
World of Assassins

I am from a clan and we have special eyes called Runic eyes They are very powerful, they can help you copy someone's movements, see their movements better, and it is cool looking overall. I have a different kind of eye from the rest of my clan so I get shunned and treated like I am a parasite. I plan on becoming the strongest of them all so I train, if I am going to become the world's greatest Assassin I need to train. "In order to be extraordinary i need to not be ordinary" -Durzo

Mythic8_ · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Black Perch

"Our Brotherhood will be called, Black Perch" Natasha said

"Why?" I asked

"That was the name of mine and your dads Brotherhood" she said

"Um sorry we can't allow that. It is already taken." the lady said

"We are their children, we have inherited their clan name" Natasha said

"Ok sure, which one of you is David's so called 'son' because none of you look that great" She thought we were bluffing

"I am ma'am" I said

"Pffpt stop lying kid, get out before I call security"

"Here is proof"

I took out my dads dagger and showed her, her jaw dropped and stared at it

"Now can we-"

"Yes! Sorry for the misunderstanding!" she said quickly stamping our Brotherhood certificate

I took the paper and made sure it was all correct, I got really happy that we are in a Brotherhood. Our Brotherhood ranks aren't that high yet but more contracts will improve it

Gobbler and Ranger went to go look for contracts, me and Natasha went to go do the Assassination Contract. We decided going on the Roofs will be more effective because we don't have to weave through everyone. We got to the alleyway were the gang was. They looked weak, ragged clothes, broken swords, dirty hair.

"Why would they cause trouble?" I thought to myself

"Amenotejikara technique:Swap"

I swapped the guard on watch to prevent people from coming in with a shingle

I swept his feet and slammed him onto the roof, I drew my dagger and held it to his throat

"What is your business here!" I said in a deep voice so he doesn't know what I actually sound like


I held tighter on his throat

"Say it quietly and precise"

"I don't know man, I just was told to watch out for people trying to stop them" he didnt look at me

"I think your lying, TELL THE TRUTH!" I picked him up by the collar

"NO REALLY I DONT KNOW!" He held onto my hands because his collar was falling apart in my hands

"I think your lying still, one more chance my arm is getting tired!" I said loosening my grip

"I really don't know man please!"


I let go


"Amenotejikara technique: swap"

He reappeared infront of me half his feet were hanging off the edge of the roof

"Speak" I held my dagger to his throat, slightly pushing on it so he is closer to falling

"We are trading elves, and selling illegal magic scroll" he was crying

"thank you"

I hit his head with the back of my dagger knocking him out, I pulled him onto the roof and left him there.

"Hey don't you think you were a bit harsh on him?" Natasha said

"He chose to choose this path, if he didnt want to be apart of it he should've decided it, I let him live so he can decide what he wants to do, he can continue breaking the laws or he can get his shit straight." I said

We went to ground level and snuck to a open area, we saw a lot of people. I activated my eyes

"Hey get this load going, this place creeps me out" A thug said

"Yean it feels like someone is watching us at all times" another thug said

"Shut up and get the slaves on the wagon" A large thug said

I looked at the slaves, they were children. Elves and humans lived together for as long as I can remember. Why would they betray them like this?

I heard a crack, it was a whip. A child fell down to the ground.

"GET UP!" The thug holding the whip said

"water" the child croaked

"GET UP OR I WILL KILL YOUR SISTER!" The thug grabbed a elf with long hair and held a knife to her throat

"NO DONT PLEASE!" She screamed

"No don't please" the child said trying to get up



He coughed and I heard gurgling

The elves started to scream


I basically teleported there

I saw a katana puncturing the thugs back.

"Amaterasu technique: Ashes"

I burned his body quickly.

The kids were still screaming


they quieted down

"Mister, why are you saving us?" he the kid that needed water asked

"Because I am a good person. We got a contract saying to kill thugs, turns out they are hurting you guys, I can't let that happen" I said

"Water low tier: Orb"

I mid size orb of water appeared, I floated it down to the boy


He drank it all


"Nothing sir just had to set an example to them" I tried to mimic the thugs voice

"Ok then, don't kill them all we still need profit"

"I know sir"

I looked back to the elves

"Amaterasu flames technique: Melt"

I put flames on their shackles and it melted off in 2 seconds

"My partner will get you guys to safety, I will take care of the thugs"

I nodded to Natasha, she nodded back

"But sir they are really strong will you be ok?" a little girl asked

"Hes going to be ok, he is planning on being the greatest Magical Assassin in the world" Natasha said

"Be safe guys"

"Shadow style High tier technique: Black clouds"

Black clouds formed over the area


I put more mana into my eyes than usual to activate them, so I can sense the Magic users better. About 25

Everyone got startled and got on guard

"HIDE THE SCROLLS! HIDE THE SLAVES!" The thug leader yelled

"Shadow mid tier technique: Swiftness"

I appeared in the center of the open area

"HELLOOOOO WHITE QUILTS!" I yelled so they are focused on me not the slaves leaving

"KILL HIM!" The thug leader yelled

"Ok you guys asked for it" I drew my daggers

I got rid of the shadow clouds

"Lightning style special technique: Armor"

I got struck by lightning and purple lightning armor appeared on me

"STOPP!" the leader yelled

Everyone stopped and surrounded me

The giant leader jumped into the ring

"I will take him on" He drew a giant club

"Your death wish" I charged him

He started to swing so I slid, he expected me to stop infront of him and attack but I went under his legs, I got up and jumped on his back.

"GET OFF ME!" He yelled

"Lightning style high tier: Sm-"

I got hit with his club in the back, I fell off in pain

I then swung his club, it landed on my leg. I heard a crack, pain flooded me

"LOOK AT THIS PUNY BOY!" he yelled looking at everyone showing off his muscles



they yelled

"Amaterasu secret technique: Hell"

The ground caught aflame and everyone screamed.

"Kagutsuchi hidden art: Blaze of the the Black flames"

Everyone grew silent.


I struggled to stand up

I heard the leader i looked over he was still alive!

"Just die please!" I said

"No" he grabbed a whistle that was hanging around his neck and blew it

I heard footsteps, I turned around and saw about 30 more thugs appear.