
World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star

WARNING: English is NOT my first language. This is translated by Deep Esta Historia se encuentra en español en Wattpat. Lo publique en ambas cuentas, es el mismo nombre en ambas. https://www.wattpad.com/1161719761-world-of-warcraft-fanfic-la-estrella-celestial ese es el link de la historia en Wattpad. Si me buscan en Wattpad deben hacerlo en "perfiles" por el nombre de "Audio_Coon" y les aparecera el nombre de "Lord Tyckert" o algo parecido, pero tengo las mismas 2 novelas que publico aqui, solo que ambas en español. Sinopsis:He died and hoped that some god would fulfill his wishes. He managed to get the interest of a "ROB" but ended up becoming an "Earth Elemental". His story will begin in Azeroth, in a time of chaos and constant struggle for power. He will have to give everything to survive and fulfill the burden of his "Wishes". Tags: Non-human protagonist, dragons, evolution, change of shape, fantasy, action, adventure, isekai, (possible romance?), Travel between worlds, "Author interaction recommended". Disclaimer: I do not own the history of the WOW Universe and I do not own the cover image. If the owner of the story does not agree with me posting this fanfic, I will stop immediately. If the owner of the image wants me to remove the image, I will do it without any problem.

Audio_Coon · Video Games
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61 Chs

Chapter 26

I kept dodging some physical attacks from the tentacle of the "Old God". I tried to retreat, but it wouldn't let me get far away. When I tried, another tentacle appeared and the previous one started to move faster. His strategy was that one of them would focus on keeping me connected to his dark magic and the other would keep me busy, preventing me from fully concentrating on defending my mind.

So I could only cast water spells with wind synergy to slow him down as much as I could and at the same time use the earth to create columns with which I could defend myself.

This tentacle was playing with me. I guess the "Dark God" already thought he had me in his... tentacles, hahaha. Still, I was going to resist, I wouldn't fall in this battle without at least devouring one of its tentacles... if I managed to do so.

As I dodged and kept using the environment as a shield, in my mind another battle was taking place.




I was destroying as many "Aqir" and "N'raqi" as I could with elemental spells and with the help of my mental defenses.

The dragons and creatures I had created as a defense of my mind were fighting against all the dark creatures that sprouted from the tentacle of the "Old God".

But, even though I was giving my all and resisting, I could still see how little by little its darkness was corrupting my mind more and more. Little by little the tentacle that pierced my defenses was expanding the hole through which it had entered. Still, I was resisting as best I could.

I would not give up in the defense of my mind, for I know that if the "Old God" won, I would be condemned to slavery and bend to his will eternally... Or until they killed me, whether they were forged by the Titans, the Titans themselves, or the heroes that would be born in Azeroth in the future.

Thinking about it gave me even more strength to continue my struggle. I have a desire, one of the reasons why I wanted to be in this world so much. I was in love with a character in this world. She was perfect, I knew it. As soon as I had seen her, as soon as I had heard her, as soon as something in me told me that this character was a totally worthwhile woman, my little crush began.

I'm not afraid to say that a part of me always wanted to be around her, so I did my research on her. And the more I learned, the more I liked her. Her name, her past, her personality....


She was to me what "Sylvanas" surely is to many others. For me this character was the perfect "Waifu". And I didn't care that her appearance wasn't quite within my tastes, because for me, at some point she became my favorite female character. Of course, there were some other female characters I liked, but she was the main one. I saw only sweetness in her... Maybe my taste over the years has become an obsession.

It is likely that she is part of the reason why I do not end up going crazy. So long alone, so long without contact with anyone... 1000 years of constant battles and struggles for survival. Even though my stone body can't stress like a normal human, I can still feel a great mental weight and I can vividly remember every moment I was on the brink, moments when my emotions grew more depressing affected me. But it was always the memories about her that could calm me down a little.

Remembering that I only had to wait a few, hundreds of thousands of years to see her gave me a clear goal. My stone body helped me to foster patience and tranquility. Then I was joined by fire, which increased my courage to face the wreckage and the long wait, but also the passion I felt for her.

I know that I'm probably obsessed with her and that using her as a pillar to push myself so hard is not a good thing, because she might reject me... But, I need it. I need something more, something to keep me holding on and wanting to see the future....

I don't know if I was lucky or unlucky to be born so far in the past, but if I think of the happiness I can have with her, it makes me feel not only happy, but also hopeful. If for that I must be strong, not only for my survival, but also to maintain the happiness I will have by her side. The peace I have promised to bring to this world. If for all this I just need more strength, then I will strive beyond what is humanly possible... and I am thankful that I am not human, at least, not entirely.





I roared with all my might against the darkness that was invading my mental world. My happiness is near, my goal is near, she is near. I only have to make an effort, and for that I will destroy this evil that wants to consume me.



With my motivation back to 100% I continued to bombard the little invaders, while waiting for help from the elemental lords. I know they will know I am in trouble, and will take advantage of my fight to put pressure on the "Old God", for I know it is not so easy to fight my mind and try to invade it. If it were, it would have long since entered, even so, it can barely break through slowly. I can still resist against the darkness that stalks me. I can still win.


