
World Fantasia : The Supreme Grand Mage

The Supreme Grand Mage is reborn in a new world called Fantasia in Medieval times where technology continues to evolve while the magic that remains in these traditions only regresses. It was changed thanks to an academy of the Snow Empire where all races landed from the four corners of the continent.

Empereur_Mage · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: The Past


Age: 16 years old

Rank: Gold 1 star / Apprentice Mage 2 rank

Physical strength: 10,000 (1 star)

Magical strength: 200 (2nd rank)

Lineage: Dark Demon (1%)


Legendary - Demonic Darkness / Holy Light

Rare - Lightning

Skills: Transformation (1 minute)

Transformation: Allows you to transform into a demon with a sixfold increase in Physical Strength.

"Congratulations Sirius you have completed your full awakening," Victor Black said proudly.

"You'll be the next Patriarch after I die Sirius," Darius said, stepping over to Sirius and patting his shoulder.

'' Yes ​​Grandpa '' said Sirius Black who agreed.

Darius takes a key out of his pocket and hands it to Sirius. "As a future Patriarch you must know the secrets of the Black family which is related to the Demon.

Enter the library on the fourth floor,' Darius said with a serious look.

Sirius nodded and left the family crypt.

While he walks to the library his father and grandfather are staying in the crypt.

Darius who was waiting for Sirius to leave fell to the ground spitting a large amount of blood.

"FATHER" shouted Victor who grabbed his father.

Darius' Face turned pale.

''The Spell forbids consuming a large part of my vitality for summoning the Demons of the Underworld'' said Darius who wiped the blood from his mouth.

''I'm sorry father for not awakening the element of darkness'' said Victor with a sad face.

Seeing his sad son's face he spoke up. "Stop dwelling on the past Victor" Darius said as he slapped Victor in the face.

Victor picked up those spirits.


Sirius arrived in the library.

Thousands of books are arranged on the 8 floors.

"Power is knowledge," Sirius said with a smile.

He walked to the fourth floor and used the key to open it.

Inside a small luxurious room with a book on a table.

He looked at the book which was titled

'History of the Old World'

He Open the book .

A long time ago the five continents were assembled into one called Middle-earth until the day when a war broke out between the 3 dominant Clan.

The Dragon Clan a proud and arrogant people.

The Phoenix Clan a wise and intelligent people.

The Demon Clan a greedy and ferocious people.

The war between the three clans was so powerful that it destroyed the world, founding it in five continents, thousands of civilizations disappeared and only four races survived.

The Orcs, Dwarves, Elves and Humans who lost almost half of their people drove them mad.

He created the alliance to merge their strength in order to kill the three clans.

Among the alliance four people had the power to kill them

Talion Diamond the King of the elves who masters space magic that can teleport to any place and bestial magic.

Apollo Coeur de Lion the King of the Orcs who masters the mystical art of divine magic called ''Divine Light'' capable of killing all demons.

Baldur Kirin the Dwarf King who masters gravity magic crafted Transcendent Rank weapons in one of which was used to kill the Dragon King called Excalibur.

Storm Black is the founder of the Black family born of a Demon and a human he masters the dark arts thanks to his demonic Dark magic he is able to devour anything in order to become stronger.

The alliance we fought one clan at a time in the first was the Dragon Clan who was killed thanks to the weapons created by the people of the Dwarves who allowed them to win.

The Second was the Phoenix Clan who made a deal with the alliance and decided to leave Middle-earth

The Demon Clan was angry seeing that the two dominant Clans were disappearing and decided to launch a frontal attack against them.

The last battle was terrible, the four Demon Kings were stronger than everyone.

The Demon King Khorne who masters Blood magic capable of controlling any being made of Blood.

The Demon King Vidar who masters beastly magic capable of becoming a five hundred meter giant

The Demon King Gou who masters dark flame magic capable of burning anything in existence.

The last Demon King Lucifer who masters anti magic capable of nullifying all existing magic with an immortal body.

Storm Black fought the Demon King Khorne as his magic's effect could not be used on Demons and he was devoured by Dark Magic.

Then the fight could turn to the advantage of the alliance.

Storm Black was able to devour three Demons except Demon King Lucifer who was imprisoned in a negative dimension and the rest of the demons who could not be killed were sent to another world called Hell by the Elf King.