
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 29 First battle

After a small talk with retarded guard group comes into a sewers Lex gives them perfumed cloth, and everyone puts it into their nostrils. The entrance to the sewers is lit by weird lamps, that are working in the same way as lights on the streets of the middle and inner city, he looks at them with great interest.

"Use martial art" they listen and activate [Strengthen Perception], their senses are elevated

Sara with a spear goes first then Ludger with a bow last but not least is Lex holding a short sword

Sewers are quite spacious having walkable width and height of above 2 meters, if one would want to get dirty and put his foot or leg in filthy 'Water' full of faeces he would gain an additional 6m of width and potentially one or more height, but still no one rational would do that. The walkable space is too small for Lex to hold DS

"When we meet a slime I'll get rid of it, as this heteromorph has a natural resistance to physical damage"

Curious Sara asks "Why do you call it heteromorph instead of monster?"

"Because every 'Monster' in this world can think, the more powerful the higher the intelligence"

As they go forward light coming from the entrance dimmers until they are coated in pure darkness

"So how far can you see?"

Ludger replies "I can see like a 3m into the dark, when I concentrate it extends to 4"

"The same for me"

"hmm it's still good, but I expected something more"

after a moment of marching in the dark, Sara hears the patter of feet and scratches

"Something is coming" He takes a look

"There are three rats"

girl gets into a battle stance pointing a spear at incoming sounds, Ludger takes an arrow and takes it to the nocking point from where an arrow should get fired then he draws the bow focusing on enemies

pack of mad rats runs straight at them, rats are different from ones on earth, they are bigger than a race of dogs called Mastiffs, their claws are extended making scratching noises when they run for a pray, Lower and upper fangs are extended outwards making it a perfect weapon to stab something and don't let it go.

Foam drips from a mouth definitely carrying rabies and other diseases. Their mad red eyes look at anything that moves like on moving buffet. As it coded in their genes rats would do anything to satiate hunger and lust, resulting in multiplying beyond measure

As mad rats come to vision Ludger fires an arrow because dark sewers are a bad option for an archer whose vision is limited in the dark, making it impossible to do his role as a long-range attacker, he is able to fire only once, Arrow flies at a rat on the left

the rat does a partial dodge arrow gets stuck in its frontal paw, madly squeaking awkwardly running at Ludger

In the meantime Sara is fending off two charging at her rats, she thrusts a spike of a spear onto the rat.

vermin crazy from rabies didn't do any evasion, spear penetrates through his skull making mush from his brain

The third rat lunges at her trying to knock over a girl and get his sharp claws to her soft belly.

Before Sara could react and grab a small throwing axe on her belt, a giant rat weighing over 50kg collides with her, such a weight that is higher than that of a girl, easily brings her down, she falls on the ground hitting her head giving a concussion making her pass out.

Rat looks at the girl with hungry eyes thinking about a feast, in a moment he falls wet as if swimming in filthy water as it's the only thing that he knows. His racial ability Dark Vision stops to function, rat tries to look around, but sees nothing at the end he looks at the ground that turned pink, and in a matter of seconds his vision starts to work, he sees teeth, tongue, his world rotates as the giant tongue is exerting its force onto him, scared rat lands on one of countless teeth. Not being able to move rat lies on its back and sees its giant maw move, teeth many times his size come closer. In the end, the rat gets crushed under the force of a maw like a lover lifeform is only food to the things beyond his limited imagination

Rat under the influence of a killing intent becomes dead, his body experienced a severe heart attack, its mind got shattered, and there is nothing that could help the poor creature

When Ludgers sees that the rat that was madly charging is terrified and unmoving, he takes a second arrow and draws a bow, this time it hits the rat in the eye penetrating deep enough to injure the brain, Use of aura and drawing a bow as it needs huge strength to draw making him winded while catching breath he comes to rats and starts to cut off their tails

Lex comes to Sara

"She passed out because of her skull hitting the ground, without me, it would turn bad" He puts her weapons into the inventory

after a moment Ludger comes with three tails and throws them too

Lex inspects her head to see if there is any blood his hand is touching the place of impact

after searching for anything wrong he takes off his hand off her silky short back heir and looks at her ears, finding nothing special, expecting to find pointy ones

He carries her in a princess position

"We need to rest and wait until she awakens"

"Who knows how long it would take, as we are close let's go to the surface"

both men go to the entrance

"At this pace extermination of rats would take centuries, I'll teach you both another art that should increase your agility, its better to get tired faster and rest than sustain damage"

"Yeah, so why that rat stopped to move?"

"Because I attacked his senses, he was too scared to make any action"

After a bit of talk, two guys and a girl leave Sewers ignoring a Watchman whose brain got damaged by an intense stench

they take off the cloth blocking their noses and go away until they don't smell shit

Lex puts the girl on the ground and takes off part rations to eat

"You're hungry already?"

"It feels like I should take something on the teeth"

While chewing he remembers the feeling of satiety that comes after a usage of void cutter and focused battle aura. He thinks if it's all right to use it in the suburbs of E-Ranthel, the answer is fast no, as it could possibly hit someone and devastate a landscape

After a few minutes, a girl wakes up

"How I'm still alive?" she changes her position from laying to sitting while one of her hands is holding the back of head trying to massage the place where it hurts

"Rat charged knocking off you, while falling your head struck the ground, making you pass out"

"What happened to the rat?"

"I killed it, in the future when falling try to get hands behind your head, thanks to that you would be fine and ready to continue a fight" When talking to her, he takes a short sword with a scabbard giving it to her, "I think that toothpick sized sword would better complement your spear than a hatchet"

she is reluctant but still accepts his gift

"Thank you… I'll not get rid off the hatchet as its a gift from my mum"