
World of Elite

This story take place in the world of Arcana. A world where 30% of the whole humanity awakened to strange power and were named as 'Elite'. A world where the threat of monsters existed through the 'Rift'. A world at time safe and at time dangerous. Meet our protagonist, Rin Kagane as she try her hardest to find her own place on this uncertain world. ..... This story is also published on Royalroad.

Sky573 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Prologue- Family

The Kagane family was one of biggest power of this world. Composed only of the most extraordinary one, it has extended its influence on one of the main continent of Arcana, Ode.

For as long as history has known it, this clan was exceptional. Each bearing the blood of this family were always considered the 'Elite' of society, capable of even exerting their control over the supernatural.

However, one day, due to the twisted nature of the world, a girl was born. She was a completely normal and healthy person. Nothing out of the ordinary could be seen from her.

But, that's exactly where the problem laid. She wasn't extraordinary.

Kagane residence, year ???? Rin Kagane: 4 Years old

"WHAAAAATTTT!!!!" One woman shouted loudly. She was Reza Kagane, Rin's mother.

Currently, she was inside a small room, facing one single man. Rin herself was sited beside her, saying nothing.

"Ca, can y-you repeat what you've just said?" She stuttered, unable to believe what she just heard.

"A, as I said earlier, your daughter's test result was negative." The man spoke cautiously, afraid of his interlocutor's reaction. "Although sometimes error may happen, it is unlikely this time."

Reza trembled, her gaze lowering. The reality seeped slowly on her mind. A reality that she didn't see coming. A reality that shouldn't have happened. A reality that should have stayed as a nightmare.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid to say that your daughter, Rin Kagane ..." The man continued as he was obliged to convey the conclusion. "...isn't qualified to be an 'Elite'."

Hearing that, Reza finally snapped. The temperature of the room suddenly dropped at an abnormally fast rate. Some object even began to freeze after a few seconds.

"There's no way." The woman said with a voice filled with scorn.

She stood up, and looked directly into Rin's eyes.

"THERE'S NO WAY!!" She began to shout again, increasing the room's coldness


"This can't be happening! THIS IS NOT REAL!!!"

Reza was losing her head.

She couldn't believe it.


She didn't want to believe it. She was in total denial.

"THIS ISN'T REAL! That's right! This is just a dream! I just have to wake up!"

"Ma'am! Please, calm down!" The man tried to calm her but to no avail.

At this point, few things were left unfreezed in the room. The woman thrashed around violently, wanting for things to change.

Reza has completely lost it, and as a result a disgusting and misplaced feeling formed inside of her. It was irrational anger.... toward her own daughter.

In the midst of that, Rin couldn't do anything.

She was petrified by fear.

She didn't understand what was happening, but, from her mother's eyes alone, she knew that she was hated.


Year ???? Rin Kagane: 6 Years old.

In the middle of a vast open land, Rin was meditating.

She was concentrating on feeling every single inch of the environment that was surrounding her.

From the gentle brisk of air that was touching her skin to even the smallest noise a branch of leaves could do.

She was doing this to rid her mind of the unnecessary.

She was doing this to further increase her capability.

Nevertheless, she was brought back to reality by the sound of someone approaching.

Without hesitating, and without the slightest waste of movement, she took the wooden sword that was at her side and directly brought its tip at the neck of the intruder.

Her movement was simply too fast for a mere kid.

"...! Re, relax, Rin, it's just me."

The boy that was attacked unconscientiously took a step back.

It was a few second later that Rin recognized the boy.

".... Brother."

He was Rei Kagane. Rin's older brother by five years.

Possessing an extraordinary power as a 'Elite', he is the bearer of great expectation from not only his mother, but also from his father.

He is the current heir of the Kagane family.

"What are you doing here?"

Rin retracted her wooden sword and asked a question toward him.

"I came here because I was worried about you"

"...I'm fine."

"That's what you say every time, but you and me know you're not."


"You need to stop training this much, Rin, you're just a kid."

The boy said while constantly looking at his sister's eye.

Rin heaved a sigh and said

"...You're just eleven years old. You're also a kid."

"T-that's not the point!"

"It's not like I'm straining myself, I'm properly taking break when I need to."

Two years has passed since Rin was disqualified as an Elite.

During that time, her mother completely neglected her. She would not even look her in the eyes anymore. And when they were rarely obliged to take dinner together, she would always have a disgusted look on her face.

Rin was dejected because of that. After all, Reza was still her mother, anyone would be depressed being shown such a clear rejection by their maternal figure.

