
World of Assassins

I am from a clan and we have special eyes called Runic eyes They are very powerful, they can help you copy someone's movements, see their movements better, and it is cool looking overall. I have a different kind of eye from the rest of my clan so I get shunned and treated like I am a parasite. I plan on becoming the strongest of them all so I train, if I am going to become the world's greatest Assassin I need to train. "In order to be extraordinary i need to not be ordinary" -Durzo

Mythic8_ · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Target on our backs

He kicked me against the wall, it hurted. I tried to use my eyes but all my mana was sapped out somehow. He got close to my face and pulled my hair making me look at him.

"I have a Contract on a Viking, A Swordswoman, a thief," He yanked my hair and threw me across the room, he appeared in front of me again "And a so called 'Assassin prodigy' for 7,000,000 gold"

The door bursted open and the entire floor was set on fire, then blue orbs flew in. The hitman jumped on the ceiling

"Above" I croaked

Rosabella walked in she had golden flame armor, her sister was behind her with a sword. The Assassin dropped down and stood in the flames

"I guess I should go now" He snapped and disappeared

The flames went down and everyone woke up. I still had my mana sapped out of me. Rosabella ran over to me and inspected me, she relaxed when she didn't see anything too bad

"Holy divine Flames: Heal"

Flames appeared on her hands and it felt warm, my mana came back and my head felt better

"Who was that?" I asked

"That was a SS tier Assassin, his name is Osynling The Blade, he is the third greatest Assassin." she said shaking

"Why would he go after us?" I said

"Your friends i don't know, but he was given a contract to hunt you" she said

"Sorry about this" she kissed my head

Everything went dark. I saw nothing

I woke up on a hill, I got up and looked around, I saw everyone still on the ground. I looked around more and saw a Log Cabin, I ran over to it, and bashed on the door.

"Help us please, we were attacked!" I yelled

"Go away" it sounded like a grumpy man

"PLEASE!" I pleaded

The door swung open and I was greeted with a knife centimeters from my eyes

"Go away" he said

It was a man in leather gear, he had some gray hairs, and a gray beard

I activated my eyes

"Please" I said

"I will count to three if I don't see you gone, I will kill you"


I sweeped his feet but he threw a knife at me, I grabbed it and threw it back he dissappeard. I closed my eyes and heard nothing, when I opened them I saw a fist. I blocked it, I heard a crossbow shot

"Amaterasu Low tier: Shield"

The bolt got melted in the flames covering my body

I grabbed my knife and got ready, the guy threw knifes at me and I sliced them all in half. He took a bow out and shot, one arrow hit my arm and another hit my leg

"Help my friends please they are on the hill" I said again

"No" he said coldly

He then blasted to me at remarkable speed

I jumped and grabbed the branch above me, it was weak and I fell down


I swapped places with a acorn on his house

I turned around to see the acorn with a arrow perfectly hitting it. I threw my knifes at him, he some how shot them all

"I wont stop untill you help"

"Kid Leave me alone please" he said

I jumped towards him but he took out a gray sword, it was dripping with a dark blue liquid.

He kicked me down and rolled me to my side. He put the sword close to my face, the blade changed from blue to gray.

"WHY!" He yelled holding the sword to his face

It dripped blue again, he brought it to my face again, it changed blue


"please help my friends" I croaked his foot was on my neck

"Fine, but only because Retribution chose you."

I brought him to my friends and he picked them him and helped me carry them inside. His house looked abandoned, dust was everywhere, dirty dishes were in the sink. It was overall messy

"Hey this isn't a museum, stop snooping" He said

He put them on a bed, when he put down Gobbler the bed let a cloud of dust up

I coughed

He grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me over to the living room and pushed me in a seat, he sat across from me

"Who are you?"