
world of totems

In a magical world of totems, Franz is reborn with a rainbow-colored mark, making him a cursed being in the eyes of the people. However, little do they know that Franz's mark is the strongest in the history of the world, granted by God himself for his good karma in his past life. Franz is an extremist, martial artist, soldier, and scientist, with qualities that set him apart from everyone else in the world. As he grows up, Franz discovers he has the ability to control fire, and soon realizes the world of totems is not as peaceful as it seems. There are hidden agendas and dark forces at work, and Franz's dreams warn him of impending danger. He continues to train and study, determined to become the best he can be. But as he delves deeper into his powers, Franz discovers ancient legends and myths surrounding the totem marks. He becomes convinced that he is the key to unlocking the secrets of the marks and saving the world from destruction. However, he must face his greatest fears and enemies, putting his life in danger. As Franz embarks on a journey full of harems and adventures, he hunts down those who rob the marks and cause chaos. The erased marks transform into powerful monsters that attack humankind. Along the way, he uncovers dark secrets and conspiracies that threaten to tear the world apart. With his unyielding spirit and intelligence, Franz must use all his skills and abilities to unravel the mysteries of the totem marks and protect the people he loves. But with danger lurking around every corner, will Franz be able to save the world before it's too late?

d_sheperd · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: The First Villain

The party continued on their journey, hoping to find more clues about the mark robbers. As they traveled, they encountered various monsters and beasts, each one more powerful than the last. But they always managed to come out victorious, thanks to their teamwork and battle skills.

One day, as they were walking through a forest, they suddenly heard a loud noise coming from ahead. They quickly rushed towards the source of the sound, only to find a group of hordes of monsters attacking a village. The party immediately jumped into action, taking down the monsters with ease.

However, as they were finishing off the last of the monsters, they suddenly saw a figure emerge from the shadows. It was a man with eight marks on his body, each one representing a different element. He had a flame sword mark, an ice whip mark, a shadow domain mark, wind boots mark, earth armor mark, green plant dagger poisonous mark, earth pagoda mark, and a light saber mark.

The man approached the party, a smirk on his face. "You are the ones who have been causing trouble for us," he said, his voice laced with malice.

Franz stepped forward, his eyes narrowing. "And who might you be?" he asked, his hand on the hilt of his sword.

The man laughed. "I am the one you've been searching for. The one who has been stealing marks from innocent people. And now, I will take yours as well."

Without warning, the man lunged at Franz with his flame sword. Franz quickly unsheathed his own sword, the two blades clashing in a shower of sparks.

Meanwhile, Fiona and Liza charged at the man from opposite sides, their spears and swords at the ready. But the man was quick to react, summoning a massive beast from the ground that blocked their attacks.

The beast was massive, with thick, leathery skin and razor-sharp claws. Fiona and Liza exchanged a worried look as they realized that their attacks would be useless against it.

Franz, however, was undeterred. He continued to fight the man, his sword flashing through the air as he dodged and weaved around the man's attacks.

Suddenly, Franz stopped in his tracks, a look of concentration on his face. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again, a determined look in his eyes.

The battle continued to rage on as the villain with eight marks proved to be an incredibly powerful foe. The party of three fought with all their might, using every technique and strategy they could muster, but the villain's skill and power was unmatched. The flames from his sword mark burned with an intense heat, the ice whip mark chilled the air around them, and the shadow domain mark made him difficult to target.

Fiona and Liza had tried to use a pincer attack, but the villain had summoned a massive beast to block their path, causing them to stumble and fall. They were injured, and as they lay on the ground, they watched as Franz continued to battle the villain with a fierce determination.

But then something changed within Franz. He felt a sudden surge of energy course through his body, and he knew that he had to win this battle at any cost. He summoned all his strength and let out a loud roar, his eyes blazing with a fierce determination.

With a sudden burst of speed, Franz charged at the villain, his spear blazing with fiery energy. The villain tried to dodge, but Franz was too quick. He struck with lightning-fast blows, each one more powerful than the last, until the villain was reeling from the force of his attacks.

But the villain wasn't done yet. With his last breath, he summoned a massive red dragon, its scales glistening in the sunlight. The dragon had a battle star of 4, making it one of the most powerful creatures they had ever faced.

The trio knew that they had to act fast if they were going to have any chance of defeating the dragon. They combined their powers, summoning the full force of their ultimate techniques. Fiona unleashed a massive flame spear explosion, while Liza created a dome of ice around them, trapping the dragon inside.

But it was Franz who truly shone in that moment. He activated his new technique, the War God Domain, and all the weapons nearby assembled around him, striking the dragon like an unstoppable flood of weapons coated with different elements.

The dragon roared in pain as it was struck by the combined force of the trio's attacks. Its scales began to crack and crumble, and with one final blast of energy, it exploded into a shower of sparks.

The battle was over. The villain was defeated, and the trio emerged victorious. They looked at each other, breathing heavily, but with a sense of pride and satisfaction. They had worked together as a team, and their efforts had paid off.

As they looked out at the horizon, they knew that there were still many battles to come. But with their newfound strength and skills, they felt ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. They were united in their mission to stop the mark robbers and restore balance to the world of totems.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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