

The demented clinging of metal clashing against metal could be heard for thousands of kilometers, as the races came together to fight the gods.

Magical beasts of all kinds could be seen fighting amongst each other as tamers were tasked with the duty of fighting off the magical beasts in the front row of the god's army.

Archers shot out millions of arrows, that could be seen flying across the battlefield, with each arrow either wounding soldiers severely or taking lives completely.


Human and Elven mages emptied their mana pools and took the lives of many as they did.

The stronger beings from the demon and human races used their unique skills to fight against the multitude of demi-gods that the gods have created throughout the years.

The Eldians, a race of extremely battle-hungry beings who thrived on danger and adventure were also readily available at this war. The race adapted and changed the way they did things in every fight as they learned new things. With features similar to that of humans, the Eldians only distinguishing feature was their long silky white hair that would make u mistake them for elves if they had the pointy ears too.

The dwarves- complimented with their high intelligence in machinery and earthen magic, had used their complicated machinery that worked as catapults and energy shields, to help strengthen the defense of the five races.

The Humans, the Demons, The Elves, The Dwarves, and lastly the Eldians.

The five races joined together to fight off the self-righteous gods, who had controlled their lives for far too long.


Even the unity of the five races was not enough to take on the gods as they were on the brink of losing the battle, until...


The strongest light warlock, Voldigardas, used his ultimate attack. The seemingly powerful last resort had come with many drawbacks. The attack attacked everyone in its radius, ignoring the users' allies, and in the account that the skill was successfully used it took the life of the one using the skill too.

As the sun shone down, it seemed as if it had been pulled closer to Planet Worlorn. The sun's size increasing had also brought forth more heat onto the world, causing many to take shelter. To no avail, their efforts were futile as the attack, killed every being under SS+ rank.

The gods laughed at their futile resistance.

"All this effort, to defeat mere clones..." muttered Darkseid, the god of death.

A few kilometers away from the main battlefront- The Eldian Camp.

"Honey, I'm scared," whispered an alluring woman clad in a metallic black thin plated steel armor. Her hair was cut into a short bob for more efficiency during battle. A deep scar ran across her cheek, a memento left behind by an A+ class Long Armed Rock Bear.

A six-foot-two, brown-skinned man with white hair stared lovingly into his wife's eyes and replied, "Don't be Elena, we will win this war and destroy those selfish gods for good, but for now gather your strength up so you can go through the portal with our baby boy."

"But Mark, who says the portal will take us to safety? Who says the portal will even work Mark? What if it kills the ba-"

Mark put his index finger gently on Elenas' soft lips and responded, "like I said, Princess Elena, everything will be okay."

Angrily Elena answered, "how many times do I have to remind you mark! DO NOT! Refer to me as princess anymore," playfully punching Mark in his gut with her free hand she continued, "I've long since been banished since running away with you, but a mere commoner."

Mark laughed.

"The princess running away with a mere commoner, how cliche... but look how far we've come my dear, we now control one of the strongest armies in the lands, and we're about to fight those selfish things." Disgust was evident on Marks' face at the mention of the gods.

Elena looked up at Mark and smiled, "and I don't regret my decision one bit."

"On the topic of decisions, we still haven't given this young one a name yet..."

Simultaneously they both looked down at the baby cradled in Elena's arms.


The mahogany partition door leading into the 16 by 18 feet main bedroom of the two powerful commanders' room was slammed open by a short man garbed in plate mail with the logo of a dragon on its chest. The man had no distinguishing features but the oversized pavise shield on his back, completely towering over his short stature.


The short armored man was bent over with his hands on his knees as he was out of breath.

Mark walked closer to the man and responded, "yes Barras?"

"The portal... it's ready, but I have bad news,"

Piquing Elenas' interest even more she answered Barras, "bad news?"

Bowing, Barras responded, "only one can go through as we did not have enough magical power since our powerful mages are already on the battlefield."

Silence engulfed the room.


The silence was broken by Elenas' screams as the realization had finally dawned upon her.

Mark ran to his wife's side and embraced her, trying to comfort her.

"I can't leave my baby alone in this world, what if we don't make it?"

While still in an embrace, Mark slowly caressed Elena's head, unintentionally messing her hair up, "it will be okay Lena, we put our trust in fate that our baby will be safe. We put our trust in fate that he'll find great parents while we are fighting for a better future."

