
World Destruction (One-Shot)

A woman causes the worlds destruction. We see inside the mind of the woman who caused the end of the world. The last moments of a soldier who was sent out to battle. And the final moments of a mother and her child who cant escape annihilation. And this is the story of the beginning, middle and the end. ================================================ webnovel doesn't have these tags so ill add them myself: angst emotional rollercoaster multiple POV one-shot world ending. this story was posted on another website but didnt gain much attention there, so i am posting it here.

Original_Sin · Fantasy
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The End

Standing on top of a mountain Evelyn stands there looking into the crater with crazy joy written on her face.

She turns around seeing planes, jets, helicopters and soldiers all charging at her. The vehicles carrying advanced weapon art that she helped build and the soldiers moving at inhuman speeds that she helped them achieve plus more.

She also sees some news crews recording from the back with high tech cameras so that they could see her even from such a distance.

Evelyn spread her arms out to her sides and threw her head back, letting a smile out on her face. Her shoulders start shaking as she starts to laugh.

Her laughs getting louder and louder, everyone who heard them was disturbed by the sound.

She puts one of her hands on her face as she bends over from laughing so much before regaining a bit of composure as she sends a message to the world by the helicopters recording this incident, clearly they don't know what was going on.

"Hello world! I would like to say, it should be an honour to you all that you are witnessing the beginning of the end! This is my final masterpiece! My final symphony! This is the end! Rejoice, your end shall come by my hands! Spend the last of your pitiful time on this pitiful planet!"

As she starts her grand speech, that wouldn't make sense to any sane person, the crater in the mountain she was standing on starts picking up wind. And blue energy starts swirling from the centre before spreading out.

She then once again spreads her arms out a crazy smile on her face as the world seems to go black and red. All her body going black but the whites and red Iris of her eye still standing out as the background behind her bursts with flames.

A giant starts to come through the portal behind her. As it has some flames on its scales covering its massive snake like body. It once it is fully through the portal the full size is shown all over the world through the news crews that were recording it.

It is over six hundred kilometres. Everyone who looked at knew the second they saw it was the end. Nobody knew when it started but families at home heard windows shattering and some heard guns being shot.

But that wasn't all that came out of the portal, armies of people ten times the size of normal humans came out and ran out of the portal and down the mountain towards the still shocked army, but when they saw the monsters coming at them they all charged together. Knowing it was the only chance to stop the apocalypse.

"Rejoice! As you all meet your end by my doing! Rejoice! As the world comes to an end by God's will!" Evelyn shouted, her voice travelling seemingly the whole world as everyone heard it. Everyone heard her, just like she wanted.

The war between armies was bloody and some giant beast that floated in the air didn't do anything but just float up in the sky, not bothered by the missiles, planes and jets crashing into it.

Some of the pilots had the brilliant idea to shoot at Evelyn. They thought that if she died, the beasts would just… go away or die. Evelyn sighed pitifully when she thought of that, how sad, such naive thinking.

It seemed they had a signal as hundreds of missiles all came towards her at once. She sighed as she looked at it, such a pitiful move. She put one finger up and once all misfiled were close enough she blew on her finger and an energy that was building on top of it shot out like a wall and it kept on expanding and moving towards the soldiers and military. The missiles blew up immediately once they hit the shield and that caused a chain reaction among all of them that they all blew up at once.

Some of the monsters died during that but more humans did. And more aircrafts were destroyed during that failed assault than all aircraft crashes in history.

"YOU CAN'T KILL GOD! NONE OF YOU CAN! I AM GOD! AND YOU WILL FACE THE END OF TIMES!" Evelyn shouted as she finally moved off the top of the mountain down towards the chaos.

But at the same time the giant snake moved from its position of hovering in the air and went down destroying the rim of the mountain so that the portal could expand.

And expand it did. It doubled in size from its already massive width and then completely destroying the morale of the military. More giant snake monsters came out before it then changed to human giants who looked to be made out of solid white with a red line on the top of the head, they held giant swords that were made out of gold or maybe that was the flames surrounding the swords.

Evelyn then hopped onto one of the giant armoured snakes as it passed below her causing mass destruction to the ground and armies of both sides.

She rode on its head a sick smile on her face, that looked peaceful because of all the destruction she was causing. It was so beautiful, so fun, why didn't she think of doing this before.

"Listen well my army! Destroy any human civilization! It's time for the end! GO!" She commanded.

All the giants moved out and by this point the military that had tried to kill her was gone and only a few soldiers were left.








