
World Online

It was the year 2169. The apocalypse finally arrived. Global warming, zombies, nuclear war, all at once. Just one tipping point and the world itself would crumble. Then, Nova Corp, a hegemon of the corporate world, seemingly convinced the global super powers into doing the impossible: Taking everyone online. And they did. Everyone, poor or rich, was taken into the VRMMORPG: World Online. A fantasy world where anything was possible. A utopia, unlike everything that the real world was. But what was supposed to become a method of existence, became a battleground for supremacy. Companies, world powers, and the rich battled to become the greatest. The disparity between the poor and the rich grew. There was no justice in this world. It took Darwin's words further than any other. Jake, as poor as one could get, was caught in the rift, torn apart by the unfair system. He was a dog of the Shadow King Guild, and even though he was absolutely loyal, in the end, the guild cut him off. He was without an anchor and left in the cruel world. He knew no Utopia like the others. But one day, when he opened his eyes, nothing was the same anymore. Opening his eyes, he found himself ten years in the past. He was done being the henchman now. He was not going to let himself be used anymore. Now, it was time for him to fight back. So what if the strongest were going to stand in his way? He was going to be unstoppable. My discord server - https://discord.gg/Dpddtatvge Consider voting with golden tickets and power stones to help me win this WSA. Gifting helps support me as well. Super gift = One bonus chapter at the end of the week Trending Monthly Goal Top 50 All-time trending - 10 Bonus Chapters Top 25 All-time trending - 20 Bonus Chapters

jdbeue · Games
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304 Chs

Revealing the secret plan

"You dare? You call us traitors? He is definitely someone who is here with bad intentions, master! He called us, the most loyalists to the cause, traitors!" someone shouted from the side.

"Did I call you a traitor? But this is something that is too important. I only want to make sure that master trusts everyone here." Jake smiled.

"Everyone, leave. I trust him. He is someone who has dedicated his whole life for the true heir. And I want to see what he has to say right now." the master said.

"But master-"

"My word is final. Leave this room." he declared coldly.

Slowly, one by one, people started leaving the room. Although it was dark, Jake was able to see the levels of the NPCs, and the lines that described them leaving the room.

Now, the only person in the room other than Jake was the mysterious master.

In front of Jake was a person at level 50. Now, that was a huge level considering that the game had just started. But still, compared to all the NPCs around him, he was pitifully weak. He was probably a noble who could command a lot of people.

When they talked about the true heir to the throne, Jake thought about it, and maybe this organization was the king's brother or someone who would have been in line for the throne if it weren't for the queen taking control.

"Now then. Let us see who this man is." Jake thought to himself and took a step forward.

"Tell me. What do you wish to do? What is your great plan?" the master asked.

"Yes, master. I have recently earned the trust of the queen, as I have just said. And now, the queen has suggested that I guard her personally. Back then, after the attack proved unsuccessful, I decided to attack random members who were not a part of the guard and said that they were the enemies. After that, the queen decided to knight me, and add her into her personal guard." Jake said.

"And you want to kill her when she is defenseless. I like it." the master nodded.

"But master, there is one item that the queen gave me that I wished to give you. Is it possible for you to take a look and see what it is?" Jake stepped forward.

"What is it?" finally, the master, the man behind the shadows stepped up into the candlelight.

Jake could finally see who it was. And he was pleasantly surprised by the appearance of this master. With fat squirming around his body, he was just the classic young master who was drowning in power.

And certainly, he did not look like someone who was planning to overthrow the kingdom.

"What is the item that the false queen gave you?" the master asked once more.

"This, master." all of a sudden, the sword of sin appeared in Jake's hand. Before the master could even react, Jake held his mouth to avoid any noise coming out, and he pierced the sword through the heart of this master.

He met some resistance alright. There was an armor protecting this noble. But one more attack later, the armor shattered, and the sword pierced right into him.

[Critical Attack! Fatal Wound! Instant Death!]

The master collapsed onto the ground and breathed his last. But, as Jake expected, the mission was not over yet. There were so many people here he had to kill before it was all over.

Jake bent forward and checked the master's pockets and robes. But the only thing that he could find was a key.

[Key to unknown door. Grade : F]

"It should help me sometime or the other." he decided and put it in his inventory.

Now that the master was dead, the most important part was over. Jake quietly slipped into the back of the room. With a clear understanding that there were multiple exits in this one room, he could attack at any side.

Slowly, he exited the room from the closest exit. The darkness disappeared gradually, and he was able to see a pathway. This was like a tunnel.

The entire place seemed oddly suspicious to Jake. it felt like he was in some catacomb because these paths made no sense to him.

There was someone at the end of the tunnel though, and he was not looking at Jake. Quietly sneaking up to him, his sword tasted the guard's blood.

"One down. There should be around twenty more." Jake said and wiped the blood off his sword. Then, he decided to make a move that was probably the least expected of him.

"There is an enemy on the grounds! Make sure that the master is safe!" he shouted as loud as he could. And then, he disappeared into the shadows.

Chaos ensued. All the guards who were in the room before ran back in. They disregarded their positions and just tried to make sure that their master was alive.

"The master is dead! Seal the exits! We have to make sure that the bastard who did this is caught!" someone shouted.

"The master is dead? How could this happen? What is the future of the kingdom now? Is it doomed to collapse?" another cried out with sorrow.

"A pity that so many people loyal to a cause had to be under this pig. He is clearly a greedy bureaucrat who just lusted over the queen's power and tried to take it." Jake shook his head, and his sword flew.

He appeared in the middle of all these men, and because they weren't expecting the enemy to still be there, they did not see the attack coming.

Heads went flying instantly.

[Critical Hit. Fatal Attack!]

[Critical Hit. Fatal Attack!]

The guards who remained were also taken care of with ease, and all of them slowly fell. One by one, Jake swam in his enemy's blood.


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