However, she didn't stay doing nothing while lamenting her fate.

She knew she lacked something, that was why her mother hated her.

So, she began to train.

She first turned to martial art.

Her grandfather, being a high class martial artist, readily accepted being her teacher after she asked him.

'If my cute little grandchild, asked for it, then I'd be happy to oblige.'

...is what he said.

Then, after some time, she also began to increase her intellect.

From historical and chemical book to chess and simple mind games.

In just two years her physical and mental capabilities augmented exponentially.

Her learning speed was that phenomenal. Other kid her age wouldn't be able to compare to her.

She wasn't recognized as an 'Elite', indeed, but, anyone would probably agree that she was a prodigy.

"You're so stubborn, you know that, Rin?" Rei said with an exasperated tone.

"What about it?"

"Listen!" The boy exclaimed, this time with more determination. "I know it must be difficult for you, but, you need to understand that I'm not the only one that is worrying about you."

Rei, then pointed behind Rin.

Following the direction of her brother's finger, what she saw there was a little girl.


It was her little sister, Rena Kagane.

"You mustn't wander alone like this, Rena, you might injure yourself."

Rin said while beckoning the girl to approach.

"...I just wanted to play with big sis."

Her voice was feeble.

After all, Rena would turn three just this year.

And yet, despite the place Rin was at right now being pretty far away from the mansion, she came her alone.

One couldn't imagine the uproar that the servant should be making right about now.

"You came here for that?"

"Big sis, would always turn me down after all."

"That's because I'm bus—"

Rei's hand landed on Rin's shoulder, and he said.

"Kid like us should play, not train."

He glared intently toward Rin and seemed to imply that he would not back down.

Having resigned herself, Rin heaved a sigh.

"...I understand" She said with just a small, little smile appearing on her face.

Year ??? Rin Kagane: 7 Years old

Three people were inside of a dojo like room.

On one end was Rin.

She had a wooden sword on her hand and was in a position ready for battle.

On the other was Rin's grandfather, Rubert Kagane.

He wore a fearsome smile on his face while holding his practice sword.

He was excited about what was to come.

Finally, watching them from the sideline was Rena.

"Your moment of truth has come, Rin!"

Rubert shouted.

"Let us see if you ever learned something from me these past 3 years."

Hearing that Rin also responded with vigor.

"I'm ready whenever you are, grandpa!"

They were going to fight. No, perhaps it is more accurate to say they were going to test just how much Rin has grown.

In both case, they were going to display all their talent and technique in the single match that was going to take place.

"Well then, let us not wait any further."

The both of them took deep breath and immediately went still like rock.

They faced each other for several second, waiting for the opponent to move.

"If you're not going to come, I'll come you!"

With his word, the first one to budge was Rubert. He advanced quickly and closed the distance between the two them.

Arriving at sword range he swung his weapon directly downward.

Any normal person would probably be taken out by this blow. However, Rin was different.

'This is predictable.'

She sidestepped just a little and evaded the hit by a paper thin margin.

From there, with just a swift movement of her sword, she disarmed her grandfather.


His sword spun around who-knows-how-many-times in the air before finally rolling on the ground.

Sensing danger, Rubert instantly jumped backward.

"This is surprising."

He said with his eyes wide open.

He should probably have more than 10 years of training on his count right about now, and yet, he was still deprived of his weapon so easily. Of course, now that the old age has caught up to him, he wasn't as strong as when he was on his peak anymore.

However, his opponent was only a 7 years old child.

His pride still got hit a little.

'She really is outrageous.'

"Don't be carried away, that sword was actually kind of holding me back!"

He shouted as if reaffirming his will to fight. Although it sounded more like an excuse to Rin.

"We'll see about that!"

This time, it was Rin that initiated.

She took one step forward, and, then leaped toward her target.

With her small figure giving her more agility, she reached her attack range in a mere second.

She launched her attack at Rubert's neck with the clear intention of beheading him.

Against all odds, though, when the move connected, it was the wooden sword that broke.


A blue hue covered the neck of her opponent.

'Is this 'Aura'?!'

Rin thought, surprised.

'Aura' was an ability only the 'Elite' could manipulate.

Not only does it give them an armor like skin, it can also increase their physical ability beyond those of average human.

It is said that if one were to diligently train their 'Aura', it could even withstand the power of a nuke.

"Don't be distracted while fighting, young one!"

A massive blow hit Rin's stomach and sent her a few feet back.

"It is not finished!"

Rubert enveloped his fist with a blue hue and threw it toward his grandchild's face.

