
World of Heroes and legends

36 Year old Riley Ramsey a scientist from the future was assassinated right after a hard day of experimenting and discovery. She woke up in a world filled with mystery, magic and.... superheroes?! After the first day the Avengers came knocking baring good tidings for the recently fired Sandy who just so happen to be Riley's younger version of herself but with more history and relatively more secrets than she had originally thought possible. Will Sandy be able to create a prosperous team that could save everyone and everything? Or will she be to busy with new love, friend and family to take care of to even notice the looming threat? https://discord.gg/5XWjpJ

Asher2000 · Movies
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33 Chs

Chapter 1: Twins?!

First Person POV(Riley)

*Bang* Startled I sat up my eyes scanned the room to find that a man in a sharp suit stood in front of me, a book twice the size of a normal one. Wait, am I not supposed to be dead...?

"Sandy, if you slack off one more time." He growled his face contorted in fury." I will fire you out of this lab and you will never again get a job in science." He finishes.

" Uh, I-I'll try." I stuttered unsure of what else to say, maybe I should have said sir?

"Don't try, Miss Hale, do." He says and stalked off, he at least looks like he cooled down. Is it possible that I had somehow reincarnated... but to when and where? Shaking my head I looked down to see books and documents about the body. My eyes sparkled this could help me make an Android... Uh! No focus!

*Buzzzzz* My pocket vibrated, I fished out a phone glad in sparkling blue and purple, with a small white fox key chain hanging from its side.

[Louise Lane] Eh? I clicked the green phone button and a scolding voice echoed from the speaker.

"Sandy Kalin Hale's! Where the hell are you? Clark and I have been waiting for an hour now?!"

" Um,we were supposed to meet up?" I mumble slightly surprised.

"Yes! I can't believe you forgot you were the one who arranged for it in the first place! Ugh,just come." Louise says.

" Where?" I ask as I stood up but stopped remembering that I had just been threatened for slacking off.

"Time Out,please hurry Clark and I need that document on Gotham City." Louise says.

My eyes scanned the table and landed on a brown paper folder that looked like a book,it had the words Gotham City written in bold red across it.

"Okay,but I can't be too long,my boss is pissed." I say and took the folder placing it in a bag near my chair which I had woken up in.

"Fine, when you get there please explain what had made him pissed." She says and disconnected the call. Rushing, I packed the documents and papers neatly into the back along with the thick book the man from earlier had placed in front of me. I walked out of the lab or office and into an elevator where I quickly searched for the location of Time Out. Luckily it's not that far away from here, only about six blocks away. I could jog the route though it may take longer. No I'll definitely jog. I glanced down and made a face. This me obviously liked high heels, cause I'm wearing them. And a mini skirt. My eyebrows twitched, taking out a coat that hung all the way down to my ankles from my bag I wrapped it around me and buttoned it up, bending down I removed the heels and threw them into my bag. Vowing to burn them once I get to my home, er, new one. At least I'm not wearing stockings or socks. The elevator have a ding as the doors slid open. I rushed out and passed an receptionist in a very weird position with the man from earlier, I paused my mouth a gape. The receptionist opened her eyes and yelped hiding in the man's chest.

"Jason..... Sandy..... she's standing behind you." She says her voice husky and soft. The man or Jason turned around his eyes widen in shock. He quickly hid the receptionist behind his back as he turned to face me trying to make his expression as stern as he could but failed.

"Sandy, please don't tell my dad about this..." He begged. I bit my lip, he is so cute!

" I won't, as long as you don't threaten me again, oh and by that I mean to take away my job. Plus while we're at it you may continue with that but do it somewhere more private, like your own office or mine. I'll be back later I need to deliver something to a friend." I say smiling and turned around walking out of the building, leaving a dumbfounded Jason and receptionist behind. Maybe this me was not so nice or something. Whatever I don't care. I broke out into a sprint as soon as I was out of site, only to find that this me's body is unbelievably fit. I mean I'm running way faster than I have ever run before, a little to fast. How the hell am I supposed to stop?! Luckily my foot slipped on something and I crashed heavily against a dumpster.

*Bang* "Oof!" That really hurts. I rubbed the side of my body trying to soothe the aching pain from hitting something at super speed. Okay so I got super speed, nice. And then again maybe not. I took my phone out and searched up the location again coming up surprised. Ah crap I missed Time out by three blocks. At least it's only three blocks away, manageable. Deciding that it's better to walk I began to head in the right direction. Soon large letters written in neon green words jumped out from a restaurant, Time out. Thank goodness! Stepping inside I sighed with relief and looked around when I saw Louise who waved at me with a happy smile on her face, Clack sat across from her, his hair messy and his classes pushed up the bridge of his nose, whilst Louise wore her shiny black hair in a neat pony. Sitting down next to Louise, I placed the folder on top of the table.

"Wow, why is it so thick?!" Louise says clearly surprised. Clark raised an eyebrow.

" It's Sandy, she probably wrote everything down to the last detail. And hi, San." Says Clark.

" Hi, Clark. How are you?" I ask smiling.

" Good, though Louise is driving me a little insane lately." Clark says. Louise gave a puff and said:" It's not my fault you want me to wait for our wedding!? Plus I'm sure that Sandy agrees with me it's long over due." Says Louise," And hi." She adds before giving me a bear hug that felt like a vacuum squeezing my breath out.

"Uh... hi. Actually Clark, I'm wondering the same thing, when are you going to marry her?" I ask while patting Louise's back.

" Aw, come on?! Not you too, you both know that it'll happen soon but not yet. Plus I'm kinda busy with hero stuff, you know. "Clark says, what?! You mean that this me knows Clark to be Superman and his normal self?! Amazing, I'll give her that.

