
World End: Lost Bonds

In a post-apocalyptic world where terrifying monsters roam freely, the land has become a perilous place for civilians. However, the resilient survivors have managed to harness the power of magic, enabling them to create floating islands above the dangerous grounds. Among these survivors is Eldric Volker, a man who once faced a near-death situation. Since then, living in the comfort of his home, Eldric engage in dangerous adventures and quests in order to find leads of his near death experience. Everything came out empty, until he overheard news that his childhood friends, whom he once believed to be dead, may still be alive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note This is my first novel, I hope that this story captivates your interest. I know that the story might not have the best pacing, nor the information will be conveyed smoothly, but I will do my best to make it flow as best as I can. I hope you enjoy this story, and thank you very much for reading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about this novel that might be Important to mention Mc : Will be immature at times, but will mature in the future. Has a serious personality, and won't joke around in serious times. World : Imagine a post apocalyptic world, but with magic, swords, and guns (Steampunk equipment), a lot of things will be baron (like the lands) but there will be exceptions like the occasional forest and plantation. Harem : there will be romance.. I can't say anymore.

RobZ_ · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Labyrinth of Elements 3

As the flames illuminated the pillars and the air became charged with the elemental energies, a low rumbling sound reverberated through the chamber. Aria and Eldric watched in awe as the once-sealed entrance to the Labyrinth of Elements slowly began to creak open, revealing a mysterious passageway beyond.

"Whoaaa... Eldric, it opened." Aria amaze at the labyrinth entrance.

a mesmerizing sight before them. The labyrinth's entrance opened into a vast chamber adorned with sparkling crystals, each emitting a soft, ethereal glow. The walls were intricately carved with symbols representing the four elements, intertwining in a harmonious dance of power and balance.

As they walked inside the labyrinth, the path branched into four directions, with each pathway leading to a different section of the labyrinth.

"Let's go to the most left one first, and we can work out way towards the other pathway after." Said Eldric to Aria.

Aria nodded and they head into the first branch of the labyrinth.

They arrived at a cave like chamber, surrounded by the earth. Stalactite and stalagmite fill the place to the brim.

With their majestic formations. The chamber was dimly lit, the only source of light being the faint glow of luminescent moss clinging to the walls. Aria and Eldric treaded carefully, their footsteps echoing through the cavernous space.

As they ventured deeper into the chamber, they made it into a clearing. Aria noticed intricate patterns etched into the stone floor. The patterns seemed to mimic the natural formations around them, like a symphony of earth's artistry. She knelt down, running her fingers gently over the carvings, her connection with the earth allowing her to sense the energy resonating within.

"Eldric, these carvings... they hold a hidden message," Aria whispered, her voice filled with awe.

Eldric joined her, studying the carvings intently. His keen eyes deciphered the symbols and patterns, the same language used for the notebook. Upon translating it, it reveals a path that led deeper into the chamber. It was a complex trail, with twists and turns that mirrored the labyrinth's challenge.

With each step, the air grew heavier, and the earth's energy intensified. They could feel the pulsating power beneath their feet, urging them forward. As they followed the path, the stalagmites and stalactites seemed to come alive, their presence almost sentient.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound reverberated through the chamber, shaking the ground beneath them. The earth trembled, and from the walls, stone golems emerged. These towering creatures, crafted from the very rock they stood upon, possessed an immense strength and unwavering loyalty to protect something behind them.

Eldric unsheathed his sword, its blade gleaming in the dim light. Aria channeled her healing magic, preparing to support Eldric and shield him from harm.

The golems stood before Eldric and Aria, their solid bodies seeming impenetrable to ordinary weapons. However, Eldric's Sword of the Sword God, infused with the power of ancient enchantments, gleamed with an otherworldly radiance. With a nod from Aria, her healing magic surged through Eldric's blade, enhancing its strength and sharpness.

Eldric charged forward, his sword slicing through the golems with ease. With each strike, the golems shattered into countless fragments, only to reform and continue their relentless assault. Undeterred, Eldric focused his attacks on one golem, striking true and severing its head from its body. As the golem fell, an intriguing sight greeted them—a vibrant red gem nestled within its neck.

Recognizing the significance of the gem, Eldric swiftly aimed a decisive blow, shattering it into countless shards. The once formidable golem crumbled into lifeless pieces, its energy extinguished. Aria carefully collected the scattered fragments of the red cracked gem, sensing its latent power.

With the room now devoid of golems, Eldric and Aria took a moment to catch their breath. The air hung heavy with a mixture of triumph and relief. The shattered gem, once a source of the golems' animation, now lay in their hands as a tangible testament to their victory.

Examining the fragmented gem, Aria's eyes gleamed with curiosity. She sensed an inherent magic within it, an untapped potential waiting to be unleashed. Aria decided to collect the remaining gem, and store it in her bag.

Eldric and Aria pressed onward through the labyrinth. They finally reached a dead end, hidden among the rubble in the dead end, the found a switch. Curiosity piqued, Eldric hesitated for a moment before flipping the switch.

With a faint rumbling sound, the environment around them shifted. Walls realigned, passages opened, and the once-sealed pathway before them revealed a new route.

Following the newly revealed path, they ventured deeper into the labyrinth, they went back to the place that they originally were, the beginning of the labyrinth. But this time, the first passage is blocked off.

They continue on with the second pathway, it led them into a realm of swirling winds. Gusts whipped through the chamber, carrying a sense of both freedom and turbulence. They navigated through the tempestuous winds, their movements fluid and agile.

They used the power of the air element to their advantage. Eldric's sword sliced through the currents with precision, while Aria weaved her healing magic to shield them from the gusts.

The swirling winds led them deeper into the labyrinth, where they encountered platforms suspended in mid-air, connected by narrow bridges. With each step, they had to maintain their balance and carefully time their movements to avoid being swept away by the powerful gusts.

Their journey through the winds brought them to a massive chamber filled with whirling cyclones. It was a breathtaking sight, as if they had entered the very eye of a storm. But within the chaos, they sensed a hidden passage, a path they must follow to reach their goal.

Eldric led the way, deftly maneuvering through the spiraling winds, while Aria followed closely behind.

The challenges intensified as they approached the center of the chamber. Powerful gusts threatened to throw them off course, and swirling vortexes threatened to engulf them. But they pressed on, their determination unwavering.

Finally, they reached the heart of the chamber, where a dormant elemental guardian awaited. The guardian, a majestic being of air and wind, stirred as they approached. It unleashed a barrage of swirling cyclones, testing their resilience and skill.

Eldric activates his sword aura, he danced through the cyclones with his agile swordplay, finding openings to strike the guardian. Aria channeled her healing energies to shield them from the onslaught and boost Eldric's strength. The battle raged on, a symphony of steel and wind.

Eldric saw an opening and decided to go for it, he pierced the center of the elemental guardian. The guardian, now weakened, it yielded, acknowledging their mastery over the element of air. In a surge of wind, the guardian dissipated, leaving behind a relic of the wind's power—a feathered amulet pulsating with energy and a green core.

With the guardian gone, the wind stop raging, making the chamber tranquil once more. Eldric and Aria took a moment to catch their breath, the exhilaration of the battle still coursing through their veins.

Eldric and Aria shared a victorious smile. They collected the amulet and put it inside Aria's bag.

Continuing their journey, Eldric and Aria forged ahead, their footsteps resolute and determined. Their exploration led them to yet another pathway, bearing a striking resemblance to the previous one.

Another switch, identical in appearance to the one they had encountered before. Without hesitation, they activated it, aware of the consequences that awaited them. As the switch engaged, a series of mechanisms sprung to life, sealing off the second pathway they had just traversed.