If she received it, even Rin would undoubtedly pass out.

...'If she received it', being a keyword.

She grabbed the wrist of the hand that was thrown at her and used her opponent's own strength to throw off his balance and slam him onto the ground.

She then took the remaining half of her wooden sword and placed it just an inch away from her grandfather's face.

"I was a little surprised by you using 'Aura', but, at the end, it was still within my range of prediction."

A tad of exhaustion could be heard from her voice, but, she continued by declaring one single and simple fact.

"This is my win!"

She was, right now, wearing one of her biggest smile yet.

Meanwhile, Rubert was still laying on the ground completely silent.

"...hahaha, hahahahahahah!"

Then he suddenly burst out laughing.

"Wonderful! To think that, in just 3 little years, you would reach this kind of level!"

Rin, who was slightly taken aback by him, slowly put away her broken wooden sword.

"You really are my granddaughter, aren't you?"

Rubert rose up from his place and placed a hand on Rin's head to pat her.

"You should learn from her too, Rena!"

Rena approached toward them when the match ended.

"I'll do my best!" She shouted joyfully.

'Soon,' Rubert thought, returning his gaze on Rin. 'She will not need me anymore.'

A proud smile was placed on the old man's face, but if one were to observe carefully, a hint of sadness could also be seen.

Year ???? Rin Kagane: 9 Years Old

The sound of two person clashing resounded in the open courtyard.

They were the 6 years old Rena and the 9 years old Rin.

At some point, though, the younger one stumbled on her feet and fell onto the ground, indicating the end of the match.

"I really can't win against you, huh, big sis." Rena said while panting.

"I'm the older one here," Rin responded as she sat down near her sister. "so there's just no way I'm letting myself lose."

This sort of thing began two years ago. When Rena asked Rin to teach her martial art.

Rin was a little perplexed at that request as she was wondering why she hadn't asked her grandfather instead.

However, when Rena weakly said,

"I-I only want you, big sis!"

She realized that she probably couldn't refuse anything from her cute younger sibling.

From then on, Rin trained Rena with everything she had whenever they had free time.

Of course, while also doing that, Rin didn't neglect her own training.

As a side note, their grandfather also came by from time to time to do some light mock battle against the two of them to assert their skill.

"Even if you say that..." Rena responded, a little exhausted. "I'm gonna win next time!"

Hearing that, Rin smiled a little. She turned her head to look at her sister before chuckling. Rena followed suit as she couldn't contain her own laugh. It was clear to anyone that the two of them loved each other.

To one boy, however, the scene was all but normal.

"This is weird."

He exclaimed, prompting the girl to look toward him.

"What is it, Rei?"

Rin questioned as she faced her big brother.

"You two are just kid, you know? None of you even reached the age of ten! Yet, why is it that you two talk about martial art like it wasn't a big deal!?"

The boy shouted out his incomprehension.

"Are we really that weird?"

Rena asked innocently.

Hearing that, Rei face palmed

"Are you serious?! Where can you even find child that can fight like you two!"

"Is that so? I think you're weirder than us, thought."

Rin interjected her brother's speech with a small smile on her face.

"After all, aren't you the one referred to as the Prince, Rei?"

Hearing that name Rei immediately reacted.

"Wh-where did you hear that from, Rin?"

" 'Handsome, but also extremely strong. Every girl that approach him is assured to have their heart stolen. He is the perfect lady killer. Thus, the prince of all woma—"

"Okay, okay! Stop! Please!"

The boy begged while already covered in embarrassment from head to toe.

"It makes me wonder what you're even doing at the Ark Academy." Rin stated with a disappointed face.

Ark is the largest organization in the world, that has control over practically all 'Elite' that was ever born.

That is why, they constructed their own school, solely comprised of 'Elite', known as Ark Academy, that has institution in all nation over the world.

Rei Kagane was admitted to this school, two years ago, at the age of twelve.

"I'll have you know, I'm just doing what I must, and it is what we call 'creating connexion' "

"Hmph! As if."

Rin and Rei continued their bickering a little while longer, till, Rena suddenly asked,

"Hey, big brother, will I also get a nickname when I'll go there?"

"No way! Rena, do you want one?"

"Mmm! I think it's cool!"

"...I think you'll regret saying that when the time actually comes."

As the two of them talked, Rin's face became a little lonely.

Rena Kagane, awakened as an 'Elite' at the age of 4, leaving Rin to be the only 'normal' person between the three sibling.

This also meant that she would be the only one who wouldn't attend the Ark Academy.