A soldier lied on the ground as he heard some monsters in the distance. He looked down at his phone sending one text message that would probably never reach its receiver as there was no signal out there. He looked up with dead eyes that had tear marks going down, but none were falling down now.

"This is a shit show, right guys." He mumbled to himself, he looked around at his dead squad. He had led them to this place, to their deaths. He told them it was a simple mission. The last of the group who had betrayed the world council was found and they were planning something and they were to kill them.

He should have known something was up when the whole military got involved. What a shit show. His eyes dead and no emotion other than sadness present in them he closed his eyes as he heard one of the monsters getting close, they thought this little guy was tough to beat, but then these massive guys came out of that damned portal.

He closed his eyes for the last time as a monster stepped on him and killed him in an instant. Once it had confirmed that it had killed the pest it went on and kept searching for survivors to kill.








A family was packing up their stuff as the mother sped throughout the house getting stuff that probably wasn't even important in this situation.

"Mom, what's going on?" A boy asked innocently as he woke up from a midday nap.

"It's okay sweetie just go to the car and wait for mommy." The mother begged as she crouched in front of her child, tears in her eyes but they stayed there. She had to be strong for her child. They were getting out of here and surviving.

"Ok." He mumbled before sleepily walking towards the door as the mother had finished packing and the kid had only unlocked the door.

His mother then put him on her hip and raced down the stairs, the noise of riots and destruction around her. Noises of shouting, crying, guns and other sounds rang out as she put her kid in her minivan.

By this point the boy had realised something was wrong and was wide awake. He was in the front seat and he never usually was and loud noises were around him and he didn't know what was going on.

He tried to look out the window only for his mother to put her hand over his face. "Close your eyes! And don't open them! Or don't look outside!" She shouted, scarring the child even more. "Sorry, mommy's just stressed. But just listen to me and nothing else, ok?" She asked rushed as she kept turning her key, as her car refused to start for some reason.

"Ok." The boy replied to empty ears as the mother focused on the car.

"Come on, come on, come on." She kept repeating as she kept turning the key until it finally worked. "Thank you!" She put the car in reverse as she drove out into the street.

People ran all over the place and some threw bottles that were on fire at buildings as chaos reigned supreme.

Cars were crashed and windows and stores and houses were broken but she managed to focus on the road and not crash as she drove at speeds that were definitely not legal.

That was until she heard a big gust of wind rush past her windows and her car shake a little. She thought nothing of it until it happened again and again and again.

She looked in her rearview mirror and saw one of them giant white humans with a sword before the news was turned off and so was every other power in the area.

She then saw the thing swing it's sword right to left slowly. And she saw that the places he was pointing at would be consumed with flames.

She knew she wasn't going to make it, neither was her child, her baby, she swore the day he was born that she would protect him however she could and now she couldn't even do that. The only way left for her to protect him was to keep the situation from him and to comfort him.

So she stopped the car and turned it off. She pulled over to the side of the road and turned to look at him as he still had his hands over his eyes.

She took them away from his face and turned his face to look at her. His eyes were closed but they slowly opened and she could see the happiness in his eyes when he saw her. That made her even more sad knowing she would never get to see them again.

"Mommy loves you, baby. You know that don't you?" She asked, her tears finally making themselves known.

"Of course." He replied confused. Were they having a competition? "But I love you more mommy. To the moon and back!"

The mother laughed at that. "Of course. I just wanted you to know." She kissed his head and pulled him into her chest for a deep hug. He tried to get out but she just hugged him tighter. "Please don't leave, just… just let mommy have this one last time." She begged as she started to sniffle and cry. She heard the sounds getting closer and she hoped that this one hug would last forever.

The boy didn't like being hugged by his mommy as it was embarrassing and big boys didn't hug their mommy's. But hearing her start to cry he didn't resist anymore, in fact he hugged back. Making her cry even more as he hadn't done that in a while.

The mother then felt an extreme heat and hugged him tighter before she died. The boy died right after, but the hug saved him from most of the pain the flames caused and died from no oxygen in the air and all the water in his body drying out. His death was painless while the mothers was full of pain, but what mother wouldn't want to keep all the pain she could take away from her child.

The white giant looked down upon the city in flames. No, it wasn't a city anymore. It was just a crater covered in flames. No signs of civilization left.

Evelyn thyme opened her eyes and looked around. The word ruined and here she was sitting on top of the snake giant. All alone.

The days were lonely now, and the world was ruined. But, her having the dream of all that destruction…




















That made it all worth it.