
World Of The Sociopathic Manipulator

No matter what I eat, the taste is long gone It appears as if my body has disappeared The adolescent has long retired Fractions of unrefined jewels The tears I shed then Day by day, you're becoming my dead of nights I only dare to pray With enough sun to stop my cascade Over the moon, I want to see you

Hanyan · Realistic
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 - Let’s Start The Game, Shall I?

After a few months, graduation came. At last, he could finally see the freedom from this detritus institution full of trashes. Needless to say, knowing he would be the limelight of the evening ceremony, he came as late as possible, just before the long awaited awards presentation. Naturally, he was the only one that was awarded the most awards and scholarships albeit losing out the Valedictorian Title, it was all in his grasp; since he had already planned it that way. He knew he could have easily participated in those useless community works but the value was just too scanty for him to waste his precious time. Obviously, he knew he would be getting the most awards since he is the only one possessing a GPA of 4 with distinction and not to mention his others participations in various activities. Considering the monetary benefits that came along the awards and certificates, he was amused to his own actions, thinking this was only mediocre.

However, only he knew he experienced true emotions on that fateful day.

He now proceeded on his educational endeavors and knowing himself, was he going to conspire a brand new scheme.

Hopefully, these bugs could at least amuse him for the next 3 years. He was looking forward to it.