Noticing her lonely complexion, Rei suddenly stopped talking as he turned toward Rin, a completely serious atmosphere surrounding him.

"Say, Rin, I've wanted to ask for a while, but, what exactly is your objective?"

"...What do you mean?"

"You've been working really, really hard these past 5 years, right? What are you trying to achieve?"

"I..." Rin hesitated a little. She didn't want to talk about this. Nevertheless, when she saw her brother's face, she knew she had to answer. "I want to be recognized by this family."

Inside the Kagane Family, absolutely every single person, except the servant, was an 'Elite'.

Rin being the only irregular, was treated coldly by everyone.

Some people would even show utter disgust toward her.

Rei and Rena along with their grandfather were the only exception.

She was the 'trash of the family'.

That's why she wanted to be recognized by these people.

That's why she wanted to be treated equally by these people.

That's why she wanted to be respected by these people.

That's why she wanted to be a part of their family.

That's why she worked so hard.

However, toward such determination, Rei responded,

"Is that it?"


Rin was bewildered by Rei's reaction.

"Don't you want more?"


"How about this, Rin? I want you to reach our level!"

A grin then appeared on Rei's lips.

"Let me rephrase that. I want you to reach the 'Elite's level!"

This time, even more confusion came down on Rin.

"..." She stayed silent for a while before responding. "Do you even know what you're talking about? There's no way I can do that."

What Rei wanted Rin to do was for her to be on the same field as the 'Elite'.

He wanted her to be on par with the 'Elite' while not being an 'Elite' herself.

He wanted the 'previously normal' human to reach the 'Elite'.

That is, obviously, a difficult, if not impossible, task to do.

After all, among the 7 billion people on the world, not one of them succeeded that feat.

As such, Rin's chance at success were null, or at least, that's what common sense would dictate.

"You can obviously do it, big sis!"

Rena responded vigorously as if it was a matter of fact.

"That's right! If it's you, it would definitely be possible. And if you ever need help, you can count on us."

Rei followed by saying that.

Rin was surprised by her two sibling's action. She didn't think that the two of them believed in her so much.

"Besides, you aren't really against that idea, correct?"

That was right.

Rin also wanted to attain the level of the 'Elite'.

In fact, that was probably her primary objective when she decided to do all that training when she was 4 years old.

But, she was afraid to voice out that thought. It was a pretty crazy dream after all.

However, now that her two most beloved person said that to her,

"I guess I won't know if I'll be able to do it unless I try."

She too wanted to believe in them.

... ... ...

... ...


A little while later, as Rin parted way with her sibling and decided to return to her room, a single boy stood in her way, showing a vicious smile.

" 'Reaching the level of 'Elite', huh? You really are funny."

He was Kein Kagane. Rin's cousin that reached 10 this year.

He was an arrogant little boy, that really liked to bother Rin.

"I was wondering what a useless girl like you was doing, but, to think it was this. What a really bad joke!"

He was also one of the person that Rin couldn't stand being around with.

She hated him.


As such, not wanting to spend more time in his presence, she continued to advance trying her best to ignore him.

Of course, that action had no way of passing.

Kein rapidly took ahold of Rin's shoulder and slammed her toward a nearby wall.

"Don't fucking ignore me!"

Kein's anger quickly boiled over.

However, he wasn't the only one.

Being treated so ruthlessly, Rin pushed away the boy in front of him, with enough strength to make him stagger a few step back.

Then she approached him, with a glare that could most certainly kill all people that was unlucky enough to be in its range.

"Stop bothering me, Kein. You hate me, and I hate you too, so do us both a favor and leave me alone!"

As these word leaved the girl's lips, it struck Kein with some kind of paralysis effect as he just stood there doing nothing.

Taking this chance, Rin resumed her march toward her room, this time unhindered by anyone.

Year ???? Rin kagane: 13 Years old

"To my granddaughter, Rin,

I ordered this letter to be given to you at the time of my death, so, as you're reading this, I'm probably not in this world anymore.

To tell you the truth, I don't really know what to write in this kind of thing. Should I talk about how the death of an old man like me shouldn't sadden you? Or should I tell you to properly take care of your body and to not overwork yourself?

I don't have a single clue.

However, there is one thing I want you to know.

Rin, you are the strongest person I have ever seen in my life.

I'm sure you'll do great things in the future.

Hell! You could probably even change this world to its very core.

That's why, you absolutely mustn't give up.

Difficulty should be filling your life right about now, however, you must continue to move forward.

Forget all these bickering behind your back.