"Don't say stuff, it's either things or nothing. And being a hero is not an excuse. You should learn to multi task. It'll benefit your relationship much better than doing one thing at a time." I say.

" Ain't scientists supposed to believe that multi task doesn't exist?" Clark asks looking like he's depressed.

" Some do, but not the whole. I multi task all the time, by thinking, building and writing. Or reading depends on the situation. Why are you acting like you're crying?" I ask as Clark had began to ''cry''. His shoulders shaking and his head in his hands. Louise grinned, I eyed her as she lifted her leg up and well,you can imagine the rest. Startled, Clark looks up and at Louise with wide eyes. I snickered and shook my head.

"You should have seen that coming. Though you obviously didn't feel much pain, but you get the message." I say smiling.

" So San, what's up with your Jason?" Asks Louise.

" Ah, he complained because I had been slacking off as he puts it. I admit that I had been sleeping but I hadn't really bee sleeping much. Plus I caught him kissing the receptionist. So just a little blackmail and my problems were solved so neither of you needs to worry." I say seeing their worried expressions, my heart warmed and ached because I miss Lyra, I should have gone with her. Louise's eyes widen.

"He kissed Jane?! Wow, I had not seen that coming, I mean she's a total b@tch. Telling tall tales about you and creating drama and hatred amongst your co-workers and you. But maybe Jason doesn't see that. Any ways, enough about that." She says. Oh so this me is nice. I nodded my head as a waiter walked over holding the note pad and pen up he looked at us meaningfully.

"Your order please?" He asks.

"May I please have a Chocolate milkshake and a piece of chocolate cake?" I ask smiling up at him,his face turned red as he nodded and scribbled my order down he looked at Louise and Clark, expectant.

"I'll have the same." Says Clark.

"I'll take a coffee, please." Says Louise. He wrote it down and walked away his face burning red.

"Wow, you have a secret admirer." Says Louise smiling from ear to ear.

" It's no longer a secret. But I doubt he likes me. It's just that I smiled, and I might appear cute or something of the likes to him." I say nonchalantly.

" Oh come on, miss scientist. Can't you see the signs?" Asks Louise.

"Yes I can. But I won't fall for something that might end the next day." I say.

" Ugh, you're stubborn!" Louise exclaims.

" Much like yourself, no? It took you years to notice Clark's crush on you." I pointed out, making her as red as the cushions behind her. Clark gave a slight cough, seemingly uncomfortable.

" Enough of crushes, please. I have decided. September the 20'th,that's the wedding date, agree or disagree?" Asks Clark. Louise's eyes brighten and she nodded vigorously.

" Perfect! Sandy you'll help decorate right?!" Asks Louise her eyes begging, her lips puckered in a cute pout, her arms around my own. I moved my head to the side slightly.

"Sure. If you don't write about that thing between my boss and the receptionist then I'll help." I say grinning. She blinked." And that goes for you too, Clark." I pointed out.

"Fine." Both grumbled. The waiter placed my cake and milkshake in front of me while giving the others their order. I took a sip and took my phone out. Then I looked up at the waiter who still stood there staring at me.

"Thank you very much." I say smiling softly at him, he nodded and walked away his legs slightly wobbly. " Don't even think about saying it." I warned and glared at Louise. She laughed and tore a sack of sugar apart before throwing it's contents into her cup. Taping in my own name I narrowed my eyes, all my information was out there. From my home address to who my family and friends are. Ugh, this me is way to out going. I'll need to delete this later today.

*Ding* I looked up and at the door of the restaurant, hey wats Peter Parker and Gwen doing here? Aren't they from separate comics or movies? I shook my head no need to dwell on that. Peter noticed us and dragged Gwen over they both had bags over their shoulders.

"You're Louise Lane right?" Asks Peter seemingly really excited. He's practically jumping up and down.

" Ah, yes, and who might you be?" Asks Louise slightly surprised that someone was brave enough to come up and talk to her.

"I'm Peter Parker, and this is my sister Gwen." Eh, from which universe are you two brother and sister?

"This is my friend, Sandy Hale and this one is my fiance, Clark Kent." Says Louise giving a proud look as she points us both out. I rolled my eyes but smiled at them.

"It's nice to meet you, Peter, Gwen. You two don't seem from around here? May I know what you're doing here." I ask. Startled they stared at me, I shrugged and smiled.

"You two have a slight slur to your words which is usually found in New York or... and you probably don't want to know that do you?" I ask after seeing their confused expressions.

"Eh, no. It's interesting. We're on a school project for this vacation, so we came to Metropolis to finish it." Says Gwen smiling. I smiled back.

*Buzz.* My pocket began to vibrate again. I made a face and dug my phone out.

[Mister Gordan]

"Hello, sir." I say, not bothering to get up, Clark can hear me from a mile away so I don't need privacy.

"I heard you slacked off again, Miss Hale." Says a deep and clearly unhappy voice. Ah, Jason must have reported me before I blackmailed him, either way I won't speak of what they had done.

"Yes, I did, sir." I say bluntly, why should I make up an excuse? It's not like he'll listen. Speechless, the voice didn't react for a full minute.

"Then you are hereby fired, Miss Hale, please pack your things in your lab up and take them home. Never again shall you place your feet in my building again, I do not like slackers as I had told you before, Miss Hale." And with that he disconnected the call. I rolled my eyes. Ugh, now I need to find something else to do.

"Did he actually fire you?" Asks Clark, his face contorted in disbelief. I nodded solemnly.

" It seems so, I think Jason had reported to his dad before I talked to him." I say as I rubbed the bridge of my nose.