
That doesn’t ring any bells

Ancient texts speak of a time when this world knew peace. Before the Denizens of the Boundary ran amok or, the evil of men trying to ruin what was left.

This world once had a benefactor, a provider, a protector: the Goddess Rauna.

She watched over this world, protecting it from outside threats and ensuring the ley-lines functioned properly, allowing our world to function without error.

Alas, not all things last forever. A creature of evil rose to power, something which would change this world's destiny until the end of time.

Allow me to preface. Before Rauna was slain and before the ley-lines were corrupted, allowing such corruption to seep into our world this world was inhabited by four races: Human, Elf, Dwarf, the collective races known as Beasts and the collective races known as Demons.

Everything knew peace, until one creature hungered for more, for power, domination and death. The Demon King of the age began attempting to conquer the other kingdoms, the Elves hid deep within their forests and the Dwarves took shelter deep within their caverns. Leaving Humanity and Beasts to fend for themselves.

Whereas the Beasts were capable of using the combination of rocky terrain and cold weather of the northern regions, Humanity was much more vulnerable within the grassy plains of their kingdoms.

Pushed to the brink of extinction, Goddess Rauna tried to aid Humans by granting her powers to one man, to her chosen Hero and this worked. The Hero, with the help of his party, pushed the demons back into their kingdom and then they kept pushing. Directly into the Demon King's throne room.

And that is when everything went horribly wrong.

Believing they could best the Demon King, the Hero's party attacked him with no preparation. They were confident, it is no surprise. The Hero's party had slain or defeated all the Demon King's generals and lieutenants. Even before entering the Demon King's throne room, they slew the Demon King's right-hand man.

It was of little consequence.

What little information we have about the final battle is sparse and incomplete but what we know, is that the Hero and his party failed.

As the Demon King was about to strike the Hero down, Goddess Rauna appeared within our Realm. She tried to speak to the Demon King, to convince him that what he was doing was wrong.

He struck her down, causing something far worse to happen than anybody could have believed.

My own personal theory is that the Goddess' body contained an unimaginable amount of power, pure power, magical energies that allowed her to move between Realms with ease, to allow her to maintain and protect the ley-lines and our world.

Somehow, the Demon King struck her down, causing those powers to burst forth. Her power exploded, levelling the Demon King's castle and its kingdom, and since every Demon lived within the area which surrounded the castle. The Demon King's selfish lust for power resulted in the death of every Demon within this world.


Arlo cocked his head to the side. "You're not very good at telling stories, are you?"

Throwing his head back, Edgard laughed. "Ah, you're a funny one."

"Your story makes no sense. Goddess, Elves, Dwarfs, Demons?" Sighing, Arlo looked away. "Why're you wasting my time with fairy tales?"

"Oh," Edgard crossed his arms over his chest. "So you know a little something about this story?"

"My mom told me fairy tales like that. Fairy tales…" He reiterated.

Reaching into his cloak Edgard brought out a roll of bandages. "Give me your hand."

Glaring at Edgard, Arlo reluctantly held his hand up.

Taking Arlo's hand, Edgard unrolled part of the bandages, beginning to bandage up Arlo's arm. Arlo winced slightly as Edgard began, but it was nothing compared to the pain he felt waking up.

"Didn't your mother tell you all stories are based on something? Even the wildest, most baseless story can have an inkling of truth behind it. You just need to learn to tell the truth from fiction. So tell me, Arlo, what is your story?"

"Ugh." Biting his cheek, Arlo sighed. "You forgot something."

"Hm?" Finishing wrapping Arlo's hand, Edgard began bandaging his arm. "Which part?"

"What is the Last Bastion?"

"Ohhhh, of course, of course. Please forgive me. My mind is all over the place today. The Bastions were created to protect the remnants of humanity from what followed in the wake of the Goddess Rauna's death. One for each corner of the continent. They had names you know, in the North-West was the Bastion of Hope, North-East was the Bastion of Love, South-East was the Bastion of Pride and this Bastion, the last Bastion is the Bastion of Life."

"What inventive names," Arlo grumbled.

"Oh, be nice," Edgard chided. "They were times of strife, even more than now. The people wanted simple things to believe in. Hope, Love, Pride, Life. Alas, only Life now remains."

"Wh-?" Frowning, Arlo looked into his lap. "What happened to the other three? What happened to Hope, Love and Pride?"

Edgard joined Arlo in frowning. "There is an organisation that is capable of wielding corruption, they use it for their own means, to create monstrosities, chimeras and abominations. Beezle."

"Beezle? You mentioned that people think I'm a part of that group?"

Edgard nodded. "No one within Bastion is capable of manipulating corruption, so finding you put the protectors of Bastion on edge."


"Of course." Stopping partway up Arlo's arm, Edgard giggled. "You didn't think it was only the three of us defending Bastion alone? I regulate the daily goings-on within Bastion whilst Master Cardian is away." Scowling, Edgard mumbled, "To be fair, I also regulate the daily goings-on within Bastion, even whilst Master Cardian is here… Ugh I digress," Edgard ended with a huff. "I could list everybody who works to protect Bastion but we'll be here for a while."

"Whatever-" As Arlo shrugged, he flinched from the pain.