"NO! I don't even know where the portal will send him, let alone if he'll survive the warp. LET ALONE IF HE'LL EVEN FIND SOMEONE TO TAKE CARE OF HIM."


Loud crashes could be heard against the stone wall set up around the war settlement.

"Lady Elena, we really need to hurry. The demi-gods and their armies are on our doorsteps and we need you two on the battlefield."

Hugging their son for the last time in their very brief meeting, Elena kissed him on the forehead while chanting a spell on him.


Mana particles surrounded the baby boy and his previously white hair suddenly turned a hazel brown, kissing her child once more she muttered, "if you make it out alive, please find us."

Elena gave the baby to Barras and ran to fetch her double-edged spear on the weapon rack, and she threw Mark's three-meter-long longsword towards him, with such ease one could swear the longsword was fake.

"Barras! Take good care of our baby, and make sure he gets through the portal safely." Shouted mark.

As the couple ran towards the door with their weapons, Elena turned around and shouted to the dazed Barras, "OSLO! His name is Oslo!"

She turned around and ran forward into the stone passage leading to the barracks, Mark looked down at her and said, "Oslo huh? It's a good name, the name of a warrior."

"Yes, yes it is."

The two ran towards the barracks with tears in their eyes, hoping that one day they'd get to see their child once more.


At the portal, a small rift formed in the base of the magical mahogany tree, Barras had been preparing a basket small enough to fit the little Oslo.

"You Eldians are an intelligent race, you'll probably figure out what to do with this bottle once your hunger strikes. I might as well right your name on a piece of parchment too." Taking a small piece of parchment out of his side pocket, Barras wrote- very untidily, the word 'OSLO'.

Placing the bottle of twin-headed goat's milk and the parchment paper into the fishing basket that Barras had used as a makeshift cradle he gently picked up Oslo from the heap of leaves nearby and put him in the basket beside the goods.

"Good luck Prince Oslo, I wish I could've seen you grow up, but once we win this war..." Staring teary-eyed at the baby who lay thoughtless in the basket and thinking back to how much Oslo's parents have done for him.

Choking back tears he stared with eyes full of resolution at Oslo, "I promise you this little one, once the war is over and we've gained access to the heavenly realm, I'll be the first one to look for you."

Barras picked the cradle up almost effortlessly and pushed it through the portal.

The portal flickered shades of blue and purple as the space around it distorted and fractured, causing some concern for Barras.

Shortly after, the portal turned green and disappeared, "Ahhh, thank the heavens. It worked." Barras laughed at himself after stressing so much sweat dripped down his bald head.

"Good luck young one."

With that final statement, Barras turned around with a face full of determination and ran straight out the door at a speed barely visible to the naked eye, an astounding feat for someone with 500kgs worth of steel weighing him down.

Deep in the Forest of the Damned, a small rift the size of a walnut formed. The winds around the rift blew violently and the mana in the air distorted, scaring off most of the magical beasts in a 100-meter radius. The rift slowly grew in size and stopped when a small fishing basket fell out of it, landing almost perfectly on the unkept blades of grass.

"Did you guys feel that energy change?" Asked a bandit with a pitch-black mask around his face.

"Most adventurers and stronger beasts should be at the East lands right now, I don't understand why the mana of an A+ class mage could be felt so far north in the Forest of the Damned." Responded a hooded figure holding a staff almost double his height.

"We should check it out, maybe we can make even more profits if it's one of those rare treasures that we hear about in tales that would sell for 10 000 gold or more..."

The trio then ventured towards the source of the mana spike they felt earlier.

15 minutes later.

The group of bandits who referred to themselves as the troubled three were known for stealing and attacking traveling merchants and their goods, holding them ransom, and selling them to slave traders after exploiting all their money from them.

Upon the arrival at the site of the mana surge, they were utterly disappointed since all they found was a baby who was supposedly named 'Oslo' and he had nothing of note on him. They had first planned to keep the baby, but decided against it and decided to sell the child to the nearest farm owners in exchange for a few golds.

Their confusion as to why a baby would just appear in a forest, especially when there was a massive surge of mana in the area recently really threw them off their game.

While being E-rank bandits, they had no intelligence on teleportation portals and if they did they wouldn't understand how it worked since their levels in society were so low.

After successfully selling the child they had found to the nearby Woodridge Farm owners for two gold coins, they departed, never to see the child again.