
World End: Lost Bonds

In a post-apocalyptic world where terrifying monsters roam freely, the land has become a perilous place for civilians. However, the resilient survivors have managed to harness the power of magic, enabling them to create floating islands above the dangerous grounds. Among these survivors is Eldric Volker, a man who once faced a near-death situation. Since then, living in the comfort of his home, Eldric engage in dangerous adventures and quests in order to find leads of his near death experience. Everything came out empty, until he overheard news that his childhood friends, whom he once believed to be dead, may still be alive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note This is my first novel, I hope that this story captivates your interest. I know that the story might not have the best pacing, nor the information will be conveyed smoothly, but I will do my best to make it flow as best as I can. I hope you enjoy this story, and thank you very much for reading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about this novel that might be Important to mention Mc : Will be immature at times, but will mature in the future. Has a serious personality, and won't joke around in serious times. World : Imagine a post apocalyptic world, but with magic, swords, and guns (Steampunk equipment), a lot of things will be baron (like the lands) but there will be exceptions like the occasional forest and plantation. Harem : there will be romance.. I can't say anymore.

RobZ_ · Fantasy
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24 Chs

A Fated Meeting

Eldric continued doing quests daily, seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow. Each day brought him closer to mastering his swordsmanship skills. However, he knew that there was still much to learn and that he needed guidance from someone more experienced.

"....Eldric, come here...."

Eldric woke from his slumber, his mind filled with remnants of a voice echoing in his dreams. "What was that?" he muttered to himself, the words lingering in his thoughts.

With a sense of curiosity and anticipation, Eldric stepped out into the streets, the morning sun casting a warm glow on the worn cobblestones beneath his feet. As he made his way towards the adventurer's guild, a gentle breeze swept through the air, carrying with it a faint whisper. "...this way..."

Intrigued by the mysterious voice, Eldric followed its guidance, turning into a narrow alleyway that seemed to beckon him forward. His steps were cautious, his senses heightened, as if he were being led by an unseen force.

With each passing moment, the voice grew clearer, its words resounding within his mind.

"...you're close..."

"...this way..."

As Eldric navigated through the winding path, he found himself standing before a small, weathered smithy. The aged building exuded a sense of history and craftsmanship, and Eldric felt an inexplicable pull towards it.

Pushing open the creaky door, he entered the smithy, where an elderly man with a scruffy beard and worn hands stood amidst a collection of tools and scattered metalwork. The old blacksmith glanced up, his eyes meeting Eldric's with a knowing gaze.

"How is it going, young one?" the blacksmith asked, his voice rough yet comforting.

Eldric's nerves tingled as he responded, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. "I... I'm fine."

The blacksmith smiled warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "It seems that you are an adventurer. Feel free to look around. Perhaps you'll find something that catches your eye."

Eldric's gaze wandered, his eyes scanning the assortment of weapons and trinkets on display. And then, amidst the glinting blades and gleaming armor, he heard it again. A whisper, soft and alluring. "I'm here..."

Following the sound, Eldric's eyes fell upon a small pendant, its silver gemstone radiating with a gentle glow. The pendant dangled from a delicate black thread, its simplicity contrasting with the aura of power that seemed to emanate from it.

With trembling hands, Eldric reached out, carefully lifting the pendant and holding it before him.

Eldric held the pendant in his hand, its gentle glow pulsating with an unfamilliar energy. As he stared at the silver gemstone, a sudden feel of power coursed through him, causing a chill to run down his spine. To his astonishment, a faint presence began to materialize before him.

A figure emerged from within the pendant, gradually taking shape until it stood before Eldric—a spectral form of a man, his eyes filled with wisdom and a sense of unwavering strength. The air around them seemed to shimmer with anticipation as the weight of their encounter hung palpably in the air.

The person, clad in tattered yet elegant garments that whispered tales of battles fought and won, exuded an aura of wisdom and mischief. His silver hair cascaded like moonlight, framing a weathered face etched with the marks of a lifetime of combat.

"Who... Who are you?" Eldric stammered, his voice laced with a mixture of awe and confusion.

The man chuckled, his voice carrying an air of lightheartedness. "Just call me your friendly neighborhood mentor. I've been waiting for you, young one. There's potential in you, a spark that I rarely come across. So, I thought I'd offer you my humble guidance."

Eldric figured that this is the perfect chance that he needed to get stronger.

"Alright, mysterious guy," Eldric said with a determined smile. "Show me what you've got."

After the conversation, Eldric decided to purchase the silver pendant.

"I'll be taking this, sir," said Eldric to the blacksmith.

"Are you sure? This pendant has had numerous owners who claimed that, while the stone looks beautiful, it doesn't provide any defense or stat boosts," the blacksmith cautioned.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Eldric responded convincingly.

