
World of World's:Dungeon

Harem because I can and because its funny getting people annoyed with this. R-18? Maybe dont expect much from me... Words per chapter? Maybe 1100-1300 maybe 3 chaps per week...maybe less once school starts i will probably, maybe flesh out thr characters, tell me if they're too annoying so that I can send them on a traumatic adventure that will help me change their personalities! Anyways, this is basically OP MC for a while before he has to go against the other Earth's this is just Earth 778 or something Discord so that you can bully me even more when Im forced to write R-18 chapters Discord:https://discord.gg/dyZUPX3Pcf

Kuro_Simp · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 7:Ocean Story and Battle Finished

Meanwhile with Ocean.

"Alright were gonna fight the lake monster's and then we'll defeat the boss. The fish's have told me that if we defeat the Boss we would have control over the entire lake" Ocean told her loyal minion- cough I mean her loyal subordinates about the information found.

Of course after an hour or so the loli's and shota's calmed down they were a bunch of weebs so they naturally got the hang of this due to this being one of their greatest wish's.

With the ability to communicate with beings that live in the water, Sarah could gain the support from the Level 5 to Level 10 Sharks, Killer Sharks etc.. She was able to form a large party and used the sea life to hunt the monsters in the sea.

Due to most of the players in the party belonging to the water faction they gained the blessing of the sea from Sarah. They were able to swim and breathe under water for longer periods of time.

Their attacks we're also stronger allowing them to attack monsters and gain more exp faster.

Of course with the party being massive the exp gained per person was low.

But Sarah was confident that if they controlled the Lake then with the control of all sea based creatures she would be able to carry all of the players before allowing them to train on their own.

Plus, she sensed that if she took the Lake for herself she would gain incredibly strength.

Sarah then led her faithful loli's and shota's alongside Water to attack the various monsters on the outskirts of the lake. Of course the system named the lake 'lake' but when she first dived in she swam using her powers as a titan making the lake or any body of water her natural habitat it was like flying.

But in water, she swam for so long but she couldn't see the end of it, when she returned she relayed her discovery to everyone. Hiding such information wouldn't do good. This 'lake' was probably larger then the largest Ocean back on Earth.

'Fuck' she thought to herself as she quickly manipulated the water to attack the monsters helping out everyone who was about to die to the sea monster's.

Using her ability's she was able to gain 2 skill books that were suitable for herself.

Namely Water clone and Hurricane.

Yep, she could now create a natural disaster using the water from the lake helping her attack and kill the sea monsters and heal her loli's.

She quickly summoned the hurricanes, at first she tried summoning 10 but she couldn't control them causing her to have to create a massive water dome around herself and her followers. She then created 3 hurricanes and she felt that her control on them were slipping so she knew that 3 was her limit.

Controlling them she was able to speed up the development of their monster fighting by 200%.


Of course this took 4 days and by then they were around Level 4 while she herself was Level 6.

Due to being a titan her EXP gain was lower, she needed 5x the exp to level up of course controlling the lake would help later on but for now they continued to explore the lake, killing the various level 1s and level 5 sea monster's.


Kuro's fist trembled slightly as he quickly punched forward, his fist and the Level 14 Goblins fist collided creating a massive winds throwing everything around them.

"FUCKING SHIT KURO HURRY UP AND HELP ME" Lela better known as Loli or Monke was currently surrounded by 3 Level 6 Clone Loli's with 180% stats of the main body. Surrounding them were 8 Level 13 Goblins.

"Fuck just...wait a bit..."Kuro shouted as he raised his fist.

"Kaio-Ken!" He roared as he punched the Goblin. The Goblin who had broken past its limits and reached Level 15 had more intelligence then Goblins at level 14.

It quickly raised its shield blocking the fist but he was thrown back, his arm was numb as it helplessly fell to the side.

"Kamehameha!" Kuro turned around and with his red aura surrounding him he shot the wave of Ki towards the Goblins. The loli clones who were currently stronger raised their staffs and increased the size pushing the goblins towards the wave of Ki.

"Explode!" The loli shouted as she shot a blue orb of energy at the goblins body's, with the collision of the Kamehameha and the 3 staff's, plus the explosion from the skill that the loli used...


  - 789,689 CRITICAL

  - 678,789 CRTICAL

  - 696,789 CRITICAL

  - 375,789

[Ding! You have killed 8 level 14 Strong Minion Goblins]

[Ding! You have levelled up x2]

The loli quickly placed the 20 stat points into INT. The new skill she had used INT has the main factor to how much damage it dealt.

[Explode] Rank 2 [0%]

Throwing a condensed powerful ball of Mana, with the help of outside factors the [Explode] will be stronger

INT x 100 = DMG

Cost:1000 Mana Points

Range: Long

Cooldown:10 minutes

Of course the amount of Mana used for the skill can increase the damage. Using 1000 MP is 100x damage. Using 7000 MP is doing 700x damage. 77,000 plus the crit rate and for outside factors such as the Kamehameha that was enhanced by the Kaio-ken a damage of more then 600k was believable.

"Fuck" Loli shouted as she fell onto the ground

Kuro who watched this shook his head, he then quickly turned to the Goblin.

"[Goblin Lord],[Stone Blessing]" The goblins power was raised and he had more then 15 million HP. Plus his defense increase and his DMG increase he basically enhanced all his stats by 3.

Kuro's body bulged up as he walked towards the Goblin. His aura began to grow increasingly more wild as the Goblin raised its sword he rushed towards Kuro trying to bring him down in one strike

"[Final Strike]" The goblins sword revealed a dark red color as it grinned.

Kuro saw this but he didn't put him in his eye's. After this he would level up.

Kuro's hair flew in the wind as the gusts of wind began to grow stronger and stronger until finally, Kuro stepped forward before disappearing and reappearing behind the Goblin.

"Die" he transformed all his stats instantly were raised by 10 as he punched forward tens of times per second.


  - 355,000

  - 456,000

  - 256,399

  - 800,738 CRITICAL

  - 584,356

Every 5 hits he would get 1 critical so each second 2 critical hits were thrown.

After half a minute the Goblin died...at first it tried to defend itself but it failed after Kuro launched a Kamehameha so close to its face.

[Ding! You have levelled up! Due to being a Faction leader you will receive 30 stat points, once your companion(Vice faction leader) reaches level 5 she will receive 20 stat points per level]

He placed them in strength since that's something a Saiyan should always have. Strength.

60 STR--->>>>90 STR

Lol idk anyways new side story is gonna come out soon so I wont get burnt out

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