and the ground was covered by snow. stores flip there signs as they closed for tonight while the people prepare for the cold night ahead. the whole city went to hibernation as the light inside of every house went out one by one. the lively and bustling city that held millions of life is nowhere to be seen. as if like every one disappeared. the lingering joy and emotion of the passerby were still visible in the street. the empty street was devoid of life but able to see the shadows of people running by the library. the pave road was filled with holes and crevices, the crack on the stone road has the shaped of a girl shoe. having untold amount of history being forgotten, being shadowed by the city darkness. the events of the city's yearly festival is still present, but you need to look more farther down. engraved in the city's history was the daily routine of the citizens and their uneventful life. like being insignificant as a pebble in the street, they were discarded without thought as they were covered in white blanket. the quiet breeze of the winter blown through the lifeless house's while snow pile up in the roofs and the unkept street. no light came out as if the house itself was asleep, their windows and doors were closed to the outside. there was one house in the forest. snow blanketed the trees like leaves. a blizzard in reality but it was just an ordinary winter for the residence. it's impossible to see Infront of you and the snow covered your footprint in the matter of seconds. unwelcome to any living being that wanted to settle in place. no one dared to appose the endless darkness, except for a particular house. the window who were border up from the inside, leaked little bit of light through. the thick curtains and behind the window were soft light that illuminated the interior. a warm heat radiated through her cozy thick blanket. being lit up by the fairly large fire, was a girl with long black stripes of hair covering the floor. her shadow stretched and looked like monsterious being is casting it instead of the small girl. she was occupied by the large rectangular object. her petite body was holding a large book, and the pages were thicker than her waist even after she opening it. the cover in the front was sowed with golden a emblem and written on it was " story of liberation. " being one of her favorite book to read in her spare time. a small room that has a fire place and couches to sit on, but she prefers to sit on the rug monster. it was bought outside the country so it was expensive than other rugs, but the softness was enough to compensate. rubbing her feet against the soft fur of the rug, she was sitting down and reading her most beloved treasure. being warmed by the fire, it was comfortable and relaxing, she wanted to enjoy her reread of her favorite book in peace. it's was the same book that her father read to her when she was a toddler. her mind coursed with image of heros and heroin saving a village from bandits. every word made her imagination go wild and conjured scenario of every scene written in the book. she was engrossed by the book and burrowed her head inside the page's, like she actually able to see world of the book, imaginary land scape and mythical animals populated every inch of space in the piece of paper. usually before she engrossed herself in the world of words, she'll do all of the house chores after making the bed. in noon is when she cooked dinner for herself, but usually her father isn't home. after eating and cleaning the dishes, she'll go check in the living room to look around the book shelf to pick something to read. she will sit down on the same rug and read the book until dusk. after reading a couple of more books, she put them back the book in the shelf and prepared dinner for herself. after she brushed her teeth and washed the dishes, she'll go to bed before midnight. this daily routine never changed in her life. because it was the only thing that she knows, being at home all day didn't bother her as much. her body was weak and couldn't do regular task, so she preferred to be at home instead of going outside. her father sometimes will be home around dusk but it was always random. all of the doors and windows were always lock from the inside. so whenever her father come back, he'll knock in a specific rhythm. so when she heard the knocks on the door, she was more than surprise. her father did all of the house chores while she sat and read books all day long. this is the reason why she wasn't moved from the same spot, leaving a inprint of her rear on the rug. waiting for her father to cook dinner, she was reading one of her favorite book. feeling excited as this was the first time that her father cooked. she wore a wide grin and wondered what his cooking taste like. she was happy for a different reason but couldn't tell her father. trying not to bother him, she continued engrossing herself in her book.—" rose, dinner is ready dear~ "— his way of speaking feels childish but she wasn't bothered—" coming, I'll be there "—

