
World of World's:Dungeon

Harem because I can and because its funny getting people annoyed with this. R-18? Maybe dont expect much from me... Words per chapter? Maybe 1100-1300 maybe 3 chaps per week...maybe less once school starts i will probably, maybe flesh out thr characters, tell me if they're too annoying so that I can send them on a traumatic adventure that will help me change their personalities! Anyways, this is basically OP MC for a while before he has to go against the other Earth's this is just Earth 778 or something Discord so that you can bully me even more when Im forced to write R-18 chapters Discord:https://discord.gg/dyZUPX3Pcf

Kuro_Simp · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 8:Sexy business

Kuro and Loli quickly gathered the loot from the goblins body's Kuro found a bottle with x20 in his inventory.

Grabbing it he took it out and his eye's widen he opened the bottle before drinking the bottle.

"Gulp~" After drinking he grinned, with the bottle in hand he sighed in content.

"Cola" Kuro said, loli soon took out a similar bottle before taking a sip.

"Yep. Cola...delicious!" Monke said as she chugged the soda. She then placed the bottle inside of the inventory before checking out the rest of the loot. Since she didn't need weapons due to the Monkey Kings Staff that was graded as Magical weapon she didn't even glance at them.

"Hm...nothing as good as the cola" Loli said as she took out another bottle of cola and this time she took a sip every few seconds to savor it since she didn't have much.

"Its getting dark we should find somewhere to sleep or..." Kuro smiled.

"...fine..." She summoned her clones and before she even asked they began to cut down trees to create a small house for the two of them. At times they would fawn over Kuro...

"Why are they doing that?" Loli asked a bit disgusted since the clones were technically using her body.

Currently the loli clones were giving Kuro a full body massage while Kuro took a sip of cola.

"I don't know probably because my race is higher in the hierarchy then the Monkey Kings race" Kuro then thought about the animals that fawned over animals that were stronger or were higher in the race such as snakes. A week green snake would fawn over a majestic silver larger snake...or something. Kuro didn't care.

"Hmph" Monke didn't dispel them since she still needed body guards and her own clones were also giving her a massage so she couldn't say anything...

After a half an hour the clones dispelled on their own and Kuro jumped onto his new bed. Monke did the same, summoning her doggo she hugged it

Kuro stared at it before summoning Albedo.

"Sorry about not summoning you before hand Albedo I just wanted to test out my own Strength" Kuro said slightly embarrassed. Albedo pouted but didn't say anything.

"I, hum...sorry?" Kuro said even more embarrassed as he sensed monke staring at him from her own bed.

Albedo wrapped her arms around Kuro's body dragging him to the bed before wrapping her legs around his body hugging him tightly.

"Hmph! Hmph! This is masters punishment" Albedo said as she cutely pressed her chest against his own.

Kuro who was confused, began to enjoy this softness of her milky white thighs and her large breasts. He almost couldn't help it but put out the fire and place both of his hands on her behind

Albedo blushed feeling her masters hand on her butt but she didn't say anything and instead pushed slightly behind letting him feel her up even more.

Albedo's loyalty was at 100 because of this she knew that Kuro her master would eventually gain more companions so she should enjoy her time alone with him.

Yea she didn't take the short, flat chested loli as an opponent.

Said flat chested and short loli was currently already asleep. After she fell on her comfy bed she hugged her cute fluffy doggo(aware that Kuro was jealous) and went to sleep.

She had total confidence that he wouldn't ask for the chance to hug the doggo because her DB knowledge was high or at least to the final episode's of the Buu Saga after that she didn't know much she was more into movies about...Sun Wukong Equal to the Heavens etc..

SSJ 1, 2, 3 all of these transformations were extremely powerful. 150-200 multiplier, 250-1000 multiplier and finally 400-5000 multiplier.

150 x Base power = Total power

Because of this she knew even with her as the Monkey King Sun Wukong she would never be able to win against Kuro once he gained SSJ of course she would still be powerful. In fact she would be able to fight enemies at the level of Kuro because of her skills and her magical weapon as well as her near infinite potential to summon powerful clones of herself. She just needed her stats to rise and her clones would do the rest.

She was dreaming of the day that her Clone and Fusion skills ranked up so that she could have guards that were stronger then her by 200% or even 1000%.

                 ~Some spicy content~

Letting out a small moan, Albedo's blush grew but she never stopped hugging her beloved master.

Kuro being a normal hormonal teen before all this happened was feeling very...excited. If a beautiful and sexy women pounced on you would you reject her or accept her love?

Who cared if the system made it so that she had 100% loyalty , Obedience. It didn't mean she had to love him. She made that choice herself.

Although Kuro was rather hesitant to show his little brother he also knew that his body was re-constructed and his race being Saiyan warrior's wouldn't have a small brother and instead he would be plenty big at least big enough to satisfy his current horny Fallen Angel pet.

Although Albedo wasn't like the actual Albedo from the anime, she was given the information about her, it was like watching a movie. Fallen Angel Albedo watched Succubus Albedo during her time in the pet space, she noted that succubus Albedo really was a Seductress.

Although unintentionally due to her being a succubus her proportions were naturally larger then a regular human beauty. She had wide child birthing hips, and a beautiful body that would be the envy of all women.

Fallen Angel Albedo looked very similar to Succubus Albedo it was almost as if the two were twins.

Albedo soon began to kiss Kuro's face, while this happened Kuro's little brother began to rise up from the fallen angels attacks.

Of course Kuro wouldn't just fuck Albedo at least not yet, they were still in a forest where the monsters were strong so for now they could only grope each other and kiss but not fuck.

"N-not yet" Kuro muttered softly like a shy maiden. Of course this was due to the fact that Kuro is a virgin and because currently his small body was pressed against Albedo's. His tail that he ignored until now was laying on his and her body...

Ok so Saturday and sundays if I dont need rest then I'll post but next week I'll have to take a break to write some chaps.

don't worry the next volume will involve other worlds so that the plot wont become too boring

Also, some functions of the system will be taken out cuz kuro's stats wont be as define but eh I'll see what i can do

Were close to the first R-18 scene...im going to have to edit it for a bit more before uploading it so skip if ya want to

Kuro_Simpcreators' thoughts