
A world of sins (1)

I'm at school, the chemistry teacher is explaining how to balance reactions.

I'm not understand anything so I take the phone and start playing a random game.

The fire alarm goes on, in panic my friends and I try to get out, but the fire is right in front of our door.

Some of them to escape from the fire throw themselves from the windows dying smashed to the ground since we are on the third floor.

desperate I try to find the most sheltered place in class and before I even realize it i was dead.

Notte opens his eyes and, observing, he saw the red blood sky covered by what looked like black clouds.

"Where am I?"

but no one answered.

In that place where little light came and where the air was heavy, he was alone.

He felt insecure in a new world and to accompany his insecurity there were his memories, but they were not intact. only small, faded fragments of his life were present in his head but as imprinted in the rock was the despair of his last seconds of life that he remembered more than well.

Notte stood in this earth when he heard


a shapeless creature appear before his eyes. It looked almost like a slime but it was not round and of a classic green or transparent blue colour, it was instead, a huge agglomerate of blood, bones and flesh that crept towards him slowly.

in front of that slime appeared a small writing

- Fallen Lv. 1

Night did not notice that the writing that appeared before his eyes and seeing this terrifying creature approaching him, he noticed something, he had a sword in his left hand.

He doesn't know how she got there or what that sword is, but what he cared about.

He didn't attack the creature subconsciously, but he observed it in search of what could be an opening, he didn't find it.

then a little fear began to appear in him because, in addition to the fact of not having found any weak point or discovered, his remember one thing.

"swords do nothing to slime!!!"

He doesn't know where this memory came from, but by combining a few of his memories, he saw that Slime had a high resistance to cutting weapons.

Notte in addition to the fear of death that loomed now also felt the anguish of not remembering who he was, not only, did not remember his life. The closer the slime approached him the more anxious he went until


Notte I scream and this time not caring what would happen he attacked the fallen. He struck the creature, but as he expected, he hadn't done much.

A thorn of bones spilled from the fallen and pierced Notte.

a huge pain invaded his body making him forget the anxiety and anguish he had felt.

Notte writhed on the ground in pain, the fallen pierced him again and again and the pain just got worse.


an explosion of fire came out of his body almost fragmentated, the flames quickly spread over the creature.


after the scream of pain, a few seconds passed and the creature collapsing on itself fading and leaving behind what sebrava a shard of a broken glass that emitted a warm white light.

The li

ght of that shard attracted Night as moths are attracted to streetlamps in the evening.

He approached and touched the shard and absorbed it, suffered the wounds that had been inflicted on him and disappeared and a strange window opened before his eyes.

Notte Lv: 1

cause of death: strong fire


- last flame

- fire resistance

Tired and disoriented, he fell asleep.

I will try to be as constant as possible in writing this story but because of sunny commitments I may not be punctual.

Not being English the translation might not be perfect.

diego_scotticreators' thoughts