gingerly putting down the book and pat her pajama to remove any dust that cling to her. putting away the thick blanket on the coach as she strive toward the kitchen. her house isn't big and has only three rooms. the living room and the kitchen was connected and the bedroom was near the living room while the bathroom is near the Kitchen. she didn't take much time to get to the kitchen after a couple of steps, she saw someone sitting on the counter. she sat down on the only chair and there was, and steaming bowl of soup is Infront of her. the table was a round while the only kitchen equipment they have is the stove and oven that uses magic to make a fire and heat to cook food. there was a counter top that were placed together with the stove and oven. her father wore a apron while he sat on the counter top due to the lack of chairs. he enjoyed a bowl of soup that was also steaming. a spoon is placed on a clean rag, a cheap candle is lit between the two and tried to look posh, but instead it come out as being over the top. she was touch that her father try to make her dinner look fancy instead of being embarrassed. she gracefully picked the spoon up and trying to look like a princess as she dip the spoon in the bowl. putting the spoon to her lips and blowing the spoon to try to cool the hot soup. after cooling the warm soup, she placed the spoon in her mouth. she looked at her father and who is also doing the same. the pair burst out in laughter on how they both look while playing a role of a princess and a noble man.—" dad, can we read the book again, like last time? "— she asked while looking down her food

—" of course anything for you, dear~ "— he smiled at her daughter and she smiled back. both enjoyed their dinner in silence as they enjoyed the peace.

my eyes blinked, facing the black sky —" where. am. i "— is only one of endless question that raced in my head. the gloomy night sky towered over me, the moon looked down in melancholy. pitying me, but i don't know what made the moon to look so sorrowful. the stars twinkle like jewels, entranced by the beautiful sky, i tried to raise my head to get a better look, but a cold and hard surface press against my chin.

the feeling of the smooth but rough surface is preventing me to look up. the aching and numbing feeling throb around my neck is straggling me, breathing was hard and difficult, i wanted this uncomfortable feeling to go away.

a person pop in my mind, a person who can help me. he can do something to help me with this uncomfortable feeling, he's the only person who i can trust. he read books for me whenever i have trouble going to bed. helping me with my brittle body.

my father. being the only family member i have, he was precious to me, although the memories with is short, but i treasured the time with him. the small time i spent with him, he never talked about himself, only talking to me and asking how my day is going. being drenched in sweat and covered with filth. being the type of person who doesn't clean after himself. he was tired and exhausted, he can barely move after returning home and collapsing on the bed, after doing all my chores is when i also joined him in bed. the time when i woke up he already left.

he gave me a pet that one time, a puppy who fur was ragged and red with a missing ear, but it didn't change how adorable she was. I named her rubus, and she slept near my bed. she have a little door so she can go in and out of the house, but when she didn't came back for a while. I didn't know how long but it was long. very long. but when she finally came back, she has sickness. I was confused and sad, everything happened so suddenly that i didn't know how to feel, but my dad explained with clarity. it was nerve wracking, I couldn't stand being alone without rubus by my side, so i stood guard next to her even sleeping next to her, but it didn't matter. the grave was small and agape open in the soil. a little cross was made from branches and tied with a red ribbon, it was placed neatly on top of a small mount. my eyes were dry after crying, it was upsetting and i didn't have the mood to eat. I constantly stared through the window seeing the the tiny cross pointed out, my body didn't have the motivation to even move. he seems to notice because when he finally came back he gave me a few more books than usual. the festival of aliza's return was around the corner, so maybe that's why he gave me my present earlie. my heart pounded hard in my chest as i touched the cover of the book, it was made from black leather and has a cover of a man kneeling down and holding a head of a skeleton. it looked pretty and well made, but i felt it was strange, especially knowing what books i like. it rubbed me the wrong way and my feelings were torn. I still haven't read the book that he gifted me, apart of me wanted to peak inside, but stopped when i looked at the eerie cover, the man's gaze was piercing while it looked up to me. like warning me to not open the book, i felt sick whenever i stared for to long at the cover. putting it at the very back of the shelf, i felt more better after putting the book away...

recalling the last of my memory, my eyes ogle at the giant tress that stood apart from the ground, being surrounded by all side. comparing the warm and comforting walls with the gray and towering walls of the forest.

my thoughts raced but couldn't find any answer or even a clue. bolting up and straightening my back, the realization shot me like a bolt of lightning.