Arlo's actions caused Edgard to smile. "Anyway, allow me to return to your question," Edgard's voice dropped into a low tone as his face became solemn. "Beezle. Humans who have given in to corruption… Where we fear it and the dangers which can result from it if we use our powers too much. Those monsters revel in it, they bathe in its power and, and..." Stopping, Edgard took a moment to calm himself. "We are unsure how, but Beezle created a rupture within the Bastion of Love, whatever they did to cause a tear to form in the Realms causing the Boundary to spread towards Love, it was overrun and now Beezle claims it as their home… This occurred two hundred years ago. Life was the second Bastion to fall, the first Bastion to fall was Pride in the South-East. The last communication we received from them was three hundred years ago when they fell to the Waves coming from the Boundary. It's a shame to admit, but we know that the descendants of Pride now live in small, disconnected villages. Harassed by gangs and thugs, it's a shame, really."

Arlo went stiff hearing Edgard speak about small disconnected villages, about people being harassed by gangs. "A shame?" He grunted through gritted teeth. "You think it's a shame that people try their best to survive and get pushed around regardless?"

Pausing, Edgard looked at Arlo. "What was that?"

Inhaling, Arlo looked away. "Why don't you help them if you think it's such a shame?"

"We would if we could, but we have no way of reaching them. As the crow flies, it would take two years on foot to reach the remnants of Pride. But between the Last Bastion and the remnants of the Pride Bastion is the Boundary and I doubt I need to tell you how dangerous traversing the Boundary is. So we would have to go around it. The Boundary extends all the way down to the very south of the continent, even extending part way into the ocean. So we would have to travel north, with a brief trip through the desert. Assuming you don't get eaten by something bigger than you, you would then have to contend with the Beasts and the cold weather of the north. Even then if you make it past the Beasts, you would have to briefly pass through the Boundary created in the North-East of the continent when Beezle took over Love."

"Ok, ok!" Arlo moaned, "I get it, I get it. If it's impossible, just say so, you don't have to go on a long rant about it."

Edgard lightly shook his head as he finished bandaging Arlo's shoulder. "Who said it was impossible? Just merely improbable. Every year, new people arrive at Bastion, and we inspect them to make sure they aren't spies from Beezle. They say they come from the remnants of Pride, brought here on the chance the stories of the Last Bastion are real. I'd say, probably one out of every thousand actually finish the journey and make it here."

A thought crossed Arlo's mind. "So, you're saying it could potentially take years just to travel to this place?" Furrowing his brow, Arlo couldn't help but think. 'Then how did I get here?'

"Edgard." Turning back to Edgard, Arlo leant forward. "Is it possible for someone to live within the Boundary?"

Arlo's question caused Edgard to sit up in his chair. "To live within the boundary?" Edgard glanced at the room's door for a moment before leaning closer to Arlo. "What makes you ask? Have you been into the Boundary? Is that why you were found unconscious? Did you meet someone?"

"I, uh. I met a man or well, a man found me after I killed a corrupted bear."

Narrowing his eyes, Edgard exhaled. "A man? He didn't happen to give you his name, did he?"

"Um." Looking up, Arlo tried to recall what the man said. "Mess, Messenger. Yes, I asked him if he was God. He said he was just the Messenger. Does that mean anything to you?"

"The Messenger." Edgard put a hand up to his mouth as he thought. "No, that doesn't ring any bells. Although I must ask," Edgard tried to stifle his smile as he looked at Arlo. "Why did you ask him if he was God?"

Arlo let out a long sigh. "I was delirious from blood loss, leave me alone. Are you done?"

"With the bandages. I'll let Sta make any modifications to your bandages, I just thought I would do him a favour as we spoke. Allow me to finish explaining about the Bastions. The Bastion of Hope was not destroyed nor was it taken by our enemies… unlike Love and Pride. The Master of the Bastion of Hope and Master Cardian decided to unite the powers of the two Bastions. Hope was abandoned and all of its people, resources and protectors were brought here and that, is how Life became the Last Bastion."

"They really abandoned Hope? It feels like that doesn't bode well."

Edgard nodded along. "That it does. The former Master of Hope remained within Bastion for a long time, until one day she left for the Boundary…"

"Oh, I see, you were hoping that's who I saw. Right?"

Edgard shrugged. "It was worth the ask, although this Messenger individual bodes further investigation."

"Right, investigation," Arlo looked around the room. "This room has no windows."

"This room has no windows," Edgard repeated.

"So am I free to go? I want to go outside."

Standing up, Edgard put the bandages back into his cape, pulling out an apple. He passed it to Arlo. "I can't simply let you go free, no matter how innocent I believe you to be. You are still a very suspicious individual. What I have told you is common knowledge within Bastion, pair that with how you can manipulate corruption. Very suspicious. A little too suspicious, which is why I think you're innocent." Edgard moved away from the bed and closer to the door. "I'll have to have someone watch you. To put the others at ease, at least." Putting his hand on the door handle Edgard quickly opened it. "Phoebe, I have a job for you."

As the door swung open, Phoebe fell into the room, having been listening in on their conversation the entire time.

Picking herself up, she patted off her legs. "If you knew I was listening you didn't have to yank the door open like that!" She complained.

Putting a hand on Phoebe's shoulder, Edgard smiled. "Phoebe, meet your new ward. I want you to watch Arlo until the other Protectors of Bastion calm down."

Glaring at Edgard, Phoebe smacked his arm away. "What!?"

Sitting up in his bed, Arlo threw his one good arm up. "What!?"