
Plant creature the immortal

[ 1000 years ago]

The sun slowly rose above the horizon, its rays reflected off the still waters of the lake. The breeze was gentle,and the surface of the water was clear and calm . Birds chirped as they flitted among the trees,and small animals emerged from their burrows to feed. The dew sparked on the grass ,and the air was fresh and flowery fragrant. It was a perfect morning 

Ender : ( sitting on a log watching the lake shimmer like a jewel in the sunlight)

Plant creature : ( sits besides the king ) 

Ender : it's beautiful, isn't it?( he said pointing his finger at his castle) 

Plant creature : umm?? yeah I guess. But I would much appreciate it if it's removed there and put elsewhere 

Ender : why?

Plant creature : it's blocking the sun

Ender : Ahahaha ( scratches his head laughing) I see what you mean. How about I make you a deal 

Plant creature : what kind of deal ?

Ender : I promise to Plant many trees here in exchange for my castle staying there( the king looked at the Plant creature with an outstretched hand)

Plant thing : ( the creature considered his offer ,weighing the pros and cons . Eventually, it decided that having more trees to thrive in was worth it)"i can live with that" ~they shook on the deal,and suddenly a deep, strong bond was formed between them

Ender : then it's settled! We are best friends ( he said with a joyous smile on his face)

[[ with the deal struck ,Ender and the Plant creature basked in the morning light talking about many things- the trees,the wildlife ,the stars ,and their hopes and dreams. Two weeks later the king was laying on his bed ,his body weak and his skin pale. He had been sick for many days,and the healers had given up hope.they said that there was nothing more they could do,and that all he could do was to rest and wait ]]

Knight : (enters his room)great King, I bought Catalina as you requested .

Catalina : ( kneels to her father ) 

Ender : (laying on his bed he acknowledged her with a smile)rise daughter 

Catalina : ( stood up interlocking her fingers) 

Ender : I'm thirsty ,give me water .

Catalina : ( Looks at him like the Water is literally near your bed but pours him a glass of water anyway)

Ender : come closer 

Catalina : alright father( goes closer to him )

Ender : ( whispers words in her ears as he would smirk devilishly and kiss her forehead)

Catalina : (drops the glass of water due to sudden shock , her face expression was one of horror. Whatever she just heard left her in fear.so she rushed out of the room without saying a word to her father )

Knight : ( about to go after her )

Ender. : leave her be, she still needs time to process how I caged her mother in a dungeon and starved her to death . 

[ somewhere in the forest...] 

Catalina : ( running away from an archer as fast as she could,her heart was pounding fast in her chest.two arrows were embedded in her flesh jostled and shifted with each movement. Blood dripped down her legs, staining the ground below her but still she ran ignoring the pain in order to out run the archer.exhausted she tripped on a rock and fell on the ground only to get her mouth covered by a humanoid shark)

Archer : ( jumps off his horse holding his bow & arrow ready to shoot) come out! Come out! Wherever you are ! 

Shark king : ( approaches the archer ) 

Archer : ( doesn't hesitate to shoot it's right eye , his aim firm & true)

Shark king : ( pulls out the arrow getting bigger and bigger ,evolving from a white sharks size to a megalodon which is 60 feet long and weigh up to 100,000 kilograms. )you shouldn't have done that ~ he said ,then devoured the archer whole 

Catalina : ( stands up now feeling safe) who are you ?

Shark king : I am Shark king , Clan leader of the water Clan, a race of humanoid fishes.and I'm here on urgent business, to tell king ender that we won't be paying taxes this month ,I fear that we are running low on fishes. 

Catalina : the king has become a monster !

Shark king : huh ?

Catalina : ( explains the horrible deeds of the king to him)

[ meanwhile ...]

Ender : (goes to the woods to meet his friend) Plant creature where are you !? Are you finally dead ?

Plant creature : great king ,live forever ( comes out of hiding from behind a tree ) My kind is immortal, so I cannot die even if I wanted to .

To be continued...

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