—" why am i here? "— the only thing I remember is getting away from those scary people, than why am i in the forest, didn't i ran away from them? my mind jogged through my memories, but couldn't find a answer. looking around me to get a better look of where i am, although i don't know a lot of places. I was in a clearing and in the middle of the forest, a hole is a couple of steps from me and a girl wearing a black cloak is standing over the edge of the hole.

her face was like a illustration of a beautiful princess in a cover of a book, her skin is like paper. her face left me stunned and made me wondered if she actually came from a book. her ears was pointy like a elfling, but her hair was in disarray, even though i don't have a mirror at home, i feel my hair is a lot more neater than her's. being cut in different lengths and sizes, half of hair was sprouting sporadically in different directions. her painting like face gaze out of in the wilderness, my eyes were glued to her, that i didn't see there a person sprawled in the hole.

—" are you ok?! "— half screamed and asked. his whole body was burnt, turned black and ash, the of smell of scorch meat wafted in the air and attacked my nose, but he was still breathing. my concerns were relieved and when i look back at the girl who was next to the hole, she was gone.

—" your, name? "—

the same girl who was couple of pace away, is now Infront of my face. a girl around my age, fair skin and a bush of black hair haphazardly cut in different lengths. a prettier girl than me, although the hair was weird. her face was symmetrical and lack any emotion when she talked to me. I was stunned by her elegant look, but my eyes drifted to the hand that was extended to me. a hand that was expecting a hand of a prince, deep scar's was drawn on her snow white skin, each one look new and fresh. countless scar's spread to her arms and beyond her shoulder, even though it was covered by a black cloak i felt it extended to her entire body. the lack of scar's on her face was out of place and looks odd with her scar riddled body. the face of a princess and having the scar's of a warrior, two mental images clashed against one and other. her hand was rough and strong while her nails were long and clear like glass. all of this element opposed each other, but yet. she was able to hold herself high and retain the dignity of a princess, exuding arrogance while she offered me a hand. her hand eeriely froze in place like she knew what decision I'm going to pick. without thinking my hand drifted to her's, but i didn't know why i hesitated to meet her hand half way. questioning what i was doing, my mind paused for an answer.

—" your, name? "— but the second time she asked her voice was more entrancing, but also feel more colder and uncaring. the face who didn't portray any emotion suddenly turned to smile at me. the toothless grin and her snow white eyes were pointed right at me. through her giant glossy eyes, the reflection of my terrified face looked back.

—" take. my. hand. "—

punctuating each word, while still having the smile of a father, but instead of sounding like a request, it was more of a demand. her voice was cold and emotionless. my answer didn't come out and only stayed half said. she was patiently waiting for me to answer her, but she stared down to me like an insect. it was overwhelming that i couldn't think of an answer. frozen and only stared with opened eyes. her withering gaze makes my knees go weak, moving my mouth but no words were spoken. mentally shaking my head and giving desperate glances, but she didn't seem notice my desperate pleas.

the silent stretched between us, we kept staring at each other and didn't move. the only thing that's keeping me up from the floor is the promise that i made to myself. refusing her hand and redoubled my effort of resisting the hand being held to me, a hand that will surely take me farther from home, the thought made my body tremble. but she looked indifferent and stayed still like a illustration of a princess. she kept her hand thrusted forward and patiently waited.

—" n... no i don't want t... to "—

my barely audible answer is tinge with fear and wasn't able to hide the trembling in my voice. she looked perplexed and an unreadable expression crossed her face. she took a second to process what i said and her arm was fixed in place. small changes run through her face. the face of the beautiful princess, is now showing her bare teeth. eyebrows were arched toward her forehead, disgust and hateful look was pinned against me. she gave me a scornful stare like she can kill with it. the air around me felt cold, like pressure pushing down on me in every direction, the chill go down my spine. my feet moved backwards, trying to get away from the hateful gaze... but suddenly.

