
World of Fantasies

Peter transmigrates to another world as a devil. He wakes up to find that he is in a wasteland where non-humans are in a dire state. He wants to make the best empire in the world from the wasteland. His empire will stand above all other kingdoms and empires. ... My other webnovels: 1. Vengeful Odinson 2. The Outlaw 3. Ex-Slayer

Mephisto_0712 · Fantasy
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I ran and ran with all my might.

I looked behind while running away and saw the dragon coming after me.

I knew my speed was gradually turning faster and faster and I was happy for it but I was also nervous as a big bad dragon was after me.

Suddenly, I felt dark around me and when I looked at the sky I realized I was under the shadow of the same dragon.

The dragon passed me and turned around before looking at me again.

I gulped.

"Yo, you are here to walk? It's a good day, isn't it?"

No, it wasn't a good day. Not at all!

The dragon just stared at me but I felt itchy on my back. I wanted to rub that place to make this itch vanished.

Suddenly, I felt as if my body had expanded. I looked behind me and saw black feathered wings.

I opened my eyes wide seeing the black feather wings.

I don't know if it was because of instincts or just my wish to fly but my wings started flapping before I flew into the air.

I flew high into the sky. I looked down and yeah, what would you expect? I escaped from that dragon? What a joke!

That mother-ducker was still after me! I flapped my wings faster and faster.

Don't ask me, how I knew how to control my wings?

I don't know. It can be called instincts as a baby knows how to move his arms and legs without any one telling him/her.

Anyway, I flapped my wings faster to run away or more like fly away, but then, I heard the dragon's voice.

"Wait! I want to talk to you!" I heard a feminine voice.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to look at the dragon. She was a female. I mean, she is, of course, used for females but you get gist of it!

My wings were still flapping as I floated in the air at the same spot.

"You want to talk to me?" I asked.

She nodded but then spoke, "But not here! Follow me!"

Even though, I was in doubt but I followed her as my instincts told me to.

I flapped my wings and followed behind her lead.

Even though, I was curious as to what she wanted to talk to me about but I didn't ask anything on the way nor did she say anything.

It was kind of awkward as I was first running away from her without listening to her but now here I am following her to the place she is leading to. It was also weird but oh well, whatever.

But still she really is a fool to take me to the place where I wanted her to take me to.


After flying for a bit, we finally reached an area where there were houses made of stones while there was a large castle at the center that stood out from the rest of the houses.

I saw many dragons flying around. It looked beautiful as well as intimidating.

"We have arrived! Let us go to the castle!" The dragon spoke as she was floating beside me.