After the ecounter, Eldric still doesn't really trust the person, but he decided to go along with what the mysterious person has to offer.

"I understand your skepticism, my young friend. But actions speak louder than words. Let me show you a little something."

With a flick of his spectral hand, the man summoned a wooden training sword. He extended it towards Eldric, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Go on, give it a swing. I promise you won't be disappointed."

Reluctantly, Eldric took the training sword, his grip tentative at first. As he hesitantly executed a few practice swings, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his arm. The movements flowed naturally, guided by an unseen force. His strikes became sharper, his footwork more precise.

Eldric's eyes widened in astonishment. The person playful grin widened into a satisfied smile. "See, young one? I may like to joke around, but I've honed my skills for centuries. And I believe you have the potential to wield a sword just as skillfully."

From that moment on, even though there is still some doubt in Eldric, he start trusting the person guidance. Their training sessions became a harmonious blend of rigorous practice, insightful lessons, and light-hearted banter. Eldric's skills flourished under the person watchful eye, his strikes growing swifter and his techniques more refined.

Amidst their training, Eldric and the person would often sit together, catching their breath and reflecting on their progress. It was during these moments that the master would weave tales of the three higher beings who ruled over the realms—the mighty Sword God, Hephaestus, the Wise Sage, Sophronius , and the enigmatic Death Lord, Thanatos.

Eldric leaned forward, his eyes bright with curiosity. "Master, tell me more about these higher beings. What makes them so powerful?"

The master leaned back, a thoughtful expression crossing his spectral face. "Ah, the higher beings... They each possess unique strengths and command vast influence over the world. The Sword God, Hephaestus, a paragon of martial prowess, wields a blade capable of cleaving mountains and summoning tempests. Their power lies in the mastery of combat and the protection of justice."

Eldric nodded, his mind filled with images of an unstoppable warrior. "And what of the Sage? What makes them wise?"

A wistful smile graced the master lips. "The Sage, Sophronius, is a person of wisdom, She possess knowledge beyond measure and hold the keys to ancient secrets. Their power lies not in brute force, but in the ability to unravel mysteries, heal wounds, and guide civilizations towards enlightenment, She is also the one that invent the floating island magic.

Eldric's gaze sparkled with fascination. "And what about the Death Lord? You mentioned a simmilarity between me and this enigmatic figure. What makes you think that?"

The Man eyes flickered with a mixture of reverence and caution. "Ah, the Death Lord, Thanatos... They are a figure cloaked in shadow, walking the fine line between life and death. They hold dominion over the realm of the departed and possess a unique understanding of the cycle of existence. Their power, my young apprentice, lies in transformation and the inevitability of change."

Eldric's brows furrowed in contemplation. "But why do you think I bear a resemblance to Thanatos, the Death Lord, master? What is it about me that reminds you of this powerful entity?"

The master's gaze turned inward, his voice filled with a sense of mystery. "I myself aren't sure of that, there is something inside you, a familliar energy... cough cough, yes I read a book long time ago, and I think that your spirit is simmilar to what the records show about the Death Lord, an aura that emanates from you, akin to the indomitable will and relentless pursuit of power that the Death Lord was known for."

Eldric's mind raced with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he was honored to be associated with such a legendary figure, but on the other, the implications were daunting. He wondered if this connection carried a burden or a destiny he was yet to uncover.

One fateful day, a prominent quest came Eldric's way. It entailed venturing into a dangerous labyrinth with a group of seasoned adventurers. Eldric hesitated, uncertain if he should accept the mission. Sensing his apprehension, Eldric's master, invisible to all but Eldric, became visibly shaken.

"Please, Eldric," the master implored, his voice tinged with seriousness and urgency. "You must take this quest, Trust me."

Eldric was taken aback by his master's fervent plea. Without fully understanding the gravity of the situation, he accepted the quest

After waiting at the appointed time, Eldric found himself standing alone at the meeting point. The bustling sounds of the adventurers' guild faded into the background as a sense of disappointment washed over him. He had hoped for companions to join him on this perilous quest, but it seemed fate had a different plan.

Eldric glanced around, hoping for a last-minute arrival or a change of heart from his fellow adventurers. But the faces that met his gaze were filled with uncertainty, fear, or disinterest. The labyrinth's reputation for danger and the rumors that swirled around it had deterred even the boldest of souls.

Undeterred by the lack of company, Eldric stood tall, his eyes filled with determination. The echoes of his master's teachings reverberated in his mind, fueling his resolve and reminding him of the strength that lay within him. With each passing day, his skills had sharpened, and his spirit had grown bolder.

And so, Eldric with unwavering determination and a flicker of anticipation in his eyes, Eldric continued his solitary quest, ready to face the unknown labyrinth.


"By the way, master, what is your name?"

"...People call me Vulcan."