
World of tyranny

💠World of tyranny💠

Intro :

In a world divided by elemental powers, four clans existed - the Fire Clan, the Water Clan, the Air Clan, and the Earth Clan. Though each had their own unique strengths, they were also plagued by their own weaknesses. The Fire Clan was proud and arrogant, the Water Clan was cold and calculating, the Air Clan was indecisive and fickle, and the Earth Clan was stubborn and slow to change. 

 And when King Ender rose to power, they were forced to unite to fight him.

King Ender was a cunning and ruthless ruler, with no respect for life or nature. He wielded his dark influence like a weapon, corrupting and controlling all who stood in his way. And the Elemental Clans were no exception. They fought against him, putting their own differences aside.and against all odds succeeded.  

Thousands of years later Humanity had progressed and evolved, becoming more technologically advanced than ever before. And yet, despite their advancements, they were still plagued by their own inner struggles. The android named "Apex Paradox", a new technology that had been developed, began to turn against them, threatening to destroy everything they had built.

The Apex Paradox was destroyed, along with its mind drive, but its existence had been a distraction, a ploy to keep the humans from realizing that King Ender had been released from hell by his descendants, Ezra Everlasting and Catalina. Now, the new elemental clans had to face their most powerful enemy yet, and it would take all their strength and courage to stand against him.

Jesper: Teacher, what have you done?!

Ezra: I have done what was necessary to restore my clan's honor.

Jesper: But this isn't like you! Look at that thing - it's not your ancestor, it's a demon!

Ezra turned to look at King Ender, who smiled devilishly.

Ender: Do not heed this boy's words , he knowest not the great lengths thou hast gone to return me to this realm . 'Tis not for him to question my motives,for I am a king reborn ,and the rightful ruler of this land. Listen not to his foolish words ,for they are but the prattle of a child. 

As Ezra considered Ender's words, two figures approached - vash and darkle

Darkle: This isn't like you, Teacher. It's not too late to change.

Ezra : ( Looks away from his student ashamed of himself, unable to look him in the eyes) 

Vash: (sips milk) Mmm, milk.

Ender: Silence! (he screamed in rage)

Vash: (drops his glass of milk) You're so dead!

Ender: (amused, eyes closed) Try as you might, I'm untouchable...

Vash: (punches him with lightning speed, sending him flying toward a boulder) Shut up!

Darkle: Gravity bubble 

(Channels a gravity ball and shoots it) mind giving us a hand Alister!?

Alister: (Emerges from hiding, holding guns) sure!

Emily: (Throws kunai at Catalina, as Ezra attempts to burn them and open fire at Emily) 

Jesper: (Creates a stone wall to block the flames) Not so fast! Your battle is with me!

Plant Man: (Pops out of the ground) And with me!

Ezra: (Voice trembling) Who are you?

Plant man : I am groot . Just kidding I am your worst nightmare!!( wraps vines around Ezra wrapping him up like a mummy )

Jesper: Massive rock drop( a meteorite crash lands on top of Ezra)

Ezra: Laser light show( cuts through everything using laser beams swaying around his body)

Emily: (hiding behind a rock)

Catalina: Assassin, where are you?( holding a sword, smiling devilishly)

Emily: Dang it, she's really strong .and here I thought that she's just daddies little princess.

[ meanwhile...]

Alister: (Bleeding, but with lava around his fists)

Darkle: (Looks at Vash, who's armless) I guess that is his way of revenge, a punch on the face for an arm.

Vash: (Barely able to stand) This is no time for jokes. Use 100% of your power.

Darkle: ironically I did! Gravity zone, gravity strength, and speed. (To Vash) You tried to trap him in your realm and it didn't work. 

Ender : ( walks out of smoke covered with fire and laughing likr a maniac ,his appearancevety devilish looking because he had horns on his head and red lizard like skin)

Alister : brace yourselves, because he's coming ( they all join together to face off against a great evil )

"Everyone that day suffered a cruel death, except me. I lost students that day, and my beloved daughter. The memories of that horrible day will be forever etched into my mind. The day that the Earth was wounded by our kind. I am Ezra Everlasting, and this is our story. One of heartbreak, loss, and pain." ( (He said to the kids, his eyes reflecting the sadness he felt.)

The end...

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