Those are worthless.

Rei and Rena will be there for you if you ever need help, or, you could create some new friend that would see you for who you truly are.

Unfortunately, though, I won't be there anymore, and I don't want to promise you something like 'I'll watch over you from heaven' as I'm not even sure if I'll go there.

But, you must remember this, Rin,

—Always look ahead.

I love you.

From grandfather."

Rin was seating inside her room, reading through the letter of her deceased grandfather.

A single streak of tear could be seen running down her cheek.


Various thought ran across her mind.

'This is unfair!'

'Why did this have to happen!'

'Why do I have to endure this reality!'

'What am I even supposed to do now!'

'No one like me here!'

'Why did you have to take him of all people!'

This is the first time that Rin experienced such sadness.

After all, her grandfather was among the only three people that ever loved her in the vast Kagane family.

That's why she didn't want to accept things as it was.

She couldn't even remember how many tears she had shed from the moment she heard of Rubert Kagane's passing away.

To add more to the fuel, Rena was the only person that ever checked on her state since she closed off inside her room for the past week. Showing how her supposed relatives couldn't care less about her.

Moreover, as her brother, Rei kagane, turned eighteen and had graduated from Ark Academy, he was taken away from the mansion by their father to be prepared to become the next head of the family. Thus, he couldn't be there for Rin.

"I don't like this! I hate this!"

Rin was enormously aggrieved by her current situation.

She wished for life to not be so mean to her.

She wished for the bad things to just stop altogether!

Yet, as she read through the single piece of paper that contained her grandfather's last word to her, she knew from the bottom of her heart that she couldn't give up.

She knew that she had the duty to move forward.

She knew that she had to uphold her grandfather's will, and, begin to look ahead.

Having reached these conclusion, Rin began to slowly reorganize her thought.

It took her time, but at long last, a single and clear decision was drawn over on her mind.

... ... ...

... ...


The lone figure of someone relentlessly swinging a wooden sword could be seen from afar.

It was Rena.

The sun was already setting, yet, she still continued her training, showing no sign of ending.

Each and every one of her movement was filled with frustration.


A few weeks has already passed since the death of their grandfather, but, her sister's state didn't seem to be improving.

She refused to even take a step outside as she completely closed off inside her room.

Rena tried to help her, to make her feel better, however, as she saw the look of sadness on Rin's face, the word simply couldn't come out of her.

She didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to do.

She was, after all, just a kid.

There was no way she could have known how to cheer someone up after something as capital as death happened. Even adult would have difficulties.

Alas, that was no excuse for Rena, because, the fact remained that her sister needed help that she couldn't give.

Thus, she was angry.

She was frustrated over how useless she was.


She couldn't think straight anymore, so she kept helplessly swinging her wooden sword again and again and again, until finally, the moon light snapped her out of her trance.

'.... I should probably go to sleep.'

She dropped the sword, and, with unsteady step, decided to go to her room.

When she turned around, though, the sight of the one person that filled her entire thought entered her vision.

Rin was standing in front of her with a weak smile plastered on her face.


She said awkwardly with a really small voice.


Rena, on the contrary, shouted as she dashed toward her.

Hugging Rin tightly enough to make the two of them stumble on the ground.

"I missed you!"

Rin on the receiving end, simply showed a smile and said,

"I'm sorry to have made you worried."

Rena then lifted her head and asked,

"Are you okay now?"

"...I am."

The two of them stared at each other for a few minutes.



Both silent.

It was already night, so, darkness reigned over.

No noise could be heard and no one else could be seen.

It was literally just the two sibling in their own little world.

"...Are you really?"

Rena broke the silence by re-asking a question.

Only this time, Rin didn't respond immediately.


Rena was perceptive.

She lived with Rin almost her entire life.

That's why, by just seeing the current expression displayed on her face, she predicted what was to come.

"I wished to say something to you, Rena."

Rin said weakly as tears slowly welled up in her eyes.

Taking deep breath, gathering her resolve, she announced,

"I'm leaving this house."

Hearing these word, many thoughts crossed Rena's mind.

'Please don't go!'

'Don't leave me alone!'

'I wouldn't make it without you'!

'Let me come with you!'

However, she immediately dismissed them all.

After all, none of them were realizable.

This outcome was inevitable.

The two sibling knew that.

That's why, Rena hugged Rin tighter and silently cried over her shoulder.

Rin also did the same.

Both of them enveloped by the beautiful night scenery.

No word was needed anymore. The two sister already understood the only essential and painful fact. This was the day of their separation.