
World of Assassins

I am from a clan and we have special eyes called Runic eyes They are very powerful, they can help you copy someone's movements, see their movements better, and it is cool looking overall. I have a different kind of eye from the rest of my clan so I get shunned and treated like I am a parasite. I plan on becoming the strongest of them all so I train, if I am going to become the world's greatest Assassin I need to train. "In order to be extraordinary i need to not be ordinary" -Durzo

Mythic8_ · Fantasy
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38 Chs


I went to the Nurse, every clan has the same layout as every other clan house. But some rooms are used differently than others, I got into the Nurses side, I went inside the Infirmary, asked where Natasha was and she pointed to the corner. I walked over there and saw Natasha sleeping. She looked cute, normally her face is on guard and stuff. Now since she is sleeping, her face looked defenseless. I sat down next to her bed and waited

About 10 minutes later she woke up

"Hey, I waited for your ass to come to this school. But I got my ass handed to me when you got here." She said

"Well i can't really so sorry, my Runic Eyes copy anything it sees and imprints itself in my brain. You seemed to have gotten stronger though." I said

"Yeah Tap dance style is a pain. You got a lot stronger though, your agility and strength. You even mastered your Amaterasu and Amenotejikara"

"Yeah, I can do Godly style Flame magic now, and it barely takes any mana. I want to learn Shadows next, I have the ability to use it but I never use it, I heard its good on Assassinations."

"Yeah it is I heard you can turn invisible if your in the shadows"

I nodded

"But that's a myth according to many people, everyone thinks that they are invisible in shadows and they are good at sneaking just not invisible" I said

"Are they here?" a familiar voice said

I turned and saw Ranger, from down here I can see his face better he has a lot of freckles and he had blond hair.

"Hi Fitz, and Natasha"

"Hi! How do you remember me?" I asked

"Well I can never forget a person that has high goals, that's my way of life." he said

he sat down next to me

"Hey Natasha what happened?"

"I dueled Fitz" she said

"Yikes. He beat your ass i am guessing?"

"Yeah, I didn't stand a chance, he even stopped his flames from burning my sword, if he continued he would have won easily" she said

"Hey, Ranger do you know anything about Shadow magic?" I asked

"Well of course! I am a thief wanted in every village. I use Shadow magic all the time to steal." he said

"Oh that makes more sense, can you trian me on it?" I asked

"Yeah yeah, here let me see if you have any talent in it, summon the shadow"

I brought my hand up and summoned Shadow, I haven't checked to see my potential in a while. When I summoned it the entire room went black


I put it back

"Holy shit you got a load of potential in you kid, and that's for Shadow magic only I am afraid to see your other potential." he said scooting away

"Give it back please" I said

"Give what?" he said

"My knife pouch"

He then handed it back

"How did you-?"

"Well I guessed" we all laughed at that

"Hey since you guys are here and it's late you guys and sleep here" Natasha said

"Ok" we both said

The Nurse guided us to her room so we can sleep, I took the floor and Ranger took the couch. On our way there we got weird looks from the girls in the hall. It was even weirder there was no boys.

Natasha came in

"Sorry if you got weird looks the girls dorm is judgemental" she said closing the door

"GIRLS DORM!!" Me and Ranger yelled