
World of Adventure

Ian, the eldest son of a poor family wishes to ease the burden on his overworked parents and bring more money to the household. He sees a golden opportunity when the famous game company Gaming and Entertainment United announces that they are hiring people to play their newest game. The catch? The player must spend the rest of their lives in the game and their new lives will be broadcasted to the world.

Rez62 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


The day had arrived. They day for the players to be put into WoA. Ian got up early and left before anyone else in his house had awoken. He had also left behind a note, telling his family what he planned to do.

He headed back to the office where he had his interview. Arriving in the lobby he gave the secretary his name and ID and was escorted to a room with three other people. Ian assumed that they were fellow players, the ones who had been hired from the nearby aria. He didn't even have time to say hello to them before a man in a lab coat walked in. He was the same man who had interviewed Ian. 

"Alright, now that you all here we can get down to business" he said with a slight smirk, "now first off before we can go any further you all need to sign thies."

He motioned to an attendant, who in turn handed a folder of papers to each of them in turn.

"Thies, as you have probably guessed, are your contracts. You must sign them if you wish to accept the job, you can read through everything if you want but I'll be honest with you, that would take a very long time."

They all signed and none of them bothered to read them. They were all far too eager to get things moving. Once they were done the attendant collected the folders and left the room. Once the attendant had left the bearded interviewer continued.

"Excellent, now before we put you in the game I have a few things to tell you about how the game works. We don't want to have you running in completely blind… just a little nearsighted." he said with a chuckle. 

"When you enter the game, like all RPGs, you'll start your character creation. However unlike all RPGs you don't get to decide everything, much of your character will be decided at random. For example you will be able to choose your main race but the game will randomly choose your subrace. Oh, and your general body format will be designed to match your current one as much as possible, for example if you're fat your character will be fat if you're tall so will your character and vice versa." 

This news was a surprise to the four players. They hadn't really thought about them possibly changing something that had been so concrete in so many RPGs before it. If one thought about it… it did make sense. By randomizing something like this it would prevent a player from creating a character that could perfectly fit their play style, whilst still letting them move in that general direction. 

"Well that's about it, if you have any questions you can ask the game itself once you're in" he told them with another chuckle.  

He motioned for them to follow as he walked out of the room. They were led through numerous twisting corridors and down one elevator before entering a lab with four VR capsules. They were noticeably different from normal VR capsules, probably to allow them to be a permanent residence for the players. The scientists had them strip out of their normal clothes and put on what was basically a hospital gown, before going through a decontamination. That done they entered the capsules and the scientists began to hook up the numerous devices that would be required to keep them alive. Finally the headset was placed upon Ian's head and the capsus door was closed.  Ian's vision went dark and shortly after he found himself in a completely white space. 

Ian looked around through squinted eyes, before seeing a desk with a book on it not too far away. The book was already open and in it he saw a list of races and descriptions of each.










It took Ian a second to realize that the feather quill next to the book was for choosing a race. He picked it up and without a second thought drew a circle around Beastman. It was the race he chose almost every time he played a game with the option.   

Almost immediately after he took the tip of the quill of the paper the ink was absorbed into the book leaving a blank page. Then the world around him started to change, it looked like he was standing in the middle of a medieval flea market. Looking back at the book he saw that new letters had formed on the page.

[Choose something you like…]

Looking around Ian felt overwhelmed. There were so many different things to choose from an ornately designed music box, to a muddy scabbard without a sword. He spent what felt like ages digging through the piles of junk and treasure before he found something that he liked. It was a simple steel hunting knife in a leather sheath with the letter R on the side, it felt comfortable in his hand and just sorta felt… right. 

Seconds after he had decided to choose the knife the piles of stuff faded away, and Ian once again found himself in the white room. Except this time instead of the desk and book there was a full length mirror. Walking up to it he looked at his reflection, but as soon as he did this his reflection started to change. No… he was the one changing, the mirror was only there to show the change. Ian watched as the first of the changes began, his light brown hair turned black with bits of grey. Then he watched as his ears disappeared while simultaneously two bumps began to grow out of his head. His new ears continued to grow until they reached the small of his back, and once done he began to see changes in his face. It wasn't anything drastic, in fact if he hadn't been looking for such changes he might have missed it but the effect it had was surprising. It took him a moment to figure out himself how he looked different, and then it hit him, he looked cute. Shortly after that realization he noticed the next to the mirror was now a text box hovering in mid air. 

[Ian Welmont

 LV: 1

 HP: 100

 SP: 100

 MP: 50

 Race: Beastmen (Rabbit) 

 Class: none

 Personal Attribute: T.R.

 Stats: (5 is considered average)

    INT: 5

    AGI: 8

    STR: 6

    END: 7



    Bunny Ears (racial trait): You can hear as good as most animals

A Rabbit's Physique (racial trait): you are quite fast, have good stamina, and can jump 3x as high as an average human  


Flee (racial skill): As a prey beast person you are adept at running away, allows for a sudden burst of speed when used, costs 20 stamina, cooldown of 4sec. ]

'Well that explained a lot' Ian thought, glancing back at the mirror. All in all, the bearded interview guy was right, he was mostly the same. Ian was still about 5' 5", shorter than most of the people he knew, and quite scrawny. In all honesty if anyone saw it they would probably know it was him. 

After a few minutes of examining his new self the world faded into black. Leaving him staring at a single word floating in the darkness.  
