
World Of Enigma

Have you ever wondered if the world we live in is really as it seems? Have you ever entertained the thought of far-fetched ideas like parallel worlds, reincarnation, monsters of the olden days of humanity, even aliens perhaps? Well, we are going to delve in a world with all the qualities aforementioned is mixed together. A story of an unsuspecting man, trying to keep himself sane from what's about to come as he tries to survive to see the real world once again. ---- *The cover is not mine as I only obtained it from google, credits to the owner of course.*

Freix_Gren · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 - Escaped

I woke up feeling refreshed but the problem of food and water is really important. Can you even find food and water in this level except the usual tables, chair, drawers, etc?

"I can't waste anymore time sitting here when my life is still on the line. I have to find food and water or even the exit, hopefully I won't encounter the monsters or entities as what they call it." I stood up and took a deep breath before opening the door, exiting the Manila Room.

"Light? The surroundings were dark when I found the entrance of the room though, things are getting even more weirder the longer I stay here."

Although I couldn't quite grasp my head around how the surroundings were different from how it was when I initially entered, I quickly discarded the thought of it since there are way more urgent matters at hand.

"Okay, the priorities are food and water or even a glitched out object so I could try my hands on No-clipping." I reminded myself as I tend to lose track of my goals whenever I get overwhelmed by things.

"Maybe I should've brought the notes from the Manila Room.." but the door was already gone the moment I looked behind me. "Oh well, can't do jackshit about it."

So I just picked a random hallway to venture in from the 3 available hallways, I ended up picking the left hallway and started to venture further this level.

'May God bless me, if there is any..'


I don't know how far I've travelled but if I remembered correctly then I've already gotten past 5 hallways.

I don't know but it seemed like the buzzing or the humming sound of the fluorescent lights are getting louder and more annoying in contrast to when I first noticed it where they seemed very irrelevant to me. This can't be a good sign...


To my surprise, I only felt mildly hungry and thirsty despite how long I haven't had food, maybe food and water isn't that important as of now then.

"Huh? is that a door?" I saw a door in the distance but I coincidentally blinked at the same time and the door was nowhere to be seen. "Jesus Christ... Am I seeing things?"

The buzzing sound of the fluorescent lights are getting worse as time flies by, I have to hurry up or anymore might just drive me crazy...


I have gone through 16 hallways and I have yet to see any glitched out Objects or any oddly placed dark spots on any surface.

'Maybe I should just give up and accept my fate?' I'm losing hope already, have I always been this weak willed before? Heh.. I use to brag about how strong my will is before.

I immediately shook that thought out. "Like what the personnel from M.E.G said, never lose hope, there is a way out of here and that is through no clipping." but that brought me to my next question. "Are the aforementioned places the only areas where you can no clip or not? I don't think this is the right time to test that theory out though."


I've lost count on how many hallways I've passed but one thing is for sure, I ain't dying anytime soon.

{ Hello there }

"What?! Is anybody there?!" I was too shocked from what I heard. I'm fairly certain that I heard something but no one answered me.

"Hello?" I said, hoping to get an answer but to no avail.

I feel like I'm actually turning insane the longer I spend here..


"Arghh!!! The fucking noice! It's too loud!" For some unknown reason, the buzzing sound of the fluorescent lights became really deafening. I've tried plugging my fingers inside my ears in the hopes of minimizing the buzzing sound of the lights but it didn't help.

"Fucking hell!" I yelled out. The moment I yelled was the moment everything went silent. I'm still conscious but I can't hear anything, atleast I can't hear the buzzing sound anymore but I don't know if it's for the better or for worse..

"What's up with this place?! I need to get my shit together or else I might not make it out of here alive." I continued on venturing further the level while ignoring all the human like speeches or the sound of bugs.


I checked my phone and I don't know if it's normal or not but I'm sure that the time shouldn't be 12:12 pm right? I don't know if I'm hallucinating but I should've consumed more time than that.. Whatever, I'll get my answer once I successfully get to level 1 and reach one of the settlements there.

Right after I stuffed my phone inside my backpack, I heard a very familiar sound.. One that I wished I never heard or saw...


There's that goddamned thing again! I see it's head peeking from the hallway on the right. 'Should I run or stay still?' I thought. That should be my flight or fight instincts acting up but the only difference is that there's only one option.. To run, because the damned thing already saw me..

"SKRLLKKKKKKKRKKK!!" The monster launched towards me using 2 of it's hands by using the walls as some sort of supporting platforms to propel itself towards me. I barely dodged the damned monster's attack by rolling off to the right.

"SKRRLLKKKK!!" I could tell from that sound that it was enraged from the fact that it missed me. I started bolting towards the right hallway as it is the nearest, although It might not be the best choice because it's where the monster came from and there might be more of it but I have to take the risk.

I started hearing loud thuds on the floor and I know that it's already chasing after me, I don't even need to turn back to know it is chasing after me. Luckily the hallways are not that wide so it's delaying the monster a bit because it kept crashing into the walls as it is too fast for its own good.

In some fucked up twist of fate, I ran into something I've never seen before.. A hallway that led into a room with no other hallways, basically a dead end.

"I'm so fucked..." I looked around the surrounding trying to see if there's anything in the room and unfortunately there's nothing inside the room that might help me but being a room, it is wider than a hallway of course so it might help me..

As the loud thuds kept getting louder and louder, a stupid plan reached my head. I reached out for my power bank, alcohol and scissor.

I don't plan on stabbing it to death of course and the plan is quite simple. Short circuiting. First, open the power bank using my scissors because it'll take sometime to open it with my hands. Second, pouring alcohol on the internal parts of the power bank including the battery to increase its chances of exploding. Third, stabbing the the battery hoping it's going to work and cause a spark which can trigger a reaction, at worse it'll just burst up in flames and in the best case scenario, it's going to create a small explosion to stun the monster in place which could give me enough time to make a run for it back to the hallway.

The monster is getting close so I can't afford to waste my time dilly dallying anymore so I immediately opened the power bank and poured alcohol on its internal parts. Now it's time for the waiting game.

"Skrkk..." The monster arrived and I could tell that it's smirking, probably thinking that I can't do anything anymore.

"Hey piece of shit, want to have a piece of me? WELL HAVE A TASTE OF THIS FIRST!" I stabbed the battery of the power bank which created a spark, I immediately threw the power bank towards the monster's face. "YOU CAN GIVE ME A 5 STAR REVIEW LATER!" I made a run for it when I saw the power bank explode.

"SKRYAAAA!!" The monster screamed, I can't blame that guy, that would hurt like a bitch. I arrived to where I met the monster again but this time I went to the left hallway.

I knew that the monster was catching up to me but i was too focused on running until I saw a glitched out table ahead. "Bingo." I smirked, but before I could make myself fall towards the glitched table, the monster had already grabbed me...

"FUCK!" I struggled as I saw the monster's mouth opening, I noticed that it had three big spheres on its head and I instinctively stabbed them with my scissor.

"SKRYAAAA!" The monster let go of me and fell towards the glitched out table with a smirk on my face, "I'll kill you next time myself if I see you again, mark my words!" and closed my eyes...

I thought the power bank trick was not going to work, it was my last ditch effort to live after all...

- Orias

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