
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 31

...humans can fight monsters?"

After a moment of small talk and getting tails, an odour of blood puss and partially digested meat starts to lure other huge rats. As they madly run hoping to satiate hunger Lex with his Dark vision alerts a teammates

"They are coming, in number of another Three" When a team is preparing Sara tells

"Why they are always in Three? Is it their lucky number?"

After a moment man and girls use their perception of buff

Ludger tries to experiment with putting aura only on his eyes, as speaks [Strengthen Perception] green light mainly comes from his eyes

"I tried to change the distribution of aura in technique and it worked, if you focus only on eyes your vision would extend to ten meters, at a cost of other senses"

man grabs an arrow draws a bow and shoots at one of the rats that comes to his sight, rat doesn't expect to be seen so it doesn't dodge, flying arrow hit it between the brows, Ludger rapidly draws another arrow and fires, because he did it in haste arrow hits a nerve on a shoulder of a rat hindering its movement. Rat losses all of its momentum when falling to the ground, because it lost its balance. Its bloodshot eyes full of hatred look at the man while it starts to limp

Girl stabs spear into last charging rat, spear goes through its skull as if freshly sharpened killing it on the spot. Then she goes to the last limping rat, it uses all of the power in its back legs to jump at her, for a simple attack she just sidesteps evading an obvious lunge, spear stabs penetrating flesh going through a lungs, rat is shocked by sudden pain, but she doesn't end here.

The spear retracts and stabs again this time piercing the hearth, as the animalistic creature lies on the ground while bleeding to death

"This time it was easier" girl spokes while turning off buff to conserve stamina

"Yeah, it's good that my guess turned out to be true, over two times increased vision helped a lot" He turns off buff too

Lex goes to the bodies of dead rats to collect their tails

"Now we have nine tails, I'm curious about how much money it would go"

then he goes to collect arrows from their bodies, after shaking off blood he puts them into a quiver on the hunter's back

he looks at them as they are a bit winded from the fight and usage of aura

"After the next wave, we'll go back to rest and repeat the process" He looks into the distance and sees other rats "Speak about a devil, they are coming in number five!"

The group prepares to fend off other rats until the enemy reaches them Ludger is able to fire two arrows in quick succession doing two headshots, and another two dead rats lie on the ground. Because of exhaustion, he can't draw a bow,

Charging rats throw off one body to the water as the stream takes it into deeps of the sewers

Sara thrusts a spear at one of the rats hitting it and killing it on the spot, before the other two rats lunge at her, she activates [evasion] and dodges two attacks from rats, in the meantime she draws a sword on her hip.

In one swift movement sword moves at one of the rats that are in the air rupturing its throat, limp body hits the ground while bleeding heavily, painting her cloches with fresh red colour before the rat can lands on his paws turns back and attack girl again, she grabs spear that was stuck in a carcass and throws it like a javelin, after rat lands and turns back he have a close meeting with a spike that is going in his direction. Before vermin can do anything metal pierces its eye and brain stopping at the back of a skull

Sara Turns off buffs before she is exhausted to the point of collapse, girl with a struggle puts a short sword in the scabbard.

Lex comes to her with a spear

"Good job I didn't even need to intervene" he gives a spear to her left hand "Wait a bit I'll grab arrows and tails, afterwards we go out to rest" Lex does so, in a fast manner

"14 tails, nice" While she is panting he grabs her free hand "Go with me" She doesn't have any energy to speak and just follows him closely to not fall off to a filthy mixture of water, faeces and blood

he does the same with Ludger, leading them to exit

After a moment they feel as if the ground is vibrating, Lex looks back and

sees an unmeasurable amount of red eyes coming in his direction as if walls of sewer become alive, the mountain of flesh and pupils look in their direction. Rats were Lured by that one body that exploded and got thrown off to stream.

As Vermin Tide is lusting for the flesh, as he gives signs to his teammates to increase speed thankfully minds of animals can't process the fact that by going after them they'll have more food, now all of their existence is focused on filling their stomach. Rats like a tide wash onto the dead bodies of their comrades, trampling on the weaker of their kind Vermin Tide began its feast. horrific sounds of squeaks, and chewing of flesh with occasional cracks of bones reverberate through all of the sewers,

Even Surface dwellers of E-Rantel can feel like all of their city is shaking as if upon a city was cast low magnitude earthquake.

The local Mayor while eating his second dinner for today because of sudden vibration gets scared and bites his tongue, blood flows from his mouth while yelling at the servant to bring him healing potions.

After a moment servant comes with a chest full of bottles. Scared Mayor gulps three bottles before he gets sure that he is all right, but in reality, there was a need for only one. While being angry he lashes out at the poor servant hitting him madly all around for being slow in carrying healing potions.

An injured and humiliated servant can't resist, even touching his lord with a bit of force could be received as an act of treason and the poor peasant would be executed on the spot. After beating the man, the tired Mayor tells other terrified servants to ask about the earthquake, if not for good pay they wouldn't be working here

Back at Sewers World Enemies are going to the exit Sara and Ludger are too tired to run in an act of desperation Lex grabs them by their abdomen and carries them like boxes under his armpits, sprinting madly, because of that they survived encounter with a Vermin tide

After going through the entrance sprint does not stop, running for about a quarter of a kilometre, then he looks back at the entrance, rats are not pouring from it. A man relaxes and puts them on the grass

Sara speaks first "Why do you grab us and run to the entrance?" at the time she was too tired to contact with the sudden change in reality

before he can reply Ludger does it "At the time I used normal strengthen perception, I heard a cacophony of squeaks, steps and a munching of something" As he was carried under activation he doesn't feel any shaking

"There was a huge swarm of rats forming a tide of countless red eyes, thankfully to myy~ sharp eyes and mineee~ strong fit legs, we escaped from this problem. For now"