the sound of air being ripped and the ground being shattered with the " boom. " sound. dust and dirt flew all around me, wincing my eyes and covering my mouth, i couldn't see my own out stretched arms. the sudden arrival made all of the noises stop, the noises died down while cloud of dust covered every where i look, the overwhelming silence made my ears ring. but oddly, even with the accelerating changes, i was calm, with sudden visit made me feel the visitor wasn't evil, or at least it isn't sided with the girl. the dust was finally picked by the wind and blown away with a " whoosh. " sound

a hand hovered Infront of me like a giant and sturdy wall, a man who's naked down to his butt was holding a hand abstracting the path toward me. a horn wrapped around his head and pointed toward his temple. the image of the hero of my favorite book overlapped with the man who stood straight Infront of me. in my daze i forget to breath, holding them in to gaze more of my beloved hero.

—" so... it wasn't a dream, he really did exist "—

my eyes watered and joy swelled. my heart flew and threatening to come out my chest.

—" the... demon, lord. "— through my short and quick in take of air. a prayer was muttered under my breath for the horned man Infront of me. black snakes coiled around his arms and legs and converged on the tips of his limbs. the back of him made me feel i can rely on him, like a wall blocking the enemies. the flattening pressure that being crashing down to me was cut off. in a long time, i felt safe and secure. like the warm embrace of a fire , it was relaxing and comfortable to be around.

—" you, what is the name "— her hateful gaze was switch to the man, her eyebrows arch back and her lips was lock together, the rage was still visible on her face and glared at him with hate. her eyes looked up and down and reading him like reading a book.

she flick her hand and snapped her fingers. the crisp sound echoed in the forest that made everything go silent. two figures appeared who also wore black cloak's, like they belong in the same group. they arrived in so suddenly that like they were teleported, but there wasn't any chanting. I didn't know a lot of magic, but the basic things were common knowledge. I read in a book that some magic spell needs a chant, but i didn't pay it any attention and only focused on what's type of magic their were.

they were four types of magic that a person can use.

• astral magic

• nature magic

• spirit magic

• harness magic

with the most advance and hard to use is harness magic. only difference between the types of magic is where the mana comes from. so some type of magic is more effective in some areas. like astral magic, it comes directly from your soul and it's limited in power with the strength of the person. but it's easy to learn and use, so the book recommend to focus first with astral magic before any other advance magic.

how the girl with the black cloak effortlessly cast the spell, literally with a flick of her finger. I thought she use an easy and weak type of spell, but it was just wiseful thinking. the other two emitted a dreadful stench under their pitch black robe. their was a person where floating books hovered around him. one of the levitating books hit the head of the other man that came with him.

—" can you cut that shit out "—

the man holding two gigantic swords spat and face the robe man with multiple floating books.

—" even if you groveled in the ground and say I'm the greatest. I can't deactivate my skills if i wanted to "—

he lectured him like a wise wizard, his voice horsed and held knowledge and wisdom. they kept on bickering while i hid behind the horned man and we looked on with caution.


—" why the hell is this happening "—

cursing under my breath, multiple black sword hailed from the shadows. multiple tree's were trumpled and cut in half, my vision didn't picked up who threw the black blade in the dark. I hid myself behind another tree and blended in the shadows. moon light shined at the decimated tree where i stood previously.

—" could you dispatch him any sooner. after all, 'time is gold to a dragon, but gold is time for a person'— but with your idiocy. we lose more than our time "—

a man wearing a black cloak step forward from the shadows with multiple books flying around him —" If ya only going to complain. then shut up and stay out of my way, you shithead! "—a voice boomed and echoed in the forest. I didn't understand what they were saying, but i felt the anger coursing through the voice, like i can smell his emotion. " can ya stop this cat n' mouse game. we only wanted to invite ya in our ranks. I promise ya a good and easy life. but if your going to make this hard..."—a tree fell near me, being perfectly cut vertically.

it spit and fall down in opposite direction. the ground broke and shook beneath the weight of the falling wood. —" we'll have to be a little rough with you "—a teen around fifteenth years old, stoop at top the stump and burying two of his over sized machetes on to the ground. his hair stopped at his chin. green with white streaks running down the middle. he reminded me of young gang members who were adopted by other gang's. being thankful that i didn't need to breath, i stood still under the cover of the night.

