
world-overthrowing system

The universe is caught up in a loop: Every time it will be destroyed through the fight of the villain and the hero. No matter what is changed, the world-overthrowing system can't save anything. Then, while scanning for a new host, it finds the childhood friend of the villain, the completely op but so lazy he's already diligent support character Kohaku. The best friend of the hero, Yue Xing, lives behind the moon, quite literally, and because he receives the prophecy system that announces the awakening of the calamity he returns to Eridymeon, his home planet. There, the hero convinces him to participate in a competition. He dosen't think much of it, but then he meets Kohaku, a variable nobody expected to appear at the competition. The hero is the last survivor of the Lilienthal Dynasty from 3000 years ago, but according to his family, he has always been a lost cause. In an era of the magical cultivation and interstellar spaceships and races from outer space, he gives his best to rise up in the ranks and become the most powerful person in the universe. But before he can do that, he has to win the competitions in his sect, his province, country, continent... How many more does he have to win?! The villain is an assassin, left completely alone until his friend gets in touch with him again, saving him from making a very bad decision. Deciding to help his friend, he takes a turn for the good, but on his way, there are many that try to push him back to his self-destructive self and the end of the universe. He must stay true to his ideals, else everything he ever did will be in vain, and that he will never accept.

TiaowuWeiYang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Welcome to the system, host.

When Yue Xing woke up, his head hurt. There was a strange, high-pitched sound in his ears and his eyes couldn't focus on anything around him. He wondered if he had done something wrong to deserve such a state.

Last night, he had been called to the communication room to receive instructions from his master. She had told him that he should participate in the upcoming competition, but since he couldn't outright refuse he had said that he would think about it. After that... He really hadn't done anything special or different!

Suddenly, everything became clear. The colors were more vibrant than before, and he could even see the small dent in his desk from hitting it in excitement when he saw a new music video... His perception had changed, and the ringing sound was gone. Instead, he could hear the teens on the hallway, on their way to the showers and dining hall. And this should be impossible, the sound isolating for the rooms had been done with magic and technology, making it soundproof.

Extremely irritated, he sat up.

"Welcome to the system, host."

'... What.'

He stared at the text box that floated in front of him. Looking at it from different angles, it was really there, like in those vr games. He found it extremely strange.

Had he been a fan of fantasy novels and not just those adventure ones, he would have been able to identify this as one of those systems, he being the host and having to do missions or something in that direction. But he had no clue.

"This is the prophecy system, responsible for visions of the future." said the female voice. It sounded light and melodious, but somewhat emotionless. "The host will receive his first vision in ten... nine... eight..."

"W-wait, I don't understand this..."

"...five... four... three..."

'Can't you give me a bit more time?!' he shouted in his mind before a warm light filled his vision.

Yue Xing was in a white space. There existed nothing but his own body, clad in a strange red light.

"Vision initiated."

He frowned as the space around him was warped and a wide field of green gras appeared. The sky was light blue, the sun making the clouds bright white. Which planet was this? Eridymeon?

A movement caught his attention. In the distance stood someone in bright yellow clothes. This person had dark brown hair that shimmered golden in the sunlight and skin so pale that it almost looked white. The face was hidden behind the hair that was being disheveled through the wind that made the gras sing.

A light, clear and strong voice sounded from that person. "This is a gift to safe the calamity. Good luck, host." A smile sounded in that gentle voice before the figure disappeared. Shortly after that, the female voice spoke again.

"Host has met the sender. Mission accomplished. Gained 10 vision points. Long term goal: Safe the calamity. First step: Initializing vision of the calamity dawning upon the universe."

Before Yue Xing could say anything, his surroundings changed. He floated in space, surrounded by huge explosions, spaceships and people fighting with magic and technologies he had only seen on screen like mech suits.

And a small distance away from him, he saw Xia Yao. Or better, his adult version. He seemed to have fought for a while, was badly wounded. Suddenly, a person completely in black appeared before him, attacking him so fast that Yue Xing didn't know what exactly happened.

Xia Yao and that person began to fight. Their fight was so fierce and powerful that everything around them was blasted away, leaving only them. They seemed to be getting stronger with every move until the explosions were so great that they devoured entire galaxies. The universe was being destroyed.

"Is that... the calamity...?"

Immediately after that, he was back in the white space.

"Host has identified the calamity. The system will now take time to explain anything the host asks. Please proceed."

"What is... your purpose?"

"The purpose of the system is to aid the host in saving the universe. Host has been chosen for being friends with the hero."

"Hero?? You mean Xia Yao?"

"No data on the hero currently available. Hero needs to unlock his 'hero-system' to be identified as hero."

"Another one...?"

"There are many systems in the world, self-made or created by the gods and other beings. The prophecy system has been given by the current host of the world-overthrowing system to aid in his quest."

"And what does he do?"

"No data available."

"Ok... Uhm, so I'm friends with the hero... So it should be Xia Yao, right...? Uh, system, what are vision points?"

"Vision points are needed to see a vision when the host wants to see one. The more specific the host is about the vision, the more points will be needed. There are visions similar to deja vus, very unspecific, and big ones like the calamity, very specific. After accumulating enough vision points, the host will be able to foresee the future anytime he wants, making him an oracle and battle saint, capable of defeating anyone and anything."

