
World of Assassins

I am from a clan and we have special eyes called Runic eyes They are very powerful, they can help you copy someone's movements, see their movements better, and it is cool looking overall. I have a different kind of eye from the rest of my clan so I get shunned and treated like I am a parasite. I plan on becoming the strongest of them all so I train, if I am going to become the world's greatest Assassin I need to train. "In order to be extraordinary i need to not be ordinary" -Durzo

Mythic8_ · Fantasy
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38 Chs


I got back to the clan house and found Abella



"I saw a giant black flame appear over the wall and I knew it was you" she said

"Yeah I kinda destroyed the entire forest, it's now a desert" I said

She jumped on me wrapping her arms around my neck and swung behind me and jumped on my back

"I am so proud of you" She whispered in my ear

"Thanks" I replied

"Lets go celebrate at a pretty cool place" she said

She closed my eyes untill we got there. When I opened my eyes I saw an arcade, we bought cards and played our hearts out, she already passed, so we were celebrating out hard work. I beat her in Simon says, but she destroyed me in Killer-Pac, she always knew where the hunters would come from some how. It got pretty late so we headed back, when we got pretty late so we headed back, we were greeted by Quinn standing in the direct center of the training ground.

"Abella. I am sending you to the Flower village tomorrow." He said in a serious voice

"What? No your not." She said

"Yes I am, you are too distracted with Durzo all the time, you need to be separated" He said

"No." I said and took out my daggers

"Retaliating won't help Durzo" he said

"If I beat you in a fight. You will not separate us" I said as cold as possible

"I will think about it, but that is of course you can beat me." he said

I activated my Runic eyes

"Amaterasu! Kagutsuchi! Lighting SWORD!" I made my dagger longer with the lightning

I looked up with my eyes already activated

I grabbed my speed, strength and accuracy potion and drank them quickly

"Amenotejikara" I whispered

I swapped places with a sword behind him

I went for the stab and he vanished in thin air

"You think I dont train boy? I am the second strongest Assassin in this village." He said in a deep voice

"I am going to be the not the strongest in this village but the strongest in the world!" I jumped ontop of the clan house

I found a flash of green light to my right,

"Amaterasu!" I quickly yelled and looked at the light.

The object caught on fire but I saw it was a mirror.

I relized that a second to late. I got kicked in the back and fell onto the ground

I rolled to my right and dodged a sword attack from Quinn. I rolled more into the mirror, my back bumped the mirror, I shot a arrow with my hand crossbow


I brought the flames from the mirror to my back for protection

"Amenotejikara!" I swapped places with a shield far away.

I dodged an arrow just in time

Quinn appeared in front of me so I stabbed again, but he dissappeard. I rolled forwards but did a rolling kick behind me, it connected with his chest. He got sent flying. I ran towards him but he then smirked.

"Divine shield of Runic Gods" he said

A golden green orb surrounded him. I stabbed it but nothing broke through. The shield dissappeard but so did he, I relized he is a specialist in speed and air. So thats why he can run so fast! I closed my eyes and listened to foot steps, I heard nothing so I thew knifes in the air, he appeared to my right and punched me in the face. My vision went dark for a second then I got cold

"NO! I WILL NOT BE KNOCKED OUT!" I said to myself

I snapped back up and saw Quinn in the center of the training grounds. I got up and ran

"Legs of air!" I used low teir air magic again to move faster

I went to go slash him but he grabbed my wrist despite it moving so fast and twisted it, I dropped my knife which led to my lighting stopping, I went to go slash him with my knife in my other hand but he did the same thing.

I then headbutted him causing him to let go, I charged him and punched his jaw. Good thing I practiced in hand to hand combat. He went to go for a kick so I ducked, I looked up to see he fentied and did a over head kick. I got slammed to the ground and I swirled around faster than ever

"Legs of Air!"

I went faster, he blocked all of my attacks.

I pushed myself up using air, my mana was getting low. I then went for a punch to the face but faked it and kicked his gut, he then went for the offensive and tried to punch me, I blocked and then two punches to my chest, I blocked them but then a third punch was quick as all hell, I got punched in the shoulder, I felt my bone crack, my right arm went limp, I then started to punch with my left but he did the same.

I forgot he practiced Earth fist, so his punches will feel like rocks hitting me. I practiced Taijustu a lot. I then kicked him and somersaulted over and grabbed a knife off the floor when my head got close. I had a knife in my mouth and I was ready. He smiled

"Hands of divine light" he said

His hands glowed green, and his veins got a lighter green. By now everyone was awake and was looking at us fight. They all came out when I kicked him in the wall. I charged him and grazed his arm, he hit my back and I felt like jello. I faced him and he hit me with a barrage of attacks, his attacks were moving so fast I couldn't do anything but take the punches, I guess it was from the divine light hands. I dropped a pebble when I did my somersault,

"Amenotejikara" I said

I swapped places with the pebble and I kicked his back, he stumbled. I ran over to the swords . I balanced one on my foot and spun it then threw it in the air with my foot I spun with it at the top this time. He looked up to see me on the spinning sword, I jumped and the jumped angled the sword towards him and I slammed my foot on it sending it flying to him, he dodged it but I already had a plan, I threw the knife up and jumped off of it and I slammed head first into Quinn, I thought that alone would knock him out but it didn't. I fell to the floor

"Chains of Runes"

I felt chains wrap around me pinning me to the floor, he slowly walked to me and crouched next to me

"You are getting good, but your never going to be the greatest Assassin," He stood up "I HAVE DECIDED! INSTEAD OF SENDING ABELLA AWAY I WILL SEND DURZO AWAY! BUT HE WONT GO TO THE FLOWER VILLAGE! INSTEAD HE IS GOING TO THE FLAME VILLAGE!" He said so everyone in the clan can hear

The flame village was the furthest village from this village