
World of Assassins

I am from a clan and we have special eyes called Runic eyes They are very powerful, they can help you copy someone's movements, see their movements better, and it is cool looking overall. I have a different kind of eye from the rest of my clan so I get shunned and treated like I am a parasite. I plan on becoming the strongest of them all so I train, if I am going to become the world's greatest Assassin I need to train. "In order to be extraordinary i need to not be ordinary" -Durzo

Mythic8_ · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Attackers And Gobblers might

I activated my eyes to listen

"Whos in the back buddy a VIP?"

"Its Robbers" I whispered

The Assassin drew her sword, and Ranger just hid in the back with a short dagger in his hand.

I took off bow and loaded a potent arrow dipped in one of the strongest poisons. I nodded and she jumped out and I jumped through the top of the leather roof. I activated my Runic eyes


I put my flame on my 3 arrows, and shot 3 bandits, I fell back into the wagon and I ran out the back with my 2 daggers on my back, they were on fire of course,

I saw the Assassin fight with her katana, it was like she was dancing. I've never seen a sword stance like that in my entire life and I've been around for 11 years, and I studied every sword stance. I ran foward and slid slicing a person's heel and then wrapped my legs around his neck and jumped foward throwing my dagger at someone it connected with their head and he went down quietly, I then snapped the persons neck between my legs.

I looked over at the Assassin, she was against a giant dude, she sliced his chest but he didn't flinch at all

"Lightning Dagger! Amenotejikara!"

I swapped places with a dead bandit behind him and I stabbed him in the chest leaving a big hole. He froze and slowly went down, everything went quiet, the Thief came out and already started taking their money. The Assassin looked at me

"You got some moves kid" she said

"My name is Natasha" she offered her hand

"Hi what are you?"

"If you couldn't tell already I am an Assassin just like you, I am a B rank" she said

"I am a D rank" I shook her hand

She had a good grip

"What was that sword stance? I studied all of them and I haven't seen that one before"

"Oh that? its a sword style called Slow dancing, there are 4 tiers, Slow, Tap, Breakdance, Anger. I am going to the Flame village to learn the Tap sword style" she said

"Thats insane can I tag alone?"

"Um they don't let little kids in, maybe when you are 13 like me" she said

"Darn, how long will you stay in the village?"

"Untill I master Tap sword style so about 4 years" she said

"Oh, i am going there because I am kicked out so I was forced to go to the Flame village"

She looked sad

"You are a great Assassin, heck you probably could beat me at such a young age. You can do great things Fitz" she put her hand on my shoulder

I nodded

"Alright let's get back on the roa-"


The Battle Assassin walked out with his giant axe, he saw the dead bodys and started to swing at them, when he cooled off he seemed nicer, I saw cracks in the Earth from his rage!

"Hi I am Gobbler, I am a B rank battle Assassin"

"I can see, I am Fitz, I am a D rank Assassin" I said

"Pfft puny Assass-"


I swapped places with him

He looked scared

"YOUR A WIZARD?!" He yelled

"No, I am a magic Assassin" I went inside the wagon.

Everyone huddled in, Ranger was looking at the goods he got, and kepted eyeing Gobbler.

I was tired so I slept but before I did I put traps on everything I had so when SOMEONE (Ranger) TAKES IT THEY GET BURNT! I woke up to Natasha sharpening a dagger, it was a shiny and in perfect condition.

We arrived at Flame village and I unloaded my stuff and went to the nearest clan, I walked into the Fire Mage clan.