
World Online

It was the year 2169. The apocalypse finally arrived. Global warming, zombies, nuclear war, all at once. Just one tipping point and the world itself would crumble. Then, Nova Corp, a hegemon of the corporate world, seemingly convinced the global super powers into doing the impossible: Taking everyone online. And they did. Everyone, poor or rich, was taken into the VRMMORPG: World Online. A fantasy world where anything was possible. A utopia, unlike everything that the real world was. But what was supposed to become a method of existence, became a battleground for supremacy. Companies, world powers, and the rich battled to become the greatest. The disparity between the poor and the rich grew. There was no justice in this world. It took Darwin's words further than any other. Jake, as poor as one could get, was caught in the rift, torn apart by the unfair system. He was a dog of the Shadow King Guild, and even though he was absolutely loyal, in the end, the guild cut him off. He was without an anchor and left in the cruel world. He knew no Utopia like the others. But one day, when he opened his eyes, nothing was the same anymore. Opening his eyes, he found himself ten years in the past. He was done being the henchman now. He was not going to let himself be used anymore. Now, it was time for him to fight back. So what if the strongest were going to stand in his way? He was going to be unstoppable. My discord server - https://discord.gg/Dpddtatvge Consider voting with golden tickets and power stones to help me win this WSA. Gifting helps support me as well. Super gift = One bonus chapter at the end of the week Trending Monthly Goal Top 50 All-time trending - 10 Bonus Chapters Top 25 All-time trending - 20 Bonus Chapters

jdbeue · Games
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304 Chs

The Epic Class Change Quest

"Now should we go to the Missions hall so that I can take that mission? I am worried that someone might get to it before I do, snd it will disappear." Myriad Arrows said.

"You are an archer aren't you? How are you so uninterested in the Epic class that might be in this city somewhere?" Jake asked, broaching the subject once more.

"I know that I won't get it, even if I try. The competition is too fierce. And even if I wanted to, where can I find it?" Myriad Arrows sighed as he pointed out.

"You are right. It is hard, looking for an Epic class quest. But don't you think it odd? The entire city had been searched clean once or twice. Every NPC was asked about it, and everyone denied the same. But the only place that everyone has not searched is the place we are in right now." Jake pointed to the quiet street that they were on.

"Are you saying that the class might be hidden somewhere in the Forbidden Street?" Myriad Arrows asked.

"It is the most probable. I mean, if you want to go get a rare class, then be my guest. But imagine getting an Epic class. That would be so awesome, wouldn't it?" he smiled.

"Why are you helping me so much? An Epic class is so precious that anyone would be ready to betray his friends to get it. But you are literally nudging me to take it instead of taking it yourself. I refuse to believe that there is a hermit like that in this world." Myriad Arrows looked at Jake suspiciously.

"Well, I am not an archer. But what I am, is an aspiring guild leader. I want to try and poach a few good players before I establish the guild if you get what I mean." Jake smiled and said.

"So you want strong guild members?" Myriad Arrows asked.

"Do not get me wrong. Even if you do not want to be a part of the guild that I will eventually make, that is fine. But it will always help if the strong ones are not my enemies, isn't it?" Jake said.

"Fine. You are right. I shouldn't give up just yet. The class is probably in this street somewhere. Should we ask all the merchants?"

"Don't try something so stupid. Asking everyone the same questions will make them irritated, and the guards might throw us out of the street. Let us just go to the one person who is most probable to have this class in the first place." Jake said.

"Who might that be? Some archer?"

"Exactly. Some archer. And among all these people, there is only one person who looked like an archer." Jake said.

"Who was it?"

"The merchant you were with when I first met you. He is the only one who had a bow in the centerpiece of his shop, and it wasn't for sale, remember?" Jake reminded him of the merchant with whom he haggled to get the bow that he was using now.

"Yes!" Myriad Arrows nodded with shock and exhilaration. He started running towards that shop without any hesitation.

"A child, this guy is. No patience, not even waiting for the person who gave all of this to him." Jake shook his head and started walking toward the shop as well.

Soon, he reached the shop, where Myriad Arrows was surprisingly waiting for him. The merchant was at the counter, waiting for Myriad Arrows to say something, but he had decided to wait till Jake came.

"At least he has some common sense. Or else, he would have thrown it away by now." Jake sighed and looked at the merchant.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" the merchant asked with a cheerful face.

"That bow. Is it for sale?" he pointed to the bow in the center of the shop. It was a truly magnificent bow. Just a glance and anyone could tell that this was an Epic grade bow, and one that was better than most of the Epic grade bows.

"That bow is not for sale. It is just here symbolically." the merchant shook his head, and in a brief flash, Jake could see a hint of despondence in his eyes.

"You were an archer once? Like my friend here?" he asked.

"Indeed. I was quite the archer back then. But time had caught up to me, and it looks like I will not be able to caress that bow like I used to." the merchant shook his head.

"I see. But don't you think it is a pity that a bow as majestic as this one is left unattended? Its string is coated with dust. What other humiliation can a bow like this face?" Myriad Arrows said as he gravitated towards this bow.

He looked at it through the glass case that it was held in, and he sighed.

"Such a pity," he said again.

"Indeed. It is a pity that this bow can never rise again. But what can I say? I have never found the right person for this bow." the merchant shook his head.

"The right person? I can try?" Myriad Arrows jumped in front of the merchant.

"You? I don't know." the merchant frowned.

"You can test me! I am sure that I will not disappoint you. I pride myself on being one of the best archers in the world. I am sure that whatever test you give me regarding archery, I can pass it." Myriad Arrows said.

And in that, Jake had absolutely no doubt. After all, the man in front of him was once declared to be the best archer in all of Gaia!

"Fine. Test you, I shall." the merchant waved his hand, and Jake saw Myriad Arrow's eyes sparkle.

Myriad Arrows nodded at Jake and beamed.

"I got it! I got the Epic Class change quest!" he shouted with glee.


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