(POV From a future god who doesn't know he will be one, and doesn't know what "Heavy Metal" is)

In the midst of our fight, there was a moment when the "minion" had shouted out an ingenious idea. Use my power and combine it with Al'Akir's, while combining my minions and his to quickly decimate these insects.

The idea worked and the annoying pests began to fall quickly. On the other hand, Therazane and Neptulon had understood the idea and started to use their elements to quickly get rid of all the non-flying insects, flooding a part of the battlefield.

Even so, my flames easily consumed these small insects. The bigger ones were not a problem, but the "Squids" as I heard the "Minion" who was supposed to be fighting next to me say, were more resistant. They fell easily before my strength, but my flames took a while to "cook" them, another term I heard from him...

I could watch as this "minion" began to ravage and consume these pests... how disgusting. But I also felt the darkness begin to invade him.

This stupid "subject" of mine is being corrupted. He must know it, so why does he accept such a thing? Although I can see that he enjoys devouring them, it doesn't seem to me that he is being very sensible with this decision. But I can feel his fire burning brightly, so he can still keep that darkness under control.



These nuisances die by the thousands, but they still keep hurling themselves towards their end. Although if that's what they want then I'll gladly consume them.




I could feel their bodies turning to ashes as I passed by, and with each passing moment more and more of them fed my fire. While I was eradicating these nuisances and crushing under "Sulfuras" all these "squids", I suddenly felt how the great and dark being, taller than a mountain, began to attack us.

Large tentacles, similar to those possessed by my unfaithful "minion", came out of the ground and began to attack us.

Suddenly I saw how one of those tentacles, similar to a mountain, fell towards me at great speed. It hit me and crushed me under its weight...



I felt pain, but my fury was greater.




With my fire I managed to cut its tentacle and wound it.


I roared in anger. But then another large tentacle came in response.

I wouldn't let it hit, so I used one of the attacks my "minion" came up with for big attacks.


A large pillar of lava gushing from the side hit the tentacle and forced it to change direction. According to the minion, this is the right thing to do against large attacks that seem unavoidable. The tentacle hit close to me.



With a blow of "Sulfuras" I cut another part of its tentacle and my fire began to consume it. Suddenly a dark lightning bolt hit me.

So this is the power that would bend my will, the power that would enslave me?


With another stroke, cut the tentacle.

Their whispers try to control my being, BUT THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONTROL ME.

Soon I saw that the others were fighting against other tentacles. And I also found my minion fighting against other smaller tentacles.

It seems that your fire is fighting against the darkness... I still need you to arm my armies, for now I will help you.


That should help him for now.


Dodge a blow from another great tentacle of this dark being. From what I see this battle will be arduous, because I see no end to the amount it possesses... Better this way. THERE WILL BE MORE THAT WILL BURST BEFORE MY POWER!!!.


(POV Of an earth "goddess" representing one culture, disguised as a goddess of a totally different culture)


With each stroke of their "tentacles" they could feel the darkness invading the earth. This land that is contaminated by its power, this land that is suffering...

My hatred is not enough, I will make this horrible being suffer my wrath, THE WRATH OF THE EARTH!



Raise huge sharp mountains to confront the tentacles of this dark being.


They could not withstand their strength, but my wrath was just beginning. Their punishment will be death.



The earth, though corrupted and suffering, still responded to my call. My will was its will, the earth must obey me, FOR I AM THE EARTH!

I saw how the huge mountains pierced its tentacle and how little by little the earth in which that great being was, opened up, revealing the hundreds of tentacles that pierced deep into the earth and clung to it, corrupting everything in its path.

Seeing this only made me feel more hatred and increased my anger, for I could not feel that land. That land that was now deeply corrupted.





Huge mountains that surpassed the sky rose above his dark self and fell upon him. Piles of earth and stone would be the end of him.

But as soon as he saw what awaited him, his hundreds of tentacles hit the ground and prevented him from being completely buried.





(POV Of a Zeus who thinks with the right head... Pufft Hahahahaha)

Watch as Ragnaros burned violently... That he is not retiring at this time is truly incredible. His way of fighting now is a bit more like "Forge Earth"... Maybe his constant fights have influenced his mentality....


At least a little.

On the other hand, I have been watching the "Earth Forge" become more and more corrupted. I could see the darkness now coursing through his being and his struggle against the dark magic that only increased his corruption....

I guess I'll help him... because I feel like it.


With that and the help of Ragnaros, it will be enough. If he cannot overcome the trouble he got himself into, then he proves he is not worthy of my blessing.




I should help Ragnaros, his strength is still not enough for this dark thing that dares to corrupt the air. This... foul insect, THAT HAS *TZZZZZZ* DARED TO USURP *TZZZZZZZ**TZZZZZZZZZ* MY CONTROL*TZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ* OVER THE AIR! *TZZZZZZZZZZZ TZZZZZZZZZ TZZZZZ TZZZ TZZZ*



Author's Note: This is the first chapter of the day. (1/3) I plan to do today. I hope to make it, amen. Please pray for me, either to your god or mine.

By the way, what do you think about this chapter, give me your opinion because I'm trying hard to get them out fast, but with enough quality.

I invite you to comment, because every comment is a motivation to continue writing. You know, express yourselves freely, but with respect for all of us. Give ideas, advice, and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. We can all destroy, but only the wise can guide.

I wish you a good day and a great night, especially today 24th ^^.