Yue Xing paused to digest everything he had heard. So he had to safe the world... At least, he didn't seem to be alone with that quest. That 'sender' should be able to tell him more. But where could he find him...?

"To assist the host, this system has determined that he will be able to fulfill his mission more efficiently if he joins the competition in four months. There he should also be able to meet the hero and the villain."

"The villain?"

"The hero and the villain are the downfall of the universe. They must be stopped from evolving in that direction."

Yue Xing really didn't want to do this. It seemed so bothersome and exhausting. But he was also curious about the person he had seen on that field, and the thought of the destructive power Xia Yao had in that vision sent shivery down his spine and cold sweat to his forehead and back. If he wanted to live in leisure, he would have to stop the destruction of the world. That much was clear.

But what the hell could a 16 year old with a short life experience do?! Yes, he was a wolf dragon, a powerful mutation of the dragon kin, but his aging process was the same as that of a normal human!

Normally, darker would age eight times slower than humans, but the wolf part of his mutation somehow canceled that out. Instead, he was capable of manipulating water and gravity because it was a blue-ish grey wolf, though he didn't like that color, and some shitty caste system made him a 'beta', which basically meant that he was smarter than average.

'Alphas', like his sect leader, were very strong but not that smart, and 'omega' were skilled in handicrafts and such. 'Beta' were great at gathering information, creating new things - anything related to information. It really wasn't more than that, not really an official classification since the magic system couldn't really be called a system because it was such a chaos.

There were many types of magic, different formulas for different outcomes, combinations and many more things that varied depending on a bunch of circumstances. This was why cultivation was very popular, giving the people one method that worked for everyone. For magic, one had to work that out by themselves, maybe guided by an old master - if they had luck.

Back to the topic, Yue Xing had low self esteem.

Xia Yao being the hero was reasonable. He was confident and optimistic, though his body was weak and he wasn't that smart. Speaking of him, he was currently in the shower, humming some song and cleaning his white scales.

Xia Yao was a cat dragon. Dragon cats are cats, cat dragons dragons. The names are similar, just like the beings, but their temperaments were different. Dragons searched for treasures and protected them, cats just wanted to eat, sleep and chill in the sun. Ambitious vs lazy, if one wanted to make it short.

While Yue Xing was getting more familiar with the concept of a system in his mind, Xia Yao was excited for breakfast. If one wanted to do something on the spaceship, one had to do it themselves. Be it making breakfast or repairing the engines.

Thanks to Xia Yao metal abilities, he was in the maintenance team of the spaceship. After eating, he had to go through every room with more delicate machinery to see if anything was broken. When he was done, it would be lunch time, where he would meet up with Yue Xing, who was in the team for training because of his gravity abilities. When he had nothing to do, he was also a substitute in the cockpit to keep the spaceship on course. Most of the time, he would train his abilities and his transformation.

Because he was so young for a darker, the transformation into his beast form was very unstable and exhausting, so he had to be careful. Gravity and water was very natural for him, he was just doing fine tuning and tricks at this point.

But since he wanted to help his friend, he needed to be stronger. Maybe he would need to slow Xia Yao down, which was a thought he didn't like, so he needed to strengthen his beast form. He only had four months, after all.


Tetractys stared at her armband in surprise.

"Are you sure?" she asked. Her voice was like clear water, just like her eyes. She wore a simple, light blue outfit and had golden locks that fell over her slim shoulders.

"Yes." sounded a voice from the armband. It was tranquil and determined, light and somehow like an instrument that made one want to listen to it more.

"But you hate competitions..."

"I do, but I can't let Gen Tao go alone. He would be very lonely, and that thought hurts my heart."

"Well, he is your best friend... But are you strong enough?"

The other side scoffed. "Isn't this a competition to test exactly that? You'll find out, Elder Tetractys. Just wait and see."

"Ey, a bit more respect please."

"Pardon me, I'm in a bad mood... Those kids... ugh."

Tetractys cringed at the thought of those little rascals. Her disciple had a hard time dealing with anyone that was one year under him. He was too smart, quick witted and mature, although only being 16.

"Well, try your best."

A long sigh cam from the other side. "Oh, I remember something. Ren said that we would be cooperating with Phoenix Pavilion again this year?"

"That is correct."

"Okay, then I need to prepare myself a bit. Those guys are said to have great physical strength, I don't wanna be squashed beneath them."

Elder Tetractys forced a dry laugh. "Will you train with Gen Tao?"

"Yes, I intend to do so. But it would help if you or another elder could talk some sense into him, he's currently a bit... uhm, difficult."

"Difficult?" Tetractys raised an eyebrow. If this disciple described someone as difficult, it was very accurate. But what could Gen tao have done, apart from insulting someone just by existing?

"Yeah... Well, you better see for yourself. We're at the garden of the Sunspot Residence."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

"Thank you, Elder Tetractys."

She sighed as she leaned back in her chair. What did he mean with 'difficult'?! All those kids were difficult! As an elder of the Chrysanthemum Garden, she had one of the biggest responsibilities! Taking care of kids...

After sulking for a bit, she stood up and teleported to the location he had told her. The sight that greeted her made her lips twitch.

"What the fuck did you two idiots do?"