I heard them arguing with more vigor. taking the chance i moved in to run, but my body shiver, panicking, i looked back at the duo. both were gone and no where to be found. the darkness covered every crack and crevices of where the moon light didn't touch. but my eyes were different, seeing through the night like it was day, but still being able to see what spot is completely shrouded in darknessno sounds were heard, but only my racing thoughts. being bewildered i stood out of my hiding place and walked where they were. my line of sight was elevated, but couldn't spot anything a new. the air was dead and the crickets were silent. it was eeriely quite.

the moon shine's down onto my bare skin, the cloud parted away and shown the full moon. the quietness made me feel oddly at peace. my mind was relaxed and enjoyed staring at the stars.

a pricking pain shot to my right leg, in a daze i looked down absently. a black tentacle wrapped around my leg, and there was more coming from the shadows. wriggling and squirming around trying to get a hold of anything. it started to climb up my leg, but this is when i finally notice what's happening, breaking my trance, i shoot my arm to intercept the black tentacle, but now it's wrapping around my wrist and knuckle, coiling like a constrictor, shoving my arms away. the tentacle ripped without any resistance, but the ones that grab a hold of my hand started to spread throughout my arm.

pain and fear envelope me, exhaustion numb my body. without thinking my body instinctively move, darting away from the light. the black tendril suddenly started to shrivel and shrink, but it didn't completely gone away. my body slowed down when the black tentacle retracted to a small spot on my foot. but when i stoop the black ink spot suddenly shot up. 

i finally peace together the puzzle. the shadow cast by the moon was leaching on to me. the shadow flickered and twitch like it was alive. 

leaving a trail of ink blob on the ground where i touch my foot. 

climbing up my leg with more vigor. I moved away from where i stood and the ink tendril slipped away. the thing leaching on my shadow promptly moved in motion with my shadow.

—" shit, how can i get rid of it? maybe I could wait until day and light a fire to gid rid of my shadow entirely "—

I thought of it more and end up with a decision.

—" it wouldn't do, i didn't even know where the other went. so what i know they could be just hiding to kill me when i drop from exhaustion. "—

traversing throughout the forest, i glided effortlessly with my superv strength. the thing attached to my shadow was still tailing me.

running around like my tail is on fire, irritation boiled inside of me. I really can't keep doing this until the sun rises, my mind searched for ideas but end up with nothing. 

running around without any idea, i ended up in the same spot where they started to attack me. my heart lurch when the doll face girl has her hand raised up to her, my body raced in action. putting every ounce of my strength to my legs, i shoot out like a arrow and struck in between the two. my body shielded her's, the doll face girl morped into a face of bewildered ment, her eyebrows arch and eyes dilated as if in disbelief. I smirk at her and she started to get flustered and turned into a red tomato. 

the changes slightly amused me, but she regained her composer and flick her hand the same way when they first appeared. two familiar black cloaked people suddenly materialized.

—" why is it so long? "—

—" ma'am were sorry, we didn't mean to make you wait that long "— 

—" what do ya mean 'we'. you never did anything! "— 

both squabble and screamed at each other while ignoring the doll face girl. she was indifferent and looked at me with malice. her eyes glinted like diamond and sharp like a sword 

they seemed to take much longer to prapere, so i looked at the little girl and motion with eyes to the falled body of the man. 

understanding seems to dawned on her, she nodded her head and skirmed to the body. anxiety chewed at my stomach when she struggles to drag him away. looking back at the enemies and decided what course of action would i take. 

the both went silent when the doll face girl snapped her fingers at a attention. my body felt nervous, but excitement was mixed in. no fear seeded in my heart and it was strange. i wasn't able to articulate why, decided to think of it later. raising both my fist readying to defend any attack. she also raised her hand to initiate her first move. 

we clashed each other with more force than we were showing previously. being unbounded by restraints, i let myself loose and be consumed by my anger.