
Life of an animal

Always be happy on what you have. You can take a example of me. It was saturday my school off and our relatives were coming on a dinner so there was souch pending work and all work was done. I was tired and go to my bedroom. My mom called me and ask me to bring grocery from market i was pratteling that i wish that i would be a animal so live easy life. At the night time when i go to bed and sleep. In the morning when i wake up i was in a small jungle i started to find a way to get out of this jungle. So then i found a way there were humans look like animal they have tails,big nose,four legs and some has wings. I was hungry so i was finding a shop so i asked a lion that where is the market so he said there is no market here we all prey animal for our hunger. I moved from there so the lion come in front of me i asked him that what happen lion said nothing happened but i want you to be my prey i said no no it can't happen and ran away the lion chased me. I suddenly fall and lion bited my hand. I hit him my head so he bited my head i suddenly wake up and that was the most horrible dream ever i ran outside and fy to not do it again. The